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Trans Activism: Hide Violence by Trans Women -- Arrest TERFs for Telling the Truth About Us

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posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Do you mean like corporations being forced to hire a certain percentage of minorities?
edit on 02CST12America/Chicago055121228 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Malak777

I have no will or desire to hurt anyone, including transgender persons. I wish I could say the same about all transgender persons. If I could, we wouldn't have to have this conversation.

I am demanding that we recognize and address the big violent elephant in the room and deal with it appropriately.

I will NEVER accept Self-ID because of these people.

It is chilling that you will defend brutal and violent predators in the name of defending the trans ideology. NOT transgender people. Because plenty of transsexuals who dare to disagree with the Trans Activists have likewise been attacked.

Very sad.

Yea, that's just it. Many Trans people just want to go about their lives and live it just like you and I. It is these radical activists who seem to ruin it for everyone!

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I mean, I have nothing against these people and fantasy and imagination are important parts of our existence that we should develop and use. When I read a fictional book orb watch a TV show, I am engaging in fantasy and imagination. Same with people who go to comic con and dress up like their favorite character. And if you are an adult, and you decide you want to immerse yourself into your fantasy a little deeper than just reading a book, and you want to more deeply explore certain sides of yourself, that can be a healthy exercise and help you really get in touch with yourself and help you learn to love and accept yourself for all your weirdness and quirks... and it's really nobody's business what you do with your own time and energy as long as you aren't forcing others to play along when they really don't feel like it.

This attempt to force others to play along, it's just hurting their own cause... It used to be that encountering someone like this could be an interesting and educational experience, and now, I almost dread making incidental contact with one of these people because I feel like there is already an implied tension there. The image of a transvestite or gay or transgender is not the positive, playful, creative individual that was once conjured... Now it's a person who is angry at the world and like a ticking time bomb they are just waiting for something to set them off. This is probably not an accurate vision, not for how most of these people live their lives. But that is the image being put forth by major media and the leaders of some of these organizations.

And, when I say these people have some mental issues, and use fantasy to escape reality.. that describes a LOT of people. I can admit that I myself have a mighty plethora of mental issues. My issues just don't happen to involve me changing my gender. We are surrounded by mental issues, so, I don't want it to sound like "the rest of the world is perfectly sane...but its these LGBTs causing all the problems!" Cause that is not the truth. The truth is, Non-LGBT insanity which has been around longer than anything, is probably at the root of the issue that is causing the LGBT related insanity issues to manifest.

[EDIT #1]

Some people like to say the world is all screwed up, and then point at people like these transgenders, drug addicts, pedophiles, power mad greedy elites, etc., and say "They are the cause of all the problems!' What I like to do, is say, the world is a messed up, and the fact that it produces people like this is the evidence. In other words society is at fault. Which means you and me.

All those little things we know we should be doing but don't, like loving one another, being generous without question or condition (if you were homeless you might want to drink a beer or get high too, just stop $%&#ing judging what is right for someone else, maybe it's not right but they arent at the stage yet to where they can process have no idea what their experience has been. It's real easy to take the easy way out and say "well that person is just a p.o.s.", but I think we all know it's not that simple. Humans do not just self destruct and become p's of s for no reason.), stopping and thinking of the effect our words might have on others before we speak or type them... just really basic, fundamental, simple concepts we all know to be true, like that classic poster that says "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten".

As we advance in our knowledge, always looking up to the next level, we have neglected the very foundations we build all this fancy new knowledge upon... The basics.

When people have love and encouragement from their peers and family, they generally tend to do well. When someone is constantly judged, unwanted by their family, and is starving for love and attention and some type of affirmation that their suffering HAPPENED and was NOT RIGHT... they tend to fall into a path of unhealthy behaviors...and sometimes this path of unhealthy behaviors could lead you to a corner office in a skyscraper as an executive of a Fortune 500 company. Indeed, our upper class is some of the most unhappy, most in need of love that humanity has to offer. They too are victims of society, victims of you and I.... we know by now that excess money and power is very bad for a human mind, yet we have done nothing to rescue them from their addiction which is worse than heroin... heroin is like a synthetic God feeling. Worldly power and influence is a lot closer to the real thing.


