Not sure where to put this one, it could go in so many different sub-forums, so I'll just put it here in 'General'.
The other day my laptop crashed and burned. Not sure what happened, but I think the motherboard fried. I managed to get it working enough to attach
an external hard drive and mirror off all the data files. Most of it I already had backed up, but I just wanted to get the most recent data. Because
many of my keyboard keys were not working I had to use some more global commands to get all the data. Last Sunday I went out and bought a new laptop.
I wasn't too mad because my old laptop was 4+ years old and had given me pretty good service. I got the new laptop set up, installed all the
software and copied all the data from my old laptop (now on my external HD) over to my new computer. Everything was working great, no problems.
So last night I was busy canning some spicy pickles and eggs and decided to listen to some music from my new machine. I clicked on my normal music
directories and all these weird files showed up. At first I just ignored them thinking I would just go back and clean them out later. There were a
bunch of them, hundreds even. I was searching for a particular song I wanted to listen to, but all these extraneous files kept getting in the way.
What are these files???
The new files were .MP3 files and they had titles like 170901_1554. Always 6 digits with an underscore and then 4 more digits. Okay, so it's an .MP3
file, so let's play it and see what it is, right?
So, I played one of the files. ............ It's a recording of ME, in a conversation I was having with someone else. I hadn't recorded that
conversation. So then I listened to a whole bunch of these files, and they were all recordings of conversations. Hundreds of conversations!! Me
talking with my wife, me talking with a business colleague...even one of me talking to my dogs! Some of them were just 2-3 minutes long. Some of
them were 45 minutes long. Hundreds and hundreds of recorded audio of conversations. WTF??? Like seriously...W...T...F??????
Now, I'm pretty computer saavy (lord knows, I work in the industry) so I'm pretty good about turning stuff off. When I set up a computer I spend
hours turning off all the bloatware, all the recording and video. I'm kind of obsessive about turning off all the "big brother" stuff, and I
frequently check to make sure updates don't add or turn something back on again. I run pretty damn good security on my machines too. That laptop was
tight as a drum...or so I thought. Yet, there are hours and hours of conversations recorded on it. Probably hundreds of hours!!!! Absolutely
I have no idea what software recorded these files. I have no idea what triggered them to be recorded. I equally have no idea what or whom they were
sent to. The good news is, there wasn't much of anything particularly notable in the recordings, but the simple fact they exist at all is a SERIOUS
WTF moment!!!
Pretty scary!! Pretty scary that something like this could happen to someone like me, and it makes me wonder how much other EVIL-WARE is out there on
other people's machines, recording everything they're doing!!
edit on 3/18/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)