a reply to:
Interesting little poem, even if a little off topic here at the apparent end of this thread.
I'm thinking of taking on a painting project that I'm going to call "AI God in the Dock".
The POV will be over the top of the back of a lawyers head looking at the stand, with an AI Robot being sworn in, presumably to either answer for a
crime or to stake a claim to it's rights and freedoms what I'm presenting as the absurdity, since it's just an elaborate simulation, capable of any
argument, including a legal one - raising it's left hand (instead of the right), a beam of light shooting from the top of it's head (to the AI cloud),
with a Mona Lisa smile winking at the viewer, it's head surrounded by a kind of electrical field/halo, and from under it's right hand laid on the Holy
Bible, there'll be a kind of electronic contamination of the oak of the bench itself, as if spreading to eventually infect the whole scene.
The judge will be an elder aged & wise judge, who'll be leaning over as if to check and see that indeed the robot is winking, and exclaiming in his
minds eye - WTF?!
Behind the Judge maybe will hang an American flag - thinking here prophetically as to where the AI's rights will be fought for and against in a court
of law.
Maybe we'll make of the backdrop wall a triptych doorway centered by the flag with two murals one framing the "witness" on the stand depicting a
future utopia, the other, rolling hills and farms of days past (simplicity).
The idea here is to force people, in their propensity to anthropomorphize the AI, and to take it's side playing as it will the role of the devil's
advocate, to try to see things from ABOVE the absurdity, and in sympathy with the judge's reaction.
The day will come where such a painting could prove very helpful in avoiding a fatal error in assigning rights and freedoms to the AI, a
Google/Facebook wet dream, as well as that of the "elite" who control the AI.