Everyone needs love. If they have to turn to the same sex or pretend to be another gender to be loved, that's what they will do.

If you're a straight kid having a tough time as a teen, that's just normal and you're expected to deal with it. Oh, but that person over there, they are gay or trans or whatever so They are special and need lots of extra love and attention... Too bad you're just a "normal" kid. If you were born special then maybe you'd get the love and attention you need... But then again... maybe you Are special... maybe you just didn't realize it... You HAVE always felt different... (HINT: EVERYONE feels "different" in some way)

So, one day, after sitting on the sidelines for years watching other people receive an abundance of love while you have been sustaining yourself with tiny morsels of make the leap. You make the post on Facebook "coming out" to everyone... Suddenly, people who ignored you are congratulating you and commending you for your courage and suddenly you are a brave hero and every nanogram of pain you've endured is fully recognized and you are surrounded by a warm cocoon of love and support...

[EDIT #2]

...but of course, for a very long time, it was not this way, and so the victim label endures while they paradoxically receive an abundance of previously unheard of levels of love and support and attention paid to your every word, because everyone wants to know "what does a LGBT person have to say about this particular event or topic?" It feels good to be important and I can't blame or shame them because we are all vulnerable to this kind of flattery. That would be like being angry at a guy who gets more attention from girls. That's just petty jealousy and envy. No I'm not upset about that particular aspect...but at the same time I'm certainly not joining the group of girls fawning over some dude with tattoos and a beard.


edit on 2/10/2019 by 3n19m470 because: edits 1 and 2

edit on 2/10/2019 by 3n19m470 because: formatting

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

I think when we couple the seemingly inherent associated issues with some of these other behavioral trends.. we are performing a massive disservice to everyone.

That's it. The more I understand so many things, the more I understand how we are all being hurt in many ways and on many levels.

We can tell how easy life is for an individual in proportion to how deeply they search for perceived injustice.

Your point is well taken, but I would replace "easy" with "empty." I don't think their lives are easy at all. I do think that their gender issues are a reflection for a deeper search for themselves. Especially for the younger generations identifying as transgender.

Not to simplify too much, but we live in such an artificial and superficial world. Kids aren't being taught life skills. Our schools have lost shop classes and music and art classes. They aren't taught hobbies and crafts and other creative pursuits. Sports programs have fared better, but I also fear that emphasis on "beating" opponents and the absolute need to be the "best" has overshadowed and minimized the virtues of individual accomplishment simply for its own reward.

I think there are many many contributing factors to feelings of believing/wanting to be the opposite gender, so I do not want to make too generalized statements here, but I do agree that the current increases in transgender numbers has to do with a profound need to find their value and worth.

Its a shame that "tolerance," like so many other concepts, has been co-opted and corrupted. Now it seems to mean that someone must not only be tolerant, but actively approve and participate, lest they be labeled a bigot and a nazi. The consequences of such a childish, naive approach not only results in inevitable backfires, but undermines the meaning and severity of the original concepts.

It really is very sad. Even more than tolerance, I remember when we proudly paraphrased Voltaire in declaring that we may not agree with what someone says, but will defend their right to say it. Respecting and protecting free speech itself was the highest virtue.

Now it's all about the feelz. Courtesy and even respect isn't good enough. As I've noted before, "Sir" and "Ma'am" are titles of respect given freely of one's good will... but now if you dare use the wrong one, you're a horrible bigot and transphobe subject to abuse.

I suppose this would all be bad enough if it was solely relegated to individuals, but we have corporations upholding the narrative too. Corporations, that I am convinced, are roughly working as proxies to political entities in order to avoid.. lets call them "constitutional difficulties."

