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An End To The Moon Conspiracy!

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posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by golemina
the source of the problem...

yes , we have - the problem is that you are either a troll or have no grasp of science what so ever

golem: 'That proof would work something along the lines of meeting at a facility, utilizing their equipment to fire off a beam to the Moon REALTIME and confirm what the distance to the Moon is like at that moment.'

i read that and if you really thought as you claim to , you would realise that the measurements that demonstrate that the moon is receading from the earth would be ample evidence to anyone capable of grasping the fundamentals , that the lunar ranging experiment does indeed measure the distance to the moon in real time .

read this link lunar ranging if you do you might understand that the measurements are not done " at meetings"

[edit on 23-9-2006 by ignorant_ape]

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 01:37 PM
have cloned a corollary to the dictum...

Violence is the last resort of a limited mind.

So too, crying 'Troll!' when someone is engaging you in a point blank serving up of the requirements of 'proof' you have repeated asked for (and ignored!
) could be considered in that vein.

Once again speaking vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyy sssslllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy....

Just take me to a facility and SHOW ME the functioning of the so called mirrors.

You seem to want to persist in this lecturing of me by presenting your so called evidence ON THE INTERNET... as if THAT represents 'proof'.

Do you understand that the words you serve up as proof are in reality... ONLY TEXT FILES PARKED ON A SERVER?

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 02:34 PM
i called you a troll on a hynch , and you were good enough to demonstrate it .

with this classic :

Originally posted by golemina

Once again speaking vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyy sssslllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy....

Just take me to a facility and SHOW ME the functioning of the so called mirrors.

i " ignored " the possibility that that was your request , simply because demanding personal experience as evidence of a fact is so inanely childish , i did not want to believe that that was actually your " standard " of evidence .

which begs the question -- do you believe that the island of rockall exists ? i assume you have never visited it in person -- so if you have no personal DIRECT experience of it , why to you accept that it exists ? [ assuming of course that you do ]

this question should be repeated fr every single thing you have not had first hand experience off

your attitude thus far has been so unbelievaby childish , you can only be a troll .

You seem to want to persist in this lecturing of me by presenting your so called evidence ON THE INTERNET... as if THAT represents 'proof'.

as you are playing semantics games , you should note that i said that the EVIDENCE i gave you was just that , evidence -- i never claimed it was proof .

Do you understand that the words you serve up as proof are in reality... ONLY TEXT FILES PARKED ON A SERVER?

duely noted , that you have not said what is wrong with any evidence presented , you are just playing silly buggers

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by golemina
have cloned a corollary to the dictum...

Violence is the last resort of a limited mind.

So too, crying 'Troll!' when someone is engaging you in a point blank serving up of the requirements of 'proof' you have repeated asked for (and ignored!
) could be considered in that vein.

Once again speaking vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyy sssslllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy....

Just take me to a facility and SHOW ME the functioning of the so called mirrors.

You seem to want to persist in this lecturing of me by presenting your so called evidence ON THE INTERNET... as if THAT represents 'proof'.

Do you understand that the words you serve up as proof are in reality... ONLY TEXT FILES PARKED ON A SERVER?

where is your evidence they don't exist ?

if you must live in your fantasy world, so be it. If you desire proof, why don't you contact the program director ?

do you have the guts to click on me ?

[edit on 23-9-2006 by syrinx high priest]

[edit on 23-9-2006 by syrinx high priest]

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by golemina

Once again speaking vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyy sssslllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy....

Just take me to a facility and SHOW ME the functioning of the so called mirrors.

why do we have to take you , are you unfit to be left unsupervised ??

assuming you actually need to visit the apache observetory , and see the experiment conducted as you watch ,

would you understand it ???

i have my doubts , given you insist on refering to it as a " so called mirror "

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 03:27 PM
Here is the site of the experiment details:

These people must be the ultimate "LOONS" because NASA has them so adled they believe they are getting results from their laser ranging experiments

I hope this is enough proof for you.

[edit on 9/23/2006 by bodebliss]

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 03:36 PM
Ps: If it's not enough proof for you, You can always Goooogle:

LASER ranging experiments Moon

observatories and science labs around the world use these mirrors constantly.

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Has anyone every heard that the astronauts didn't go to the moon and that it was all filmed in some studio and that it was impossible from humans to pass through the Van Allen belts and if they did they would die of massive radiation exposure because the protection of the belts only benefits people on earth and not at the moon???

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by backtoreality
Has anyone every heard that the astronauts didn't go to the moon and that it was all filmed in some studio and that it was impossible from humans to pass through the Van Allen belts and if they did they would die of massive radiation exposure because the protection of the belts only benefits people on earth and not at the moon???

no one has ever mentioned the VA belts


what is that exactly ?

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 11:32 AM
let me get this right guys...

There are supposedly several sets of 'mirrors' that were left ON THE MOON... Whose entire purpose was to be able to reflect a laser directed at it FROM THE EARTH...

Hey we are on the Earth... So, lets take them for a test spin!

Oh wait... That is apparently where you guys get so confused.

Surely guys as knowledgable as yourselves (
) can simply pick up the phone (or know someone who can pick up the phone (or know someone who knows how to pick up a phone)) and start the ball rolling.

Its called a field test guys...

You know... where you test the functioning of the entire system. From top to bottom.

I hear a whole lot of excuses and attempts at deflection/redirection... (if you guys are going to persist with those efforts, FTLOG, please say something less embarassing (for your 'side'
of the 'discussion' )


I might have fired a laser or two in my time... trust me, it's not a big deal (as long as you're not personally paying the power bill...

