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An End To The Moon Conspiracy!

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
And I don't buy the LEM story either...

What is it that you don't buy about its story?

BTW just how did they fit those funny cars inside that thing?

Those "funny cars" folded up and were stored in the decent module. Here are some images that show it in its folded state.

I think you get the idea.

Seems Disney and Lockheed martin are doing the same for the Mars Rovers now too

Could you elaborate? What similar thing are they doing to the Mars rovers?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by jra

Welcome back, jra....good to see ya!!!

edit for Zorgon...

Yeah...Mars Rovers...what ARE they doing with them? Oh, wait, I know...depending on the latitude of each, they might be powering down since the Martian winter is approaching, and the Solar Panels will not be as effective until...the Spring! Woo Hooo!

So Spirit and Opportunity will...'hibernate'...during the Martian 'winter'...which, as you know, is about five or six Earth months...roughly double, since I'm sure you know that Mars' orbit takes a little over two Earth years to complete...

[edit on 18-1-2008 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 01:08 PM
Dear friend ngchunter,
a rocket is made to go forward, it can't go backwards because action and reaction vectors remain aligned only in statics, BUT A ROCKET MOVE IN THE FIELD OF DYNAMICS.

But, I don't care if you don't understand.

Try to tell me an intelligent answer about that question:

Nobody here have still said the reasons of this strange depressed behaviour of the 3 HEROES OF THE SPACE:

What are you able to say about this poor figure of THE 3 HEROES OF THE SPACE?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by petrette

petrette, Vonbraun, Von.braun, rewind, miamibics, no.stars, phisicsteacher, etc.......,

Is it your contention that no spacecraft has ever been inserted into orbit around the moon, another planet, or another planet's satellite(s)? Is it also your contention that no spacecraft has ever re-entered earths atmosphere and soft landed?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by petrette

Hello, petrette...AKA 'miamibics', 'rewind', 'von.braun', 'vonbraun', 'phisicsteacher', 'no.stars', 'nostars', 'JamesDean', 'brilliant.', 'brilliant', '.unmasker.', 'unmasker.', 'bushwg', 'landing', 'pollok', 'jet-pilot', 'jet.pilot', 'jetpilot', 'moonbeliever' and 'jra-2'.

You still fool no one.

ATS is about inclusion for all, all who have something relevant or important to provide. I am not the owner of this site, of course. I am a contributing member who is tired of an intrusion by someone who gets banned, then comes back...twenty times now, so far. It is a waste of our time.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by petrette
Dear friend ngchunter,
a rocket is made to go forward, it can't go backwards because action and reaction vectors remain aligned only in statics, BUT A ROCKET MOVE IN THE FIELD OF DYNAMICS.

But, I don't care if you don't understand.

Try to tell me an intelligent answer about that question:

Nobody here have still said the reasons of this strange depressed behaviour of the 3 HEROES OF THE SPACE:

As darkbluesky asked, please answer my question, is it your contention that it's impossible for a spacecraft to burn retrograde? Are you saying that no "rocket" can slow down to enter a planet's orbit? Are you saying that no "rocket" can slow down to re-enter the atmosphere from orbit? If you're saying that no "rocket" can "go backwards" then yes, these are the things you're saying. But this would mean that even the shuttle is a hoax because even the shuttle must thrust its engines "backwards" to slow down and re-enter the atmosphere - but you claim this is impossible. How is it then that I've seen shuttle missions in progress and even photographed them in orbit, as have others? You still haven't explained yourself after claiming that the apollo spacecraft will inevitably generate "infinite" angular momentum from its SPS engine. Simulators easily refute this, not that it's even physically possible.

As for your video... I don't get it, would you be chipper after being locked in a tin can for THREE WEEKS?! I don't care if you had just walked on the moon, I don't know anyone who fancies the idea of being locked up in a tin can or room without the chance to get outside at all for three weeks straight. That's what happened to the astronauts after they got back from the moon, they were put into quarantine for 3 weeks just in case they picked up any undiscovered "alien diseases" on the moon. In fact they passed a law just prior to the missions making it a federal offense to come into contact with the astronauts or their spacecraft once it was in quarantine, generating another false conspiracy theory that there's a law against touching "alien spacecraft."

[edit on 18-1-2008 by ngchunter]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I don't know if the mods are reading this, but I think it would be a good idea to not just ban our returning friend, but delete his messages, too. Take away his voice and he'll probably stop coming back

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:02 AM

The radiation wasn't that strong. You should look up the actual numbers for the amount or radiation they were exposed to. Apollo 14, for example had the most radiation exposure, which was 2.85 rem. That is still well below the lethal levels.

Yea, if you take their word for it, the charts are a joke,I just explained recently some where back on this thread that due to the nature of events that ocured at some period in the apolo mission combined with the fact that there is radiation everywhere in space and on the moon it is my conclusion that the charts that show values such as 2.85 rem are not realistic.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

Nobody will believe in your physics statements since you tell lies even about real facts.

For the Apollo 11 crew of Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, the MQF (Mobile Quarantine Facility) was home for 65 hours after splashdown, including the sea voyage to Pearl Harbor and the 9 hour flight to Houston.
Quarantined in the MQF with the astronauts were NASA Dr. Carpentier and technician John Hirasaki. The returning astronauts were scrutinized during their entire stay, undergoing various tests and examinations to determine the status of their health. Once the MQF arrived in Houston, the astronauts were transferred into the LRL where they spent the rest of their quarantine period.

Therefore astronauts, after not 3 days even in this large can:

were transferred into the LRL where they spent the rest of their quarantine period:

It looks like a nice place, a beautiful hotel.

Dear ngchunter, you say: "I don't know anyone who fancies the idea of being locked up in a tin can or room without the chance to get outside at all for three weeks straight".

