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Trans Activism: Hide Violence by Trans Women -- Arrest TERFs for Telling the Truth About Us

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posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

My intentions are to find out from where the resentment stems.

From Shakespeare's Macbeth:

"Banquo. How farre is’t call’d to Soris? What are these,So wither’d, and so wilde in their attyre,
That looke not like th’ Inhabitants o’th’ Earth,And yet are on’t? Liue you, or are you aught
That man may question? you seeme to vnderstand me,By each at once her choppie finger laying Vpon her skinnie Lips: you should be Women,
And yet your Beards forbid me to interprete
That you are so."
edit on 02CST12America/Chicago005121228 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Resentment? Maybe, in a collective sort of way. You should have just asked. I have been very clear in my complaints and concerns.

I feel definite outrage for the known and willful lies, outrage for the medical exploitation and abuse of children and the mentally/emotionally impaired, outrage for the bullying and de-platforming and civil/criminal penalties for people speaking unpleasant truths, outrage at the re-defining of our language, outrage at their demand to "respect" their pronouns for themselves AND for the rest of us ("cisgender"), outrage at the effort to hide violent and criminal pasts, outrage that men's propensity for violence is now being attributed to women... Yes, I am definitely outraged.

And I definitely feel fear. Fear for the women and girls who are now in danger from violent sexual predators in previously private and safe single-sex spaces, fear for lesbians who are increasingly bullied and intimidated for declining sex with these men, fear for the many children (and their parents) who are being chemically and surgically mutilated and now have absolutely no chance of ever knowing a normal and healthy life, fear for the adults identifying as transgender who are being set up for failure with a treatment that will never live up to expectations... Yes, I am definitely fearful.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

You seem to be fearful because of the situation-specific headlines you chose to post and from which to make a collective judgement. How do the statistics vary from violence on the transgender community vs. transgender violence on society? I am sure you will be able to find a disproportionate number of headlines tipping the scales.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:02 PM
I always thought of this issue much like the Gulag.

Those who do not conform and speak out against it are heavily punished. Even if their BELIEF/OPINION goes against the opposing BELIEF/OPINION.

Those who are passive are eventually conformed to the idealism/social construct of such agenda. ie: assimilated

Eventually it will reach a point where it will be so F-cked up that if you were to mis-gender someone (even by accident), you could easily be imprisoned, fined or go missing.

They will not stop the pressuring and aggression to making everyone else conform to their socialist idealism of accepting everyone for who/what they are no matter how screwed up it may be. Their beliefs matter more than your own now. How does that make you feel?

The hypocrisy is outrageous to the point where I sometimes ponder about creating an evil to combat the evil.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: CeeWhizzle
I always thought of this issue much like the Gulag.

Those who do not conform and speak out against it are heavily punished. Even if their BELIEF/OPINION goes against the opposing BELIEF/OPINION.

Those who are passive are eventually conformed to the idealism/social construct of such agenda. ie: assimilated

Eventually it will reach a point where it will be so F-cked up that if you were to mis-gender someone (even by accident), you could easily be imprisoned, fined or go missing.

They will not stop the pressuring and aggression to making everyone else conform to their socialist idealism of accepting everyone for who/what they are no matter how screwed up it may be. Their beliefs matter more than your own now. How does that make you feel?

The hypocrisy is outrageous to the point where I sometimes ponder about creating an evil to combat the evil.

Nobody will be heavily punished in this regard, perhaps have a fine to pay, that is, if a judge deems that your actions were based from hate and discrimination, thus being a hate crime. Otherwise, it falls under harassment, which we all have to deal with in different forms when it raises it's ugly head.

The OPs headlines all have the police continuing to investigate those that they initially took into their custody? Why would they do that without just cause?

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
a reply to: Boadicea

You seem to be fearful because of the situation-specific headlines you chose to post and from which to make a collective judgement.

Please. This is a situation-specific OP. It is what it is. Obviously I am going to post the links with the information and the substantiation for the topic of the OP. I'm certainly not going to post YouTube videos about cooking if I want to make a point

How do the statistics vary from violence on the transgender community vs. transgender violence on society? I am sure you will be able to find a disproportionate number of headlines tipping the scales.

If you can find those statistics, I would love to see them. Not headlines. Actual statistics. And, specifically, I would like to see the violent and/or sexual crimes broken down between the hetero AGPs and the homosexual males. I have looked for such statistics. To the best of my knowledge, they do not exist. Official records are not kept and media reports lie.

I do know that in England, no trans women have been killed for some time... but more than one person has been killed by a trans woman during that time. And according to one analysis, trans women commit sexual offenses at more than double the rate of non-transgender men.

Transwomen Sexual Offenders — a Closer Analysis of MoJ Statistics

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

The OPs headlines all have the police continuing to investigate those that they initially took into their custody? Why would they do that without just cause?

"Just" cause is relative. The police investigate violations of the law. If the law criminalizes saying "trans women are not women" then police will investigate someone saying "trans women are not women." The investigation for the reported violation of a standing law may be considered "just" to the extent that it is their job.

But the law is not just in any way, therefore negating any need or opportunity for investigation, much less any justice.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

You are quite correct. Maybe I misread the OP in a hurry? I thought the mess was about the fact that someone was arrested for some social media comment. Arrested? Really?

edit on 12-2-2019 by TonyS because: ETA

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

ETA, I think the issues around this transgender business is a big reason a whole lot of people like myself and my wife and certainly, as an example, at least half the residents we know in our small town here in Texas no longer feel like members of this society and have pretty much withdrawn from it and want nothing to do with it. Here, you get seriously ill and people go to Mexico for medical treatment because they dont trust US doctors.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: TonyS

You didn't misread... it was about the woman arrested for her factual Tweets -- not threats in any way -- and the related effort to hide the bad behavior of men identifying as trans.

I believe the insistence that "trans women ARE women" and the efforts to silence anyone saying otherwise is because of the attempt to subvert the spirit and intention of the Title IX protections for women by re-defining "women" to include men who identify as women. The logic (hope?) being that as long as that is the conventional "wisdom" and the standard given to a court -- that "trans women are women" -- then that court would have to rule in favor of trans women in any challenge. A standing law on the books that one cannot say "trans women are NOT women" would probably provide further substantiation to a court.

That's my best guess anyway.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: TonyS

I agree... and resemble that remark! My hubby and I have become increasingly hermit-ish over the years. Interacting with the world has become too much trouble in too many ways.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Agreed, thanks for clarifying.

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 12:14 PM
People are dicks when they deliberately use a gender other than the one a person wants to use. It's like telling someone you go by your middle name because you hate your first. Then they constantly call you by your first name. It's done deliberately to upset, annoy even threaten. You've got to be a complete dick,to act like that. Looking for trouble and to cause upset.

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

Dicks, huh? How ironic...

That sounds like something people with dicks would say. To be specific, people with dicks who want to pretend they are a woman for sexual jollies. And I refuse to roleplay in anyone's sex fantasy.

You and anyone else are free to think whatever you want of me. I don't give a rats patootie!

See how that works? You call me a nasty name and I say "oh well". No threats. No insults. No calls to police. Easy peasy.

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