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Tragedy of girl shot attempted to be expoited for racial division; fails

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posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yeah alright!

But are you seriously going to sit their and claim you don't have the same instinctive racial bias?

I know if "a bunch of black dudes straight out of the hood" rolled up next to me, then that would be something I would probably take far more notice of, than if it was just some random guy in a pickup truck... It's just human nature.

More to the point though, when it comes to this particular scenario. I highly doubt these black guys gave the family anytime to get a good look at them... They were probably already shooting before they ever even came into the line of sight of the mother or her daughters.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 09:24 AM
Still say they are covering for somebody. Big time dealer or ???

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

racial bias, I dont think everyone has that

I think you only have racial bias if you have been somehow led to think a specific way about a specific group of people
by indoctrination or propaganda

but for anyone with a reasonable mind, its absolute rubbish

race is a fallacy

however it has been used by racists to divide and control us all

with controlled immigration , its called controlled immigration for a reason , they allow specific groups of people into the country then demonise them , making you hate them !

just like in britain , we have allowed many different immigrants into the UK then demonised them in the media
to generate hate , control immigration and control public opinion so that when later our government decides to invade those peoples country we already have an opinion on them , oh those romanians , or those syrians that live down the street, they are messy , untidy , unclean , dont live by our "british standards"
So yeh bomb the absolute hell out of them and take their resources !

well thats what I think it is anyway .

Yes we are culturally different, yes we all have variations in our phenotypical expression , but underneath we all share the same DNA and can intermix easily as we are all the same species !

race is a fallacy

racism howevere exists because its been built on lies, propaganda, and indoctrination of the young

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Grambler

And I thought this was a legit hate crime until I read your thread.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
The problem is it didn't fail. It ran on for over a week and the hate generated is still bubbling along with nowhere to go. To some they believe the current suspect was framed to get Whites off the hook. Check out comments on twitter. the denial is strong. They WANT to believe this lie and that's a problem in itself.

Eta: If the family wanted peace she should have never lied about the suspect description. She should also give back any money beyond the funeral and hospital costs but I'll take bets she doesn't. The part about getting big $ of your dead child is really creepy to me.

Just to add: I used to live in the area where this crime occurred and we had a good laugh at the idea that the perp was white or some collection of white Nazi's. There are practically NO whites left in that part of Harris County.

Think the coverage raised the level of hate in the area? Maybe, but I don't see how it could have gotten much worse! The reason whites had to leave was because the high level of hatred leveled at them by the incoming black population, driven there as a result of Hurricane Katrina. At this point, the whole area is a no-go zone. You can cut the hatred for whites with a butter knife

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
I remember when this story broke.
suspicion that it was a white person.
Next story I read, it was a black person that was arrested, and a second.
That the shooting was a case of mistaken identity, a mistake made by the shooter.

I never read much about racism, just a little at first, in this story.

Now it appears you are one of the EXPLOITERS.
do you get what I am saying?
YOU, are one of THOSE PEOPLE.

You are milking this story.
made a video too? yes..

Dude was all over the news here about the racist white shooter for days before the two black suspects were arrested. With absolutely no basis for it - even if the shooter WAS white, how does that mean it was a racially motivated attack? Maybe a drug dispute, mistaken identity (as it was), domestic dispute, etc. No, we here are not the "exploiters." The exploiters are the ones who falsely gave a white description and claimed racism with no basis.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

I pay attention to who rolls up next to me, but right now, I have far more disdain for dudes who roll up next to me on the highway with their cell phones out.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 02:07 PM
Didn't take long for the demonstrations to quit and cnn to quit covering it. Probably not even on the local news anymore.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: Ameilia

originally posted by: spacedoubt
I remember when this story broke.
suspicion that it was a white person.
Next story I read, it was a black person that was arrested, and a second.
That the shooting was a case of mistaken identity, a mistake made by the shooter.

I never read much about racism, just a little at first, in this story.

Now it appears you are one of the EXPLOITERS.
do you get what I am saying?
YOU, are one of THOSE PEOPLE.

