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The next president will make America Great just by showing up ....

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posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Keep in mind, leftist, socialism, is a fiscal policy, not a social policy. It really has nothing to do with immigration, abortion, gay marriage, etc. leftist policies are those policies which support the working force keeping its earnings. So taxation on labor and businesses that produce a product? That’s against socialism. The only taxes were supposed to be those on unearned income, rent, interest and financial speculation. Taxes were only supposed to be used to facilitate the economy for social infrastructure. That’s roads, schools, healthcare, common defense. And privatization of roads, services, were all supposed to be penalized because they are natural monopolies. So these are all demonized by the right because unearned income is largely the source of their wealth and power. So they castigate single payer healthcare because who profits then? Not the corporations.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Immigration is largely a side issue that could be easily solved by either party if they really wanted to do it. No money involved, they could actually make money by massively fining any company who hired illegals. Problem would be instantly solved and we’d get plenty money from prosecution until they all learned. But neither group wants that.

Both groups use massive media lies to forward their “agendas” which are largely similar. More war, more debt, more taxes, less consumer protections, less civilian freedom and power. And the democrats are not leftists in the least, just as republicans aren’t in support of fiscal responsibility. All the talking points, given to you by the msm, are just there to distract you as you they take away your money, take away your relevance, and drown you in debt and underpaid labor. The whole goal of everything, by both sides, is a system where we all do all the work, and they take all the profit through low wages, interest, rents, and taxes, while not having to lift a finger to do work of their own.

A side issue as opposed to what? The msm didn’t “give” me talking points. I’ve observed the Democrat Party over the years, and I’ve observed people on this very website and the things they espouse. I’m
Well Aware of what is going on in both parties, but I have just explained that some people in the so-called GOP aren’t necessarily true right wing conservatives. Some have been camelians like Paul Ryan. And A few finally got a backbone during the Kavanaugh episode, though now I’m not sure if even Kavanaugh hasn’t been bought out to side with Roberts. Mostly the Deep State has left wing agendas. As explained by Antony Sutton and Jonah Goldberg, eugenics and euthanasia were always a part of what Progressives embraced. But the Left in fact often switch their agendas around to suit what they are trying to accomplish. They are against war and then they are for it, they were for the walk before they were against it, and so on... because Marxism embraces the maxim, “ the ends justifies the means”. And they have indeed proven themselves to employ even the most diabolical things to get what they want. Oh by the way massive voter fraud seems to be one of their favorite ends by any means.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Keep in mind, leftist, socialism, is a fiscal policy, not a social policy. It really has nothing to do with immigration, abortion, gay marriage, etc. leftist policies are those policies which support the working force keeping its earnings. So taxation on labor and businesses that produce a product? That’s against socialism. The only taxes were supposed to be those on unearned income, rent, interest and financial speculation. Taxes were only supposed to be used to facilitate the economy for social infrastructure. That’s roads, schools, healthcare, common defense. And privatization of roads, services, were all supposed to be penalized because they are natural monopolies. So these are all demonized by the right because unearned income is largely the source of their wealth and power. So they castigate single payer healthcare because who profits then? Not the corporations.

Not true!Leftism is indeed both economic and cultural/social engineering. If pushing gender dysphoria isn’t a leftwing social engineering tactic, I don’t know what is.
It is patently ridiculous to assume that paving roads and fighting fires would in any way be the limits of raising taxes, as the Left has proven that they will raise taxes on everything including things we cannot control, such as the Climate. But let’s just get away from left/right for a moment here. Let’s talk about Agenda 21 and the Club of Rome, the elite group of controllers who support Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is totalitarian no doubt. Proponents engage in supporting radical environmentalism, massive depopulation agendas worldwide, control of the worlds resources, support of UN treaties designed to control water rights of individual landowners, hatred of affluence( if you doubt this then just read the literature the UN puts out about affluent Americans eating meat). I mean come on, cow flatulence causes Climate Change ?????
edit on 3-1-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
All good points of msm created talking points, like immigration, right up there with Russian collusion, yellow cake, and other distractive lies. And the massively wealthy are indeed the problem, just not the wealthy that they may be directing you to, eating meat and such nonsense. And yes, it’s easy to see that the Democratic Party is just as much for war as anyone else, and for every other debacle that transfers money from the tax payers to the mic, banks, and other parasites. And the points you make of them pushing for control of resources, water etc are all good examples of the many ways these people, republicans and dems alike, continue to expand their control over us all.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
All good points of msm created talking points, like immigration, right up there with Russian collusion, yellow cake, and other distractive lies. And the massively wealthy are indeed the problem, just not the wealthy that they may be directing you to, eating meat and such nonsense. And yes, it’s easy to see that the Democratic Party is just as much for war as anyone else, and for every other debacle that transfers money from the tax payers to the mic, banks, and other parasites. And the points you make of them pushing for control of resources, water etc are all good examples of the many ways these people, republicans and dems alike, continue to expand their control over us all.