Poor astronauts. How is that they have faced death but a little isolation have terrorized them.

Were they frightened little girls?

Therefore, I repeat my question:
Nobody here have still said the reasons of this strange depressed behaviour of THE 3 HEROES OF THE SPACE:

What are you able to say about this poor figure of THE 3 HEROES OF THE SPACE?

[edit on 19-1-2008 by zaratustra]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by zaratustra

....ahhh A 'Requiem' for Zarathustra!!!

AKA...'phisicsteacher'...that's probably the funniest one, of all of your more than twenty aliases. Sorry for correcting your spelling, thanks for coming back again and again and is very humourous.

Really, please keep coming back (sorry Mods, we tried to discourage him, maybe reverse psychology?)....??

*adding*...I am reminded of a Harry Potter chapter, from the book/movie, where the students are studying the 'Dark Arts' and they are confronted with a 'boggart'...a creature that can take the form of your greatest fear...and the best way to defeat the 'boggart' was with humor and derision...make it seem as ridiculous as you could, it could then be controlled....

[edit on 19-1-2008 by weedwhacker]

[edit on 19-1-2008 by weedwhacker]

[[for it, thanks]]

[edit on 19-1-2008 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
depending on the latitude of each, they might be powering down since the Martian winter is approaching, and the Solar Panels will not be as effective until...the Spring!

Well that will give the Secret Astronauts lots of time to effect cleanup and repairs

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hello, Z,

Did I post something about the Spirit and Opportunity on this thread my mistake??? If so, 'My bad'......

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 11:53 AM

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by voltaire
Imagine Armstrong went to the Moon and walked on its ground. Nobody did it before.

He had to overcome his fear, he had to confront death, he went there at his own risk and peril, he ran along a road full of hazards, he endangered his life, he had to overcome many obstacles and unforeseen events.

He did an incredible achievement, an astonishing exploit, he walked on an unknown world, he saw a landscape that took his breath away, it seemed to him to live in a surreal environment, he were amazed, astonished, greatly surprised, enchanted, bewitched, spellbound.

He was very pleased, very contented, very glad, very happy.
He felt the most strong, invincible, able, brave, courageous, fearless, valiant, bold man in the world.

Three weeks after his incredible enterprise, in this press conference he should be the most enthusiastic, excited, elated, euphoric, thrilled, satisfied, pleased, gratified, contented man in the world.

But his guilty conscience doesn't allow him to be pleased and his behaviour shows that he is ashamed of himself because of the BIG FRAUD in which some authoritative person convinced him to partecipate for the glory of HIS COUNTRY.

You must not have read my message on this page of this thread where I mentioned that they were in quarantine for three weeks straight after returning to the earth. They were cooped up in what was basically a gilded prison with no chance for personal contact with anyone else or even the chance to go outside for three weeks before being released back "into the world." Funny that you should mention that this conference took place three weeks after returning since that coincides perfectly with the quarantine period. All of your "expectations" of what he "should look like" during the press conference are predicated on the ignorance of this fact. When you take into account such a psychologically brutal solitude, we should expect to see Armstrong downtrodden immediately afterwards. If you don't believe me, let me coop you up in this thing for three weeks and see how you feel. This photo was taken shortly after splashdown - they're obviously still very happy here. This is a much more fair sampling of their behavior and whether or not they're showing guilt than after 3 weeks of being trapped like rats.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78

The radiation wasn't that strong. You should look up the actual numbers for the amount or radiation they were exposed to. Apollo 14, for example had the most radiation exposure, which was 2.85 rem. That is still well below the lethal levels.

Yea, if you take their word for it, the charts are a joke,I just explained recently some where back on this thread that due to the nature of events that ocured at some period in the apolo mission combined with the fact that there is radiation everywhere in space and on the moon it is my conclusion that the charts that show values such as 2.85 rem are not realistic.

How much and (perhaps more importantly) what kind of radiation? If you're talking about the Van Allen belts, they went through the weakest part as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the Van Allen belts contain particle radiation, not EM, and particle radiation is best shielded using fibrous material, like the kind that insulated the command module. The radiation was managable and it was indeed managed.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Sorry about the off-topic and useless post, but the thread appears stuck and I'm trying to get to the next page.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 02:54 PM
Yeh they made it, and they had help...
The eagle has landed had a little more behind it than most think.. like the Masonic ritual that took place 33 minutes after touch-down .. and the photo of one of the astronauts holding a masonic apron on the moon...


posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 05:14 PM
Wow... three pages worth of "ngchunten". Can't this be removed?

Originally posted by PuRe EnErGy
like the Masonic ritual that took place 33 minutes after touch-down

What ritual is this? Looking at the transcript of the transmission logs. They were venting fuel from the decent module, 33 minutes after landing. Now I know nothing about this Masonic stuff, but I'm going to guess that's not the ritual. So when did they squeeze in this supposed ritual?

and the photo of one of the astronauts holding a masonic apron on the moon

You wouldn't happen to have a link to that photo? I do recall reading that Buzz Aldrin was a Mason, but the others were not and I've never seen any photo showing a Masonic apron.

EDIT: Looks like the "ngchunten" posts were removed

[edit on 22-1-2008 by jra]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 10:53 PM
ummm, this captures it.... not sure if I got the timing right, and heck.. I wasn't there I'm just going on another persons word like most of us here..

not to mention the video is all spooky and conspiracy like ... I figured it'd fit in perfectly here..

[edit on 1/22/2008 by PuRe EnErGy]


posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by PuRe EnErGy

Well I skimmed through the video and I saw the photo of Aldrin with the Mason flag. For those who don't want to waste there time with the video, you can see it at 3:44 into the clip.

The photo is a fake. Here's the original. It's in colour, not B&W and Aldrin isn't holding a damned thing.

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