I think there are other intelligent technological civilizations -- definitely in the universe and probably in our own galaxy. However, they might be
so rare that there are none anywhere near us.
That is, I think the closest ones might be so far from us -- halfway across the galaxy or farther -- that (a) they don't know our technological
civilization exists, since the light from Earth might take 25,000 or 50,000 years or longer to reach them, and (b) they don't have the ability to
travel the interstellar distances needed to visit us.
I think life in general is much more common, even complex life. I even think there's a decent chance of other life in general in our own solar system
(maybe on Enceladus, Titan, Europa, etc). However, intelligence might be very rare, and technological civilizations might be rarer still.
We have no idea what the value of the factor in the Drake Equation for "intelligence" might be, nor the value for technological civilizations. Those
factors might end up making the result of Drake's equation very small indeed.
Let's say hypothetically that Drake's equation ends up telling us "10" civilizations existing at the present time in our galaxy. With a galaxy
100,000 LY across, they could be very spread out -- each being very far from one another.
By the way, that idea that maybe only 10 exist at the current moment, that still allows
thousands of technological civilizations to have
existed in our galaxy over, say, the past 5 billion years, with those civilizations coming and going with time.
edit on 3/1/2019 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)