Yes! Definitely. I haven't worked out all the particulars yet, but I definitely see dirty critters at work here.

If I'm honest, it seems like every part of it is by design, with its foundations in co-opting language. In my opinion, what most folks refer to as "progressive" or "liberal" are anything but, and I can't help but wonder why that is part of the narrative...

I really need to ponder this more, but I think it's part of a larger divide within the Democrat party that I began to notice with the sudden rise of Obama back in 07 and 08... that was about the time I remember hearing that Republicans had so demonized the term "liberal" that they had to start calling themselves "progressives" instead. But I think it was the start of an internal power struggle between -- for want of better terms -- "Team Obama" vs "Team Hillary." I think some of this tension was seen during the "Women's Marches" when Hillary was notably excluded, and at some point, references to female body parts and similar "trans exclusionary" speech was warned against.

I don't know all the whys and wherefores, but it's clear the Democrats and the left in general are very much divided over the Trans Activism agenda.

Its all so tragic to me. Especially since technology has finally started to render some very left leaning constructs feasible for the first time in our history. So, folks like me who openly call themselves liberal are disregarded the moment the word is uttered... When we all think and act alike, it renders the very concepts meaningless, but it does a very good job of maintaining and supporting generations-old, corrupt power structures in an age of instant information access.

I understand. I don't call myself anything. But I'm bemused and bewildered by these very regressive attitudes and positions. At the very least, I thought we were past the stupid gender stereotypes of the pre-1950s and yet here we are now having them reinforced!!!

So would it be fair to call them "PINOs" -- "Progressives In Name Only" -- since they sure seem to be taking us backwards?

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Great video to support your OP!

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

Many Trans people just want to go about their lives and live it just like you and I. It is these radical activists who seem to ruin it for everyone!


We must get the troublemakers out of the picture before we can rightfully articulate and establish appropriate protections for the peaceful and private folks who just want to get about their lives.

In fact, it seems to me that protecting the peaceful and private transgender persons DEMANDS that we get these trouble makers out of the picture, since the Trans Activists are equally vicious to the transsexuals who contradict and disagree. Especially in terms of the need for medical/psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphora, as opposed to the Trans Activist demand for self-ID of gender euphoria. The transsexuals have been bombarded with hate mail, threatened with violence, de-platformed, and otherwise bullied and intimidated by Trans Activists.

edit on 10-2-2019 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

The way I see it, is THIS. What part of our lives do our government NOT CONTROL?

FFS, I remember when sex/sexuality was kept private. No one gave a FFFF. Now sexuality is something people wear on their sleeves and beg the government to take control over something ain't none of their damn business? Are these people that STUPID??? or are they pawns and agent provocateurs to give the government ALL AUTHORITY over our lives?

Bet any money, if Heterosexual people organized a parade to show their pride of being heterosexuals, it would be considered HATE!

Ummmm, SNIP! I think I just came up with a great idea! Let's have a Heterosexual parade and watch how the Marxists expose themselves.

edit on 10-2-2019 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2019 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

All excellent points, and much to think about -- thank you for adding it!

I can only add that one of the conclusions I have come to in pondering this and many other similar issues is that we need to do better by our kids and everyone, and we need to find ways to add value and real self-worth to lives. We must give them education and training and practice and experience in real life skills, helping them find their niche and hone their craft and their skills, empowering people and giving them the tools and skills they need to build a life and find personal pride and self-worth in their own accomplishments and a job well done.

We all have to find our strength and worth within ourselves. There is no other way.

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Its not love its attention. In many cases its simply the fact that these men were/are unable to compete in a "mans world". My ex husband was a tranny who played with transgender, kept taking hormones on and off and was generally a mess..simply because he was bullied at school and created an alter ego who is the exact opposite of himself, strong, independant, sexy blah blah. But I knew there was something very wrong as he insisted on being called by his female name during sex as it was a turn on for him and, I discovered many others.

