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Unopend secret chamber under sphinx in Giza Plateau ??

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posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by khafra
reply to post by cassini

it isnt just cayce that has said this there are numerous people that have looked for it.buaval and hancock say theres one there along with h.c.randall stavens and also h.spencer lewis all claim that the "genesis chamber" is located at the rear of the sphinx.If you can find a copy read the stargate conspiracy by linda picknett and clive prince its a little eye opening as to what is going on on the giza plataeu

Cayce also said there was another stash of Atlantis records hidden in Central America. So if Egypt does not want to share those under the sphynx, then perhaps we can find the other - perhaps in the pyramid presented on the recent CNN documentary discussed in another thread.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

there is supposedly a door below the head of the sphinx that was originally thought to be the plaque naming khafu as being there or to identifie him as the builder the problem is is that they said that about the great pyramid but it was ihmotep who designed it and forsaw most of the contsruction"supposedly".What i want to know is that when certain things were discoverd why were they covered up why was hawass kicked out of the committe and why was the cia involved in his reinstatement as head of atiquties again

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

There is supposedly a door below the sphinx head originally thought to be a plaque with khafus name on it indicating him as the builder the same is said of the pyrmid but it was ihmotep "supposedly"who desighned the pyramid and forsaw the building of it.what i would like to know is the ral reason for hawasses dismissal as head of antiquaties and the are's involvment with his reinstatement a month late

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by khafra
reply to post by cassini

read the stargate conspiracy by linda picknett and clive prince its a little eye opening as to what is going on on the giza plataeu

Do you have a good link to an E-book of this? I cant seem to find it, it must be buried.

Also, what tomb in china are you guys talking about that they cant/wont open?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 05:51 AM
'interesting' comments from the giza mafia.....

When asked if he still plans to open the door at the north end of the Sphinx on November 1, 1996, Hawass replied (rest of interview follows):

Dr. Zahi Hawass (HAWASS): No, I am not going to open it now. We have other things really to do.

Linda M. Howe (HOWE): How are you going to... because it's so interesting. It sounds like it should be very interesting to see what's in there?
HAWASS: I know but that door was opened in 1922 before. We are going to re-open it again.

HOWE: What did they see in 1922?
HAWASS: They entered inside and they found nothing.

HOWE: What happened between the August news conference and now to change that opening up of that door in the Sphinx?
HAWASS: We are just going to open it when we will reach the restoration. We are restoring the Sphinx now and this is what we care about -- the restoration. And this will be opened. You know, those people should know that there is nothing in the door. There is nothing in the door, it has been opened before and it is not really a big deal to open it.

HOWE: And what you're going to do is wait until you've got the restoration completed before you open the door or...?

HOWE: When will the restoration be completed?
HAWASS: Um, we don't know. You know in archaeology, ma'am, we are very slow because the monuments are very precious. You do not -- we are not "Raiders of the Lost Ark," we are caring about the monument.

HOWE: Right
HAWASS: You know what I am talking about?

HOWE: Right. In the news conference in August, you said you thought the restoration would be done in 97. Is that still possible?
HAWASS: Maybe, maybe.

HOWE: And then at that point, somewhere in 97, the opening of the north side door in the Sphinx...
HAWASS: But you have to know that there is nothing in that door, really.

HOWE: It was very interesting to see your news conference and to see how much work that you have been doing and, um, how many, I think there were 10 different pyramid sites now available and open to the public in, ah...
HAWASS: OK, this is really what I care about, those people who met at the conference at Delaware [The "Return to the Source: Rediscovering Lost Knowledge and Ancient Wisdom" conference was held September 27-29, 1996, at the University of Delaware], they attacked me everywhere because I do not open the pyramids to amateurs. And I will never -- we will never -- means... I am not the person who really only decides. I am one person on the committee. But those people who made this conference in Delaware are really not correct. It's not true that any kind of work is going to be done in the pyramids. By anyone. Except the Egyptian government -- except us.

HOWE: Ah, well, let me see, for clarification. There was a man named Richard Hoagland who read an invitation on a radio program, I believe last weekend, who said that he had received an invitation to come the last week in October for the opening of some sort of excavation?
HAWASS: Ma'am, that is not true, believe me. That is not true. And I am the only one that is in charge of the pyramids and there is nothing like this is going to be happening.

HOWE: Well, maybe you could confirm for me, has the Egyptian government, working with scientists, discovered any underground chambers in and around the Sphinx?
HAWASS: There is nothing. There is an expedition from Florida State University working last April in the Giza Plateau and that's it.