You are milking this story.
made a video too? yes..

Dude was all over the news here about the racist white shooter for days before the two black suspects were arrested. With absolutely no basis for it - even if the shooter WAS white, how does that mean it was a racially motivated attack? Maybe a drug dispute, mistaken identity (as it was), domestic dispute, etc. No, we here are not the "exploiters." The exploiters are the ones who falsely gave a white description and claimed racism with no basis.

Yes, they were exploiters as well. The potential for exploitation goes both ways.
It's not unlike a car chase from the other day, I was watching the live feed and there were so many people predicting this would be an illegal, or gang banger or both. it turned out to be a neither.
I'm ok with pointing it out, it has become a cultural "blame-game". A really sad part of current culture.
I'm not ok with continued escalation, once the truth is discovered. It's non productive.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

So true! The media will do anything for ratings and $$!! They are very comfortable living in plush rich pockets. They have sold out...just like mainstream music. Its truly a shame!!

Kind of reminds me of a kick ass song from a while ago

edit on 8-1-2019 by kdyam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Grambler

It's a shame this happens, and in one of the states with the strictest gun control laws.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: Ameilia

originally posted by: spacedoubt
I remember when this story broke.
suspicion that it was a white person.
Next story I read, it was a black person that was arrested, and a second.
That the shooting was a case of mistaken identity, a mistake made by the shooter.

I never read much about racism, just a little at first, in this story.

Now it appears you are one of the EXPLOITERS.
do you get what I am saying?
YOU, are one of THOSE PEOPLE.

You are milking this story.
made a video too? yes..

Dude was all over the news here about the racist white shooter for days before the two black suspects were arrested. With absolutely no basis for it - even if the shooter WAS white, how does that mean it was a racially motivated attack? Maybe a drug dispute, mistaken identity (as it was), domestic dispute, etc. No, we here are not the "exploiters." The exploiters are the ones who falsely gave a white description and claimed racism with no basis.


Just because a white person kills a black person does NOT mean it has anything to do with ‘racism’.

The ‘left’ is just pathetic

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:16 PM
Certainly appears to be an agenda in the USA now.

Pitting the "African Americans" against the "European Americans", to the bitter end.

Who is Doing this? can Only be...The "Asian Americans", who are collaborating with the "Native Americans", both North and South ones.

The Invaders (Europeans and Africans) have met their match.......Now it is time for the Natives to take back their land.!!

Still, what are you Euro Americans whinging about?

In the past few years, 2 defenceless "European Australians" have been murdered by nigra African/Somalian Americans in cold even by a Cop!!

I doubt ANY Americans, black or White have been murdered in Australia in the past 50 years.

Still, lucky the EuroAmericos implanted that subliminal directive in their slaves, all those years ago....Thou Shalt not Kill White Americans!! or otherwise yous wills gos to Hells Bra.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: gort51

They have an agenda agaisnt European Natives. Same thing in Europe with African Migrant coming into Europe being delivered by NGO boats as starving migrants.

But once African migrates arrive in Europe they are quickly put into a refuge home or rather a small community full of African Migrants.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Grambler>>>> Racial paranoia spans both parties and goes across all socioeconomic groups and races. Its the disinformed being told who they have to be afraid of and who is to blame for their problems and they're exploited by the very people who are allegedly trying to help them. And they'll still buy the crap that Trump is their enemy since they have no way of knowing just whats going on and how backwards their views are.

edit on 9-1-2019 by Dutchowl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: sapien82

My question is if this is a gang related shooting by a black man, how did the story of a white racist ever start?

A mother with her 4 daughters was doing a coffee run at 7am well it was still dark, then a white dude in a red pickup truck pulls up next to them at the lights... The red pickup truck obviously pulls away.

Then out of nowhere 2 black guys roll up beside the car and start shooting... They confused the car with another car that belonged to a person they recently had an altercation with at a club.

In the confusion, the obviously traumatized mother and surviving daughters only remembered seeing the white dude in the red pickup truck.


