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I Don't Think Many Swedes Believe Muslims Are Peaceful And Tolerant People

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posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Yea, it didn't go that peaceful with the Buddhists an Muslims.

And I wouldn't out so much emphasis behind the names, only human.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: 50ul5t34l3r


There is no doubt that some Muslims bring their stupid extremist ideology but I am willing to bet that most integrated to North America to escape that extremist BS.

Uhhhh...minor flaw in your logic...just a teeny tiny one...

1. SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
7. WTC

How many more do we need?

Put'eth thou sock-eth in-eth thou's pie hole!

edit on 3/4/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: 50ul5t34l3r

What an absolute steaming crock of S# that statement is!!

Complete BS!

They do not belive in religious freedom

Conservatives attack any religion that is not Christian.

When Conservatives Oppose 'Religious Freedom'

Conservatives' religious liberty con

They do not belive in gay rights

Conservatives constantly attack LGBTQ groups.

How the Catholic 'alt-right' aims to purge LGBTQ members from the church

Conservative Christians and LGBTQ people don’t have to be enemies

They do not believe in women's rights

Attack the women's right to choose

Why Do Republicans Hate Women?

Republ icans Are Waging War on Women—and Two Women Can Stop Them

Now your next go to reply, if I understand the conservative play book is to say something like "at least we aren't killing them, beating them or any violent act towards them" and that would be true.

Except women, LGBTQ community, any religion other than Christian still feel the hate and still affects emotionally, so just because you don't do the other things does not mean that these groups should get down on their knees and thank you.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: 50ul5t34l3r really are a troll.

My response?

Yeah, I attend conservative public stoning rallies and genitalia mutilation parties all the time...all in the name of my party!


posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

No doubt.
I'm not saying Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people.

But crazies believing crazy stuff is the price we pay for freedom of ideas.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: 50ul5t34l3r

originally posted by: Bloodworth

They do not belive in religious freedom
They do not belive in gay rights
They do not believe in womens rights

What you just described is the conservative ideology. So are the big bad Muslims conservatives?

Maybe the conservatives in the 1960s and prior but definitely not in 2019.

Those big bad guys are like a 1,000 years behind from the rest of the evolving world.

It's crazy to bring in 18th century mentality into a modern society.
It's going directly backwards

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: 50ul5t34l3r
So a thread 5 pages long with no facts but opinions and far right websites and the go to play by the conservatives is "I have friend/relative or whatever that confirms our biased opinion".

There is no doubt that some Muslims bring their stupid extremist ideology but I am willing to bet that most integrated to North America to escape that extremist BS.

Sounds like too much of a gamble.....
Even the good ones. They are leaving their countires because their ideas and way of life failed.

They now have to be hosted by other more successful ones.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: rickymouse

They run for office to be able to get majority in there and changing your political system to achieve Islamic jurisdiction and laws. They are bringing their own understanding of what is right and what is wrong and replace yours. It means Sharia law. It means no more Human rights or equality.

Preacher was arrested of spreading Gospel in London.. because muslims in London got offended by it ( no one got offeded by Mosque having their call of preaching.. which no one cannot avoid hearing)... This is the World now

Preacher arrested

Yes, that is the way they do it, it is part of their religion to convert everyone even by trickery if needed. Some of the people supporting this movement think it is good because it will get rid of Christian power in our societies. Christians actually created the laws giving us rights, the Muslims will not put up with nonbelievers, they will kill them when the conversion is at hand. They extremely dislike atheists, atheists will be the first to die but they will give Christians a chance to convert. Maybe we just let them kill off the atheists and then the Christians can attack them.

I believe in god myself, maybe I do not meet the approval of many Christians but I am friends to many in the strictest churches, that would not be enough for Muslims if they gain power, either convert or die or live as a slave of Muslims stripped of your ability to pray to whomever.

I do not understand the stupidity of the people who are promoting integration with Muslim Refuges and unconditioned Muslim immigrants. a melting pot does not turn out if you put the wrong spice in the stew. I have nothing against the good Muslims, ones that wanted to get away from their nation as long as they understand they cannot destroy our society and push their beliefs on everyone.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Well, that hoarding spreads a hell of a lot of misery.

What religion covents through is not just monies and power, but our very hearts and minds, and way of thinking which it then subverts to meet its own ends.

It's about submission.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

No doubt.
I'm not saying Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people.

But crazies believing crazy stuff is the price we pay for freedom of ideas.

In this country we have freedom of ideas and a whole bunch of under-educated sjw morons who will fall for anything as long as it makes a normal person angry. The people we are talking about though, muslim immigrants, do not have freedom of ideas. They are indoctrinated starting at birth to hate the west and everything it stands for. They grow up watching a host of sick stone aged beliefs and customs that will never translate in to modern times. Raped? Stoning. Adulterer? Stoning. Thief? Hands cut off then stoning. Genital mutilation? Acceptable but only if you use a sharp rock. Having sex with children? Perfectly fine as long as the 9 year old is married to the sick bastage and not raped, because stoning.

This is a sick twisted perverted belief system that in no way resembles what we in the West would consider a religion. There is always someone willing to point out that Catholic priests raped children too. Yes, but the religion does not encourage or approve of it. Get caught? Get sued, go to jail. It is simply not the same.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

There have been a multitude of Catholic priests caught across the globe tampering with weans that have not been prosecuted, gone to gaol, nor been sued.