HOWE: What did they discover?
HAWASS: We don't know. Just, you know, many people who use radar, they wouldn't know if they are right or not. But we cannot let anyone to hurt the Sphinx. The Sphinx is a national monument and we cannot let any one to hurt the Sphinx or excavate room. We are restoring the Sphinx. We are caring about the Sphinx. We cannot let people to drill, to open Sphinx. I mean, this is an international heritage. It's for everyone. We are really permitting scientists only. We cannot permit amateurs to work on our monuments.

HOWE: Right, well, I was referring to... I thought, perhaps, scientific investigation. There was a man in New York, a Mr. Schor, I thought, that was underwriting an expedition at the end of October?
HAWASS: That Mr. Schor worked last October with Florida State University. They applied to work around the Sphinx. It still, there is the permanent committee, which is the only committee that they permit scientists to work. They did not look at that proposal yet.

HOWE: Oh, I see. So there has not been any authorization for the ex...
HAWASS: Nothing, nothing.

HOWE: And yet, I understood that, anyway, Mr. Schor was preparing to go to Egypt in the end of October? Is that...
HAWASS: I'm telling you that I am not the one who permits things like that -- there is a permanent committee who meets maybe about 20 days from now, we don't know really when, and that committee are the only ones that decide if anyone gets to work or not.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:37 AM
The Hall of Records Pyramid is about 100-150 yards in front of the Sphinx. Cayce said it lied between the Sphinx and the river. He also said the entrance to the connecting chambers was near the right paw and may not be entered until the changes come. I think that entrance is behind the the paw where that square construction is blocking it. It was photographed in 1926. Scroll down to see where the Hall of Records pyramid was uncovered then buried again.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Sargoth]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:00 AM
So did they ever open this thing?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:49 PM
Probably one of the best sources about subterranean Sphinx chambers is Robert Temple's 'The Sphinx Mystery' 2009 by Inner Traditions , Rochester VT (ISBN 978-1-59477-271-9. Temple thoroughly covers virtually ever report of underground chambers with some reports dating to late antiquity (1st century CE). Sadly, most of the chambers are hardly secret except for those you haver failed to read the extensive literature base on the subject pre-dating 1953. Temple's book is a somewhat heavy tome so if you elected to read it allow some's 536 pages, with dozens of wonderful graphics, heavily footnoted and a great sources consulted for follow up reading. It's certainly worthwhile to remember that Temple's ideas concerning the Sphinx do not follow mainstream Egyptology but I don't find that a big negative since the mainstream has become rather hung up on the status quo refusing to even consider any alternatives to what has been accepted. Temple is no Sitchen, who I think is a little fanciful and seems to be writing for an audience who accepts everything he says (meaning that if you haven't read his books in sequence he doesn't make a great deal of sense), but he is certainly an iconoclast of the first order! Anyway, if you check out Temple's book you will find enough references to keep you occupied for years!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:36 AM
The director of antiquities Hawass is a bit of a jerk..Can you I'magine if the Hall of Records was found it would probably change history as we know it..but as what was said the Egyptian government will not allow anyone to dig so we will probably never know I'm sure the Egyptian government is hiding what ever they do know

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
The director of antiquities Hawass is a bit of a jerk..Can you I'magine if the Hall of Records was found it would probably change history as we know it..but as what was said the Egyptian government will not allow anyone to dig so we will probably never know I'm sure the Egyptian government is hiding what ever they do know

They've already allowed two different teams to dig there. They found nothing.

What do you want, a swiss cheese sphinx enclosure?


posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Harte

Thank you for writing, I appreciate your opinion though I don't know why you needed to insult me there is alot of things about egypt we dont know about..

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by Harte

Thank you for writing, I appreciate your opinion though I don't know why you needed to insult me there is alot of things about egypt we dont know about..

Are you offended by cheese then?


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by Harte

Thank you for writing, I appreciate your opinion though I don't know why you needed to insult me there is alot of things about egypt we dont know about..

Are you offended by cheese then?


I think you've got something to hide - that you are, in fact, sitting in the Hall of Records under the Sphinx right now as you read this. We'll find you. One day.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Kolya

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by Harte

Thank you for writing, I appreciate your opinion though I don't know why you needed to insult me there is alot of things about egypt we dont know about..

Are you offended by cheese then?


I think you've got something to hide - that you are, in fact, sitting in the Hall of Records under the Sphinx right now as you read this. We'll find you. One day.

Bring cheese, please. Swiss, preferably.

I got the wine.


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