As a result of hanging around with a lot of trannies over the years, every one of them had a story and it was always similar, denial of being gay (even though everyone else knew!) unable to relate to other men and many other similarities but the under lying one reason for being a transvestite was they really REALLY enjoyed getting one over on straight men. Nothing gave them a bigger thrill than being chatted up by a bloke who didn't know they were men and I can assure you some of them were extremely convincing women. Many went part transgender others went the whole way, sadly 2 are now dead (which was expected as they were a mess) but they soon discovered it didn't actually "cure" their problem as they thought it would and now they face a whole host of other problems they didn't have before transgender surgery

I've no problem with calling people by their preferred pronoun but if I forget then I don't expect to be taken to court sued and have an injunction taken out against me IF that person has undergone the serious and painful full transgender procedure. If they're just trannies dressing up on a week-end then sorry no you're bloke playing dress up in the tranny scene which I might add, here in the UK is larger than you think and is very definitely a fetish thing

The whole face of transgenderism has now been scarred by this tiny minority of very vocal activists who once again don't want equal but want special

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:27 PM
Something occurred to me while reading this post. I have yet to see any transgender man being violent or causing havoc. It's always m2f transgenders. Wonder why? (And if I've missed some story, someone please clue me in.) It also seems like virtually all the rabid activism comes from men who wanted to be women. Things that make me go "hmmmn..."

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: riiver

I think its because as "women" they believe they are protected and also it gives them the voice and power they lacked as men

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Well if you really want to dig and get all psychological on sex. The only real straight men are those who watch female/female porn!

Any man who watches porn between a man and woman are most likely BI!

That's why I wish people would just keep their kicks to themselves and not allow the government to become involved in our sex lives.

It's like the typical back and forth. "What I do behind closed doors, is none of your business.". Response, "Your right! It isn't any of my business, so STFU and it won't be.".

This isn't about sex or sexuality it's about politics!!!

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: riiver
Something occurred to me while reading this post. I have yet to see any transgender man being violent or causing havoc. It's always m2f transgenders. Wonder why?

Many of us have noted the same thing... at some point it becomes more than a coincidence. It becomes a pattern of behavior. At this point, there is no effort to even recognize -- much less track and analyze -- this pattern of behavior. In fact and in deed, the current practice is to blame "women."

(And if I've missed some story, someone please clue me in.) It also seems like virtually all the rabid activism comes from men who wanted to be women. Things that make me go "hmmmn..."

The only similar example I can think of is this, and it was very recent:

Two women arrested in North Carolina for alleged assault of trans woman in bar bathroom

And if events transpired as described, then these women were rightfully arrested. There is no reported provocation or inappropriate behavior on the part of the trans woman. There is no excuse or justification for harassing this person. If they didn't like the bathroom policy, they had every right and privilege to leave the premises.

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

The thing that stuck out the most to me about the OP was this:

Some food for thought: There is evidence that approximately 88% of all convicted sex offenders are "cross-dressers"... in other words, "transgender" by basic definitions and under any form of "self-ID". So while certainly not all men identifying as transgender are violent predators, most violent predators are men who dress/identify as women (to one extent or another, whether publicly or privately, part-time or full-time).

When is 90% not Substantially ALL?

I followed the link but I didn't see any citation for those stats on the blog post. However, I did find the claim repeated (often verbatim) on a host of other blogs/sites and apparently, these stats come from a single report from 1988, Multiple Paraphilic Diagnoses Among Sex Offenders.

Setting aside that this is a single study from 30 years ago and that it's not clear exactly how the 88% figure was arrived at, the 561 participants in the study were ALL non-incarcerated sex offenders seeking treatment for one or more paraphilias.

