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Unopend secret chamber under sphinx in Giza Plateau ??

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posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 06:40 PM
This is fact. There is a 'secret chamber' under the 'paw'. It is fact that it has, indeed, not been opened! Why? Cause Hawass will not allow it to be opened.

I will endeavor to find the article(s) saying such, but I do remember reading them, which have been years ago.

Hawass is in charge of this site and the relating Giza Complex, among a slew' of other areas. Hawass is downplaying this and has refused it being excavated due to what he calls "inconceivable, and unforseen damage(s) to the Sphinx itself."


posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 06:48 PM
Well, it is only a matter of time before Hawass is unable to do is job. Hopefully the next in line will be more willing.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 07:16 PM
The show you are talking about is on the discovery channel every month or so and is hosted by Charlton Heston and called The Mystery of the Sphinx. The main part of it is about how the Sphinx has water erosion and not sand erosion and from the dates the erosion took place it's older then archeologists believe and more importantly older then Kufu who according to Egyptologists is the one that created the Sphinx in the first place. Basically a geologist�s vs. Egyptologists debate.

One of the more interesting things on the show was this guy that showed how the layout of the great pyramids and some of the smaller pyramids in Egypt are located in a formation that matches the formation of the stars of Orion.

They then go in to theories on who built it and in the discussions talk about Cayce who said there was a hall of records of Atlantis located under the right paw of the Sphinx along with a tunnel system (he also said another hall is located on the Yucatan peninsula). Later in the show they had a guy who did the sonar tests and detected a cavity under the paw that looked to be square and not a natural formation.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 11:49 PM
nice name, mxy.
yeah, i watched that documentary on the sphinx etc, and it seemed pretty clear that the sphinx was water-eroded. So why the frikkin uproar in the scientific community? Its like they had questioned Darwin or something.....
A: Its all about power.
Anyway, there's a temple in egypt that, according to my sources, had tunnels under it, on3 of which was unexplored and led in a westward direction. One article states that people were known to emerge or have emerged from there, and that when students dissapeared down this tunnel, the Egyptian government sealed it off(bastards!). Just like what the Maltese officials did regarding the Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti.

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 02:09 AM
I think you all do Dr Zahi Hawass a serious injury without good cause. The man has been fired by the Egyptian authorities on different occassions for carrying out work they disgareed with. ITs not Hawass who does n`t won`t these things coming to light its the Government of Egypt. It is only by his careful work that anything decent gets done. Don`t judge the guy to harshly he is a top notch archaeologist and is caught between a rock and hard place.

It would also be prudent to point out that after much name calling and general nastiness to each other such people as Graham Hancock and Robert Bavual now get along very well with Zahi Hawass. If these guys can theres no real reason to do him down.

Heres a link to John Anthony West site, the guy who thinks it was water not sand erosion,

Background to the origination of the water theory,

link to the affirmation of tunnels and chambers under the sphinx,

Please read the one above with an open mind. This is a piece that is fairly well repeated on the net and has a large prejudice behind it as well as some plain wrong info. Section 2 is the part to be concerned with.

The chambers that have been found by the seismic survey could well be anything, it is only Edgar Cayce who has ever talked of the "Hall of records" (he may be right but aftering hearing some of his other prophecies I doubt it).

link to a complete translation of the Book of the dead

[Edited on 11-7-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 05:32 PM
Well, if it is indeed the Egyptian Government who is preventing the exploration (which it very well could be), then why is Howass complying now? On something so important? It is true that he has gone behind the officials and done work...why not now?

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 06:18 AM
Because as I pointed out he is caught between a rock and a hard place. He is most likely juggling people resources etc around to try to get the truth but when you have to compete against a government its gonna be tricky now is n`t.

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 11:11 AM
I'm with Cassini on this one. I don't see any justification in slamming Howass. And you ask why isn't he doing work despite the you know he is not???

do you even know for sure that there isn't government-condoned work going on???

I don't think you do know one way or the other, right?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
You are exactly right about Hawass. As a rule I change the channel if he is involved with whatever digs they may be talking about.

agreed. Zahi Hawass is a jerk of the highest magnitude. I remember about 3 or 4 years ago there was a show that featured the live opening of an Egyptian tomb, and Hawass spent the entire show hitting on the comely female host and trying to grab her behind. it seems like that any new show to be made about ancient Egypt that wants the government's cooperation must have him involved. ick.

edit: I know nothing about Hawass, but something about his manner makes him come off awful on TV. just my personal opinion.

[Edited on 7/14/2003 by MorningtonCrescent]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:02 PM
The page at the following URL gives, what seems to me, such a nice, one page summary of matters in this thread that I wanted to share it:

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 03:44 PM
there was a guy on tv that was in an underground part of a pyramid and was going to go in this one hallway that was supposed to lead to under the sphinx and they said they would put that on tv but never did

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by highchancellor
there is suppost to be a chamber containing all of the knowledge of a lost civilization (Atlantis) hidden under the Sphinx

I read that, I also read that a race of Aliens (named "Kamagol") came to Earth and helped man build the Pyramids. Supposedly, in the main hidden chamber, there are golden discs (not UFO's, but more like laser data discs) that hold a massive history lesson about the rest of the universe. I wish I could remember where I read this, but unfortunately I can't.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:42 AM
In the meantime there are always the Akashic Records to entertain ourselves with.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:46 AM
That I believe to be false. It was I believe Plato who talked about the people of Atlantis after its fall making their way to different places in the world. He mentioned how Atlantean information had been given to the Egyptians and that in fact some Atlanteans had lived in Egypt. I am not sure that he did mention it being under the Sphinx but what i am sure of is that He did place a "hall of records" or a library of sorts containing Atlantean information in the posession of the Egyptians. I did read this somewhere else in a book about Atlantis, i cant place it now but have found a couple of links.

