a reply to:
I hope I haven’t derailed your thread here. You asked the question and we all should try to answer it. My experience with Chapel Perilous, just one
example, there are many...
I had a friend named BB (Initials). When I first met him I immediately didn’t like him. When we began working together I discovered he was quite a
prick and so the first night we pulled a shift together I told him off. He irritated me, so I let him have it. I didn’t care how smart he was, I
just cared that he was being a snooty jerk and that was not going to last long around me.
Soon, I realized he was a pampered, entitled brat. Son of a successful doctor here in town and had subsequently squandered his good inheritance in
heroin and alcohol. So I apologized and figured I’d try to help the guy out. Instead he explained to me that he was going to kill himself. I
didn’t like this very much as he was brandishing a gun. He said he was a BODHISATTVA and he was here to teach me a thing or two.
Regardless of his theatrics, I yelled at him and explained I was not going to be friends with anyone who was going to kill/take the life of
another/including themselves. I said, “I’ve got zero tolerance for even the most basic threat of this sort.” So I was outta there, my wife and I
drove home stupefied, thinking what the heck was his problem?
For two months he called me nonstop crying and apologizing, I let it all go to voicemail. Next thing I know I’m at work and one of the assistants
tells me I’ve got a call, I picked up and it was the end of a message from the local jail telling the person on the line to insert more coins. BB
had gotten another DUI, the one he said he’d kill himself if he did get it. But I didn’t put that all together that day, I put it together in my
mind the day I heard the news BB had gone through with killing himself. At that moment I realized that recording wasn’t random, it wasn’t a prank
call or mixed up call, it was BB asking for help.
He said he was a BODHISATTVA, willing to die and forgo Nirvana to teach me something.
Or maybe he was just a loser.
(Now go back to the RAW quote from the original OP and tell me if that does or doesn’t fit the CP description).
edit on 25-2-2019 by MrAlphabetman because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-2-2019 by MrAlphabetman because: Cuz I edit my posts
for grammatical mistakes, yo.