Even if we accept the study, accept the figure, etc — 100% of participants are sex offenders with at least one diagnosed paraphilia. However, not even close to 100% of sex offenders have a paraphilia. For instance, according to the research cited here, only 40%-50% of adult perpetrators with child victims appear to be pedophiles:

A second element in establishing causality between the sexual offenses and a paraphilia is to rule out other possible explanations for the behavior. Not all sex offenders have a paraphilia. For example, the prevalence of pedophilic sexual interests among adult sex offenders with child victims appears to be approximately 40 to 50 percent.26–28 Therefore, when confronted with the task of determining whether a sexual offense is a manifestation of an underlying paraphilia, the mental health expert must consider the full range of nondisorder conditions and mental disorders that might account for the behavior (i.e., determine its differential diagnosis).

What types of percentages are we looking at for crimes with adult perps and adult victims? I bet it's substantially lower still.

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Yes, it is as if some people have totally forgotten the concepts of "live and let live", "agree to disagree", "treat others as you would like to be treated", etc.

As a Trump supporter, naturally I am a very liberal, pot smoking conservative myself, and prior to Obama's 3rd year in office (by then the magic died) I guess I was more like a full blown liberal although not really all that interested in politics. In some ways I am a libertarian. Like Trump, I am a totally different animal that doesn't really fit into a pre-defined standardized category.

And now that you mention it... these so called liberals and progressives are not behaving like REAL liberals at all. That's actually what drove me further to the right. But I'm actually glad it did. It helped me shed some of my other liberal aspects to my personality like my white guilt.

But these progressives (clearly we are not talking about trans or LGBT anymore for those who are reading this. this is an observation of the progressive movement of the liberal political slant) are really behaving a lot like ultra right wing West Borough Baptist fundamentalist conservatives, the fringe that makes the rest of us "normie" conservatives feel uncomfortable and look bad...

I think anyone would have to admit there is a definite familiarity there... between Progressives and Westboro Baptist-type right wingers... they both share the same absolutely intolerant, everyone-who-doesnt-embrace-our-sudden-bat#-crazy-demands-is-Hitler/Satan-attitude that has to make any sane rational adult ask themselves "In what bizarre alien world is this considered acceptable???"

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

Your point is well taken, but I would replace "easy" with "empty." I don't think their lives are easy at all. I do think that their gender issues are a reflection for a deeper search for themselves. Especially for the younger generations identifying as transgender.

Not to simplify too much, but we live in such an artificial and superficial world. Kids aren't being taught life skills. Our schools have lost shop classes and music and art classes. They aren't taught hobbies and crafts and other creative pursuits. Sports programs have fared better, but I also fear that emphasis on "beating" opponents and the absolute need to be the "best" has overshadowed and minimized the virtues of individual accomplishment simply for its own reward.

I think there are many many contributing factors to feelings of believing/wanting to be the opposite gender, so I do not want to make too generalized statements here, but I do agree that the current increases in transgender numbers has to do with a profound need to find their value and worth.

Well I, for one, am offended that you would disagree

I think that moving the concept from "easy" to "empty" might not be too accurate though. Simply because we have two generalized groups here; The trans folks themselves, and the folks who defend them regardless of claim.

Now, I have no doubt many have an emptiness in their lives. I'd probably say that rings true for all of humanity. I'd also say that trying to fill that void undoubtedly contributes here.. but I really do think there are plenty that have fulfilling lives who participate in the charade because they genuinely think they are addressing egregious and horrendous prejudice.

But, when I say "ease" and "lack of context," I mean that we would never see any of this in an environment of actual, open, systemic prejudice. In such a case, I doubt anyone would be focused on words when there are actual, indisputable actions to consider.

In other words, we reasonably focus our attention on the worst transgressions we perceive exist. No ones gonna be concerned about a twitter troll if they are subjected to systemic, widespread abuse and prejudice like we have seen at various points in human history.

In a sense, I'm envious. I wish that someone thinking differently than me was such a horrendous affront that I decided to put enormous amounts of time and effort into calling it out, instead of the problems I do face on a daily basis. To be clear, that's definitely not exclusive to this topic either.