You can hardly blame the mother and her surviving daughters for getting confused about what actually happened in such a scenario... Nor can you blame people for assuming such a meaningless & random attack might have been a hate crime.

The only people at blame here, are the stupid morons who rolled up on the car and started shooting in the first place.

Expertly missing every point in the OP there, impressive!

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:22 AM
MSN should do a undercover show to see what happens when a white man walks down certain streets at night fall in NYC.

Want to see people specifically targeted and attacked because of their skin color?

Lol. There can be a whole YouTube channel dedicated to seeing white people be targeted and attacked in certain communities .

Guess it's a one way street

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:49 AM
I saw the start of story the OP rightfully has highlighted and initially I thought "drive by l killing by white guy as a deliberate racist there more to this?" and of course there was yet the media jumped on to it like a leech as did the BLM and others who promote a non inclusive environment between people. It was pushed and promoted with a hatred that just insults the mind and like the OP I thought "poor family but do we know all the facts and the act of white on black is something of a rarity (lets not go down the Police line at THIS second as its still being researched and NOT a standard for all Police).

Sure enough the truth finally outed, it made no difference to the family, the girl was still murdered but the wish to push an alternate race agenda which actually fact based is tiny compared to the black on white crime just says so much about all of us. I wonder just who and how many people went for the initial story and then still believed it was a white killer even when they heard it was a drive by with black men shooting.....I really wonder just how many hung on to the possibility that they could blame the wrong person purely for political and social means.

I really wonder just how many of these big mouths that push the racial agenda could be traced back to enabling violence and it not being just freedom of speech. I just wonder how many could actually be revealed as users of their people to create instability but the obvious problem is that even if people could show all these bigots getting directly involved in instituting crime you wonder just how many would write it off as an Anti Black attack.

To be honest while all these various fools promote entitlement, reparation for all and such things we will see this problem where the blame game will target whoever fits the political agenda for them.

I'm fed up how the threat of violence or the race / religion card is allowed to influence what is the LAW...

I'm fed up as a multi race and multi faith family how we are having to avoid certain places because the overall thinking of the people has been influenced by people who are anti mixing of people on ANY level..

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Tragedy of girl shot attempted to be expoited for racial division; fails

The police interviewed this girl's siblings who were seated beside her when the shooting occured. They gave a description of a white male and pick-up truck that was, in fact, at the scene.

I would tend to afford small children that witnessed their sister being murdered beside them a little grace for confusion as bullets rained down on the car unexpectedly.

It seems pointedly abhorrent to accuse them of exploiting their sisters murder, giving false information to the police, in hopes of encouraging some national outrage.

“It went down very quickly when the gunfire erupted,” Gonzalez said. “You’re talking about small children, they witnessed something very traumatic, and it’s very likely the last thing they did see was indeed that red truck — and the driver in that red truck — and that’s what they remember last.”


all the information up until yesterday has been that the shooter was an older white male in a red truck, that came from not only one of the victims, 15-year-old Alexis, but from an eyewitness nearby.”
edit on 9-1-2019 by Extorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: Grambler

Tragedy of girl shot attempted to be expoited for racial division; fails

The police interviewed this girl's siblings who were seated beside her when the shooting occured. They gave a description of a white male and pick-up truck that was, in fact, at the scene.

I would tend to afford small children that witnessed their sister being murdered beside them a little grace for confusion as bullets rained down on the car unexpectedly.

It seems pointedly abhorrent to accuse them of exploiting their sisters murder, giving false information to the police, in hopes of encouraging some national outrage.

“It went down very quickly when the gunfire erupted,” Gonzalez said. “You’re talking about small children, they witnessed something very traumatic, and it’s very likely the last thing they did see was indeed that red truck — and the driver in that red truck — and that’s what they remember last.”


all the information up until yesterday has been that the shooter was an older white male in a red truck, that came from not only one of the victims, 15-year-old Alexis, but from an eyewitness nearby.”

I don't think any of this is the fault of the little girls. They saw what they saw. Its the "adults" after the fact that used the "Get Whitey" story line..
edit on 9-1-2019 by Scifi2424 because: (no reason given)

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