Why because the Vatican simply sweeps it under the carpet!

Our respective countries practised the same or very similar debauchery to the Muslim nations only a century ago. That's a fact.

And, our aristocracy, and political parties, are still buried deep up to there necks regarding the likes of child sex rings, sex trafficking, prostitution and exploitation of Woman across the globe and in our own nations.

So people in glass houses and all that Jazz.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Phage
I think a reactionary response does more harm than the immigrants themselves.

It's easy for you to say...

You are not the one who had your wife/girlfriend sexually assaulted in New Years Eve when thousands of Muslims, in several German cities decided "to have some fun with western women and even rob people..."

It's easy for you to seat in your "general armchair" meanwhile you ignore and dismiss the FACT that a majority of Muslims from the ME come from areas in which women are seen, and treated worse than dogs... Areas in which "people in the LGBT community", which in other threads you supposedly defend, yet you ignore and dismiss the fact that in Muslim nations people in the LGBT community are hanged, or shot, or stoned to death...

You don't live in Germany, where after the large influx of "Muslim refugees" the government has decided to tell women not to go out alone because of the Muslim refugees...

Keep sitting in that "general armchair" meanwhile you keep ignoring facts staring right at you, like you always do.

BTW, don't you dare to compare the legal immigrants, who like me, assimilated into the American culture and don't see women as being lesser than dogs, and don't believe that people in the LGBT community should be killed, or harassed.

The Muslim immigration from the ME, cannot be compared to the legal immigrants that have assimilated to American culture...

edit on 4-3-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: Phage
I think a reactionary response does more harm than the immigrants themselves.

It's easy for you to say...

You are not the one who had your wife/girlfriend sexually assaulted in New Years Eve when thousands of Muslims, in several German cities decided "to have some fun with western women and even rob people..."

Was your wife or girlfriend sexually assaulted in Germany on new year's eve?

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:29 PM

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Vroomfondel

There have been a multitude of Catholic priests caught across the globe tampering with weans that have not been prosecuted, gone to gaol, nor been sued.

Why because the Vatican simply sweeps it under the carpet!

And who is in charge of the Vatican?... A COMMUNIST, who like many of you in the left also wants to change capitalist countries into socialist economies...

That same communist who is pope at the Vatican, has also made many excuses about the increase in priests and bishops raping children, and has even stopped investigations of children raped.

Not to mention the "liberalism" that has been plaguing the vatican for many years now, and could be seen as part of the reason why there has been an increase in rapes by priests and bishops...

edit on 4-3-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

If it was swept it under the carpet, how do you know about these multitudes of priests? I have heard of several and they are either dead or in trouble for their actions. As it should be. In fact, the only ones I hear about are the ones who get caught.

I am honestly not aware of this nation practicing any kind of debauchery similar to what muslims do to children and women. If you have links to a source for that information I would appreciate it. I genuinely am not aware of it happening, at least not to systemic proportions. Of course there is always an individual or two who cross the lines of decency, but widespread sexual assault of muslim children is news to me.

I have a hard time believing in organized widespread child sexual abuse in this country to the same degree as in the muslim religion. I know there are people who do that and I know they work in groups. But its not the entire clergy, or the entirety of our social and political elites. There may be a select few, perhaps even enough to be out of proportion to other demographics, perhaps not. I honestly don't know. But the point here is that the majority do not engage in that behavior and, given the chance, would ride the ones who do out of town on rails. I can not say that about 1.45 billion muslims whose religion tells them this behavior is acceptable. If you have been hearing and seeing that behavior your entire life and some guy your imam has called the white devil for the last 20 years walks up to you and says that behavior is wrong, who are you going to believe? Remember, as a devout muslim, you know what happens to people who shun the word of allah. Either you agree that behavior is perfectly fine, or you get stoned to death.

posted on Mar, 5 2019 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

A simple no would have sufficed.

posted on Mar, 5 2019 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

"If it was swept it under the carpet, how do you know about these multitudes of priests?"

The same way i know water is wet and the sky is blue. Never mind the fact that the Pope pretty much has come out and said there is a problem.

The Priests that are caught or implicated beasting children are generally moved along to another parish, they are not even defrocked half the time.

I have a hard time attempting to understand why people hate Muslims.

Have you grown up with any Muslims, lived next to them, or have any actual Muslim friends?

Because if the answer is no then you really dont ken your arse from your elbow.

Stop listening to MSN/SKY or the like go outside and actually have a conversation with some, you may be surprised.
edit on 5-3-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2019 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

"I am honestly not aware of this nation practicing any kind of debauchery similar to what muslims do to children and women."

Well, we sent plenty of kids down mines and up chimneys to work, never mind the textile mills, arms industries, and other dangerous areas of employment.

Married little girls to Men 3 or 4 times their age and treated woman as chattel who could not even vote.

Goggles your friend, start with workhouses. LoL
edit on 5-3-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2019 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Well, whoever is in charge, they are not up for sharing.

Left and right are simply labels designed to keep us at one another throats, same with race and colour.

Nothing liberal about the bank accounts, coffers, and vaults, that the Holy Roman Church of St Peter possesses, that's a given.

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