Atlanteans in Egypt.. This link shows that.
Atlantis in Egypt

One other link i found was of a book Plato wrote which he describes the Egyptians still having the knowledge. Its a few paragraphs down check it out.

Plato's Atlantis

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 07:30 PM
Nyeff- I agree with you that the "mystery of Egypt" is what is keeping tourism (money), rolling in. We all know that when a mystery is really solved, slowly people lose interest. Keeping these "mysteries" alive is the easiest way to ensure that Egypt will have a lot of tourism (money) for years to come.

As for the two hour special in Fox.... That same tomb had been opened at least a year before the coverage, and Hawass was doing it as if it was a new find. I am no sure if it is because of Hawass or the Egyptian government, but they don't ever do "live" coverage of excavations, for several reasons.

One of those reasons could be that in a live coverage they might show things they don't want people to see, another has to do with safety. Imagine if during the live coverage the tomb collapses and kills or traps the reporters and Hawass. If something like this happens it will certainly affect the image of Egypt, among other things.

I have heard recent interviews of people that have had contact with Hawass, and they say he is open to suggestions and he is trying to find the truth, some of these people are what would be called "new agers."
So trusting their word, since i haven't met Hawass, it seems that the government of Egypt is the one that doesn't want the truth out, but you never know.

I saw how he behaved in front of the camera when the live coverage was going on, not very professional, but i guess he thought he was trying to show the light side of him. He should have done it another way, although i don't remember him grabing the butt of the reporter, but anyway, I also think his attitude was wrong.

Echo, and whoever else thinks like him/her. It is not about belief, it is about facts and proof. Belief is part of religions and the spiritual. There is proof in the past that there were gods/godesses interacting and intervining, for some reason it seems they decided not to intervene anymore as it is stated in many cultures. The Gods/teachers left, promising one day they would return as in the case of South America, and Elohim also said they would not intervene anymore.

Even in the present there are sightings of what could be called "vimanas", the wheels that Ezequiel saw, etc. They are still around, but only watching, observing. It is not my belief, but I know for sure about this. Now anyone can reach their own conclusion and have their own opinions, we are all free to do that.

I remember some years back they hired a former (or still member) police sketch artist of the NYPD. This was ran on the discovery channel. He did sketches of the Sphinx's face and the face of Khafre's (Chephren's) mummy, which is at the Cairo museum. When the police sketch artist finished, he concluded that the sphinx did not represent pharaoh Khafre (Chephren).

Add to that that the face of the Sphinx is way too small for the body, different pahraohs could have told artists to recarve the face to represent them, and the water erosion on the body of the sphinx, there is no water erosion on the face. The physical damage to the face of the Sphinx comes from soldiers using the face for target practice in the 18th century. The head is made of harder strata than the rest of the body, but some water erosion should be evident, and it isn't.

All this gives credence to the theory that the sphinx, and probably the three great pyramids, are far older than we are led to believe.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:11 PM
There is more than meets the eye. Illuminati & a host of other Secret Societies are using the Egyptian Government and Hawass to keep this under wraps,
John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, and a bunch of other independent researchers attempted to move this into the open around 1996-1997 and were kicked of the site of the pyramids or removed from the exploratory team. These chambers were explored behind closed doors and most likely ransacked.

Everything we are told is a carefully contrived movie to give us things to do and think about that keep us more entertained than informed. If we stopped worrying about work and survival we would all be have more time to ask the important questions, and get real answers to these questions.

The information and/or items located at Giza under the Sphinx and in the Great Pyramid were put there to be found later at the right time, a time when we had the correct instruments to locate these chambers, and these should be put on display so that all man kind can benefit from the wisdom of the past.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:00 PM
I herd that all the missing single socks in the world are under the sphinx! But we wont know till it is opened.

I have to say I am bummed it was Casey who said it was the hall of records because I LOVE the idea...but MEH I do not trust the man.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:02 PM
Cayce never said the hall of records was under the paws of the sphinx, so get your facts straight people!

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:05 PM
The hot debate on ATS about the SPHINX and what lies beneath is there :

Welcome on the thread

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by nyeff

I have been interested in this chamber that is supposed to be under the Sphinx. Edgar Cayce did say there are 3 Hall of Records that will be found. I do not know if he said that one is under the Sphinx.

My opinion is that Zahi Hawas, the man in charge of the Antiquities Ministry of Egypt, is the problem. He is extremely hostile to any suggestion that there may be some objects or monuments in Egypt that originates from another civilization. If you have watched any documentaries where he talks about people who suggest there are other than Egyptian origins to some of the monuments, you will see exactly what I am talking about. He does not like John west, Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock.

If they found anything that clearly is not of Egyptian origin, he would not want it to be revealed.

Sorry if I misspelled anything or any names here.

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