An honest observer, would be able to validate the entire process and then be able to say WITH SOME CREDIBILITY that there are in fact 'mirrors' on the Moon and these passive devices in fact are functioning.

It's an open invitation guys... Take as long as you need.

Here is your chance ONCE AND FOR ALL to put the issue to rest... that somehow or the other someone went to the Moon and left some equipment that these types of tests permits us to verify the presence of a human artifact(s) on the Moon... with the implication of course being we didn't FEDEX it.

With of course, the refusal to provide or lack of ability to gain access to simple a process... Implying... Well...

You know!


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 01:09 PM
there are too many contradictory items for this to be settled once and for all, the cover up as been possible because of the time between 1969 and now, back then it was a world event on a massive scale but easily pulled off with duct tape and poor TV technology.
ask why the government as lost the original films of there monumentous event in history ? and i don't want to hear all this crap about film degregration over time, they new of this back then and would of protected it accordingly, the only reason it's got 'lost' is because the truth was so close to uncovering the tracks nasa tried so hard to mix and match.


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by golemina
Surely guys as knowledgable as yourselves (
) can simply pick up the phone (or know someone who can pick up the phone (or know someone who knows how to pick up a phone)) and start the ball rolling.

Seeing as how you are the one in doubt. Why don't you go do it? I don't get why you want or need us to come along. Sounds like you're the one making excuses.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:09 AM
>Why don't you go do it?

Simply doesn't pass the laugh test... oh most stalwart of the NASA supporters...

If as you maintain, there are mirrors on the Moon, it seems ABSOLUTELY INCONCEIVABLE that access/use of a test of this facility/these facilities can not be routinely scheduled...

Much like the observance of ANY astronomical event CAN be scheduled on even the BUSIEST of observatories.

Here is the bottom line...

Locate the facilities and schedule a test of the mirrors (take all the time you need)... I will supply dozens of honest observers.

Or j'accuse ALL of the NASA parrots of being exposed...

You know... It's just one of those moments, where you expose the absolute nonsense of the dogma being served up...

You have just got to love ATS, it took us 60+ pages of babbling to finally get to the crux of the matter.

You've made a claim... You seem UNABLE to support.

Quite humorous don't you think?

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:12 AM
These research facilities wouldn't let a person like you near them.

Let alone touch a powerful laser.

[edit on 9/25/2006 by bodebliss]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:18 AM
>These reaserch facilities wouldn't let a person like you near them.

>Let alone touch a powerful laser.

Name? Location? Director? Budget?

All missing...


NEXT contestant.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:24 AM
Just a minor point of sanity and logic.

Just because there may or may not be reflective materials on the Moon, which are being used to bounce lasers and provide data for scientists in an ongoing way - is NO proof that a Moon landing took place.

It is merely proof that reflective materials were placed on the Moon in some fashion.

Using the existence of the materials to suggest that this implies that therefore a manned landing took place, is like trying to suggest that there WAS a manned landing on Mars because Pathfinder equipment is there, and photographs are being beamed back from the site.

The equipment placement does not indicate that humans were ever in the area.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by MrFrankenstein]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by golemina
>These reaserch facilities wouldn't let a person like you near them.

>Let alone touch a powerful laser.

Name? Location? Director? Budget?

All missing...


NEXT contestant.

I gave you links did you follow any of them?

No you don't add anything to the discussion and just stand back and heckle anyone who does.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by MrFrankenstein
Just a minor point of sanity and logic.

Just because there may or may not be reflective materials on the Moon, which are being used to bounce lasers and provide data for scientists in an ongoing way - is NO proof that a Moon landing took place.

It is merely proof that reflective materials were placed on the Moon in some fashion.

Using the existence of the materials to suggest that this implies that therefore a manned landing took place, is like trying to suggest that there WAS a manned landing on Mars because Pathfinder equipment is there, and photographs are being beamed back from the site.

The equipment placement does not indicate that humans were ever in the area.

Well, hold on there!

I have never seen any evidence to support the view that NASA is lying. I have never seen any evidence to support the Idea that NASA needs to shade the truth,in any way. If you have evidence to support either of these ideas, show it now.

You don't have any evidence. Yet you expect others to believe just because you doubt there must be something everywhere to doubt
. That's really silly and childish. Do you doubt your parents when they say that you are their child. Do you know birth certificates can be forged? I'd start there.

[edit on 9/25/2006 by bodebliss]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 03:58 PM
golem, one constant on these boards is that when a poster doesn't have logic, facts, or reason on their side, they resort to sarcasm, avoiding direct questions, and smily abuse

I am going to contact the program director at mcdonald observatory for you since you are not willing to do it. To prevent further denials from you, tell me the exact question you would like the program director to answer

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 08:12 AM
>I am going to contact the program director at mcdonald observatory...

Good show.

We (or 'We') want to run a range finding test of the mirrors left on the Moon.

MrFrankenstein: 'Just a minor point of sanity and logic.'

Hardly a minor point!

Not to mention absolutely correct... But... This seems to be the only setting in which we can engage the NASA dogmatists that in any way, shape or form approachs a reality framework...

By, of course, using a 'show me' strategem.

What makes this particularly amusing... is the mechanics of how they've been manuvered into providing REAL WORLD proof...

or stand exposed.

You get that right... BodeBliss?

[edit on 26-9-2006 by golemina]

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