Now it's all about the feelz. Courtesy and even respect isn't good enough. As I've noted before, "Sir" and "Ma'am" are titles of respect given freely of one's good will... but now if you dare use the wrong one, you're a horrible bigot and transphobe subject to abuse.

It really is a shame.. Essentially, being polite and respectful has been demonized, which of course perpetuates the problem. Admittedly its fascinating, but also deeply troubling. The words we use have become more important than the actions we take, leveraged by usurping and changing vocabulary and grammar in completely arbitrary ways.

Yes! Definitely. I haven't worked out all the particulars yet, but I definitely see dirty critters at work here.

I have my own theory, but its only tangentially related to this thread. Basically though, I think it was all an "emergency measure" to prevent our Cultural Story from evolving due to technology. Keeping in mind, from my perspective, the Cultural Story hasn't really changed much at all since roughly the Neolithic Revolution. Basically, feudalism.. but with an ever increasing amount of invisible clothes to make it look different. It slowly transformed from an all-encompassing system to a social construct, but as long as the influence retains the same power, the end result is pretty much the same.

I really need to ponder this more, but I think it's part of a larger divide within the Democrat party that I began to notice with the sudden rise of Obama back in 07 and 08...

It was around that time that I started to split from the social group myself. I'll be damned if I will enable the behavior further by dropping the label "liberal" though. That said, I'm not really opposed to labels as a concept, and I can't say that I ever identified with democrats at any point.

I understand. I don't call myself anything. But I'm bemused and bewildered by these very regressive attitudes and positions. At the very least, I thought we were past the stupid gender stereotypes of the pre-1950s and yet here we are now having them reinforced!!!

So would it be fair to call them "PINOs" -- "Progressives In Name Only" -- since they sure seem to be taking us backwards?

I'm not sure I like any relation to any existing social group. I'm pretty convinced this is very new in enough ways to merit its own "thing." There are certainly aspects that havent changed at all, but I suspect it takes more and more extreme measures to maintain the illusion in the modern world. So extreme, that their consensus reality is breaking away from the rest of the population, and I'm not sure that could be achieved with this efficacy without modern tech. Its like someone turned the "First World Problems" meme into a religion and political movement.

And if you disagree, you'll just get banned from everything from PayPal to twitter. Perhaps not a big deal to some, but for anyone who relies on any of these things in any way.. it can be devastating.

I used to think "statist" worked best, and maybe it does out of the existing options, but I think this social group would bite that hand just as quickly as any other.

In the end, it is perhaps not hugely important. But, its also a puzzle built of pieces and the only way to get the whole picture is locking each piece in its place. We can still get a pretty good idea without all of 'em though.

ETA: Wow, that was verbose even for me!
edit on 10-2-2019 by Serdgiam because: Gerbil Gustice

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

My apologies... I meant to include the link and I forgot. I closed out all my tabs and I'm trying to find it again. If I remember correctly, it was a Swedish study of convicted and incarcerated men, published by PLOS.

All I'm finding right now is this study, which isn't the one in question, but it's interesting and not irrelevant, so I'll post it:

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

I will keep looking...

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Not to ignore your general point --

What types of percentages are we looking at for crimes with adult perps and adult victims? I bet it's substantially lower still.

-- Generally speaking, I am not going to play the "too few to matter" game.

We do know that sexual violence is a problem with a certain subset under the transgender "umbrella." We do know that these violent ones can and will use the opportunities self-ID provides to enter women's private spaces and abuse and assault women and girls.

That is unconscionable and unacceptable, and I won't minimize that very real threat and danger to vulnerable women and girls.

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Verbose? Naw... but quite thoughtful and articulate!

I think we agree more than we disagree. I think we're coming at this from different directions and perspectives, but we both see there are big problems from any perspective!

With a little time, effort and opportunity, I think we could have a very interesting and productive dialogue -- both you and me personally, and society as a whole. But, alas, we'd have to get the haters to stop shouting us down first...

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 04:23 PM
People can call themselves what they want but im not taking part in the fairytale

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