The Russian collusion was definitely manufactured by the msm. Are you inferring that it is not a product of the Left? You prove my point by suggesting that the “wealthy” are the problem. Are you inferring that the “left” are not also the wealthy ? I would suggest that Marxists in the Democrat Party and otherwise simply use references to “ the wealthy” or “the 1%” to rile up those in the lower to middle classes in class warfare. Let me know when you think that ultra leftist Democrat Nancy Pelosi is not a wealthy 1 per center. Democrats and The Left typically agitate for bigger government and totalitarian control over even minute aspects of our lives. Mussolini coined the term. Face it, the Left wants to tell us what to eat, what to believe, how to talk (gender id and such), how much we can make, and how much of our paycheck we get to
Keep. They want to control our cultural views, religious ideals( as in no religion but that which they espouse—- which at present is Islam, Climate Change propaganda, and secular humanism), and political views.
edit on 3-1-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh, “Russian collusion” is definitely a fabricated issue, that’s what I was saying. And it’s a product of the neoliberals which are not leftists in any real sense. The language has been changed to shift criticism from the bankers to the working poor, in a class war the bankers won. We are in a class war, and you and I, who are ostensibly on the same side, are enjoined to argue with each other by those who won the war. And when I say the wealthy, I don’t mean those who make profit by creating a real product. I’m speaking about the leaches on society, those who extract profit rather than create it, through interest, taxation upon workers and creators, rent, etc. in other words those who take profit from us without having to work for it. Because of them our society is burdened in ever increasing debt that will have to implode at some point, and this is the ultimate problem, worse than all others, facing us, of which every single other issue is a side track or symptom. And I agree; pelosi, like 99% of the rest of our politicians, is a disgusting leech and part of the problem.

edit on 3-1-2019 by pexx421 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: pexx421
To give an example of them controlling the discussion, let’s take “free market” which is a term I’m sure you’ve used before. Originally, under Adam Smith and such, free market meant a market free from interest, rent, and monopolies. Now, because they won the war and changed the terms to redefine the discussion, free market means the opposite. It means a market where banks and businesses are free to charge all the interest, taxes, monopolies they want, without government being able to limit the amount of exploitation they chose to leverage onto the system of trade. This leaves us, the public, so burdened by debt, interest, and taxes that we have little left to buy products which is the life blood of the actual economy, rather than their false god of the stock market, which is more an indicator of how much money the finance groups can extract from us rather than a display of our ability to have higher standards of living.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh, “Russian collusion” is definitely a fabricated issue, that’s what I was saying. And it’s a product of the neoliberals which are not leftists in any real sense. The language has been changed to shift criticism from the bankers to the working poor, in a class war the bankers won. We are in a class war, and you and I, who are ostensibly on the same side, are enjoined to argue with each other by those who won the war. And when I say the wealthy, I don’t mean those who make profit by creating a real product. I’m speaking about the leaches on society, those who extract profit rather than create it, through interest, taxation upon workers and creators, rent, etc. in other words those who take profit from us without having to work for it. Because of them our society is burdened in ever increasing debt that will have to implode at some point, and this is the ultimate problem, worse than all others, facing us, of which every single other issue is a side track or symptom. And I agree; pelosi, like 99% of the rest of our politicians, is a disgusting leech and part of the problem.
you are going to have to work harder to convince me. I’m fully aware of the interfacing of the communist party with the Democrats. Are you saying that the Democrats dont represent the leftist ideals of communism and socialism?

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:20 AM
This is demonstrated clearly by the fact that the msm is proclaiming a “recovery” meanwhile personal debt and state debt, national debt, have all been climbing rapidly. Only someone not paying attention can look at tax breaks and stock jumps on one hand, and increased debt, personal and otherwise on the other, and call it growth. It’s just robbing the workers futures to pay the banks today.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
I’m saying that communism and socialism are 2 very different things, and that democrats don’t represent socialism in any form. As I stated, socialism is first and foremost no taxation on labor or any business that creates a real product. I’m sure you probably agree that our current tax system is largely theft, stealing our work to give profit to arms manufacturers and businesses that they didn’t earn. Socialism agrees. Monopolies are anti socialism. Taxing labor is anti socialism. The behemoth govt we have that taxes us to provide subsidies to business that are already massively wealthy? Anti socialism. Our healthcare system where things cost way more than their actual cost plus moderate profit? Anti socialism.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: pexx421
I think you are mixing up monopolistic and oligopolistic crony capitalism with the idea of free enterprise. They are not the same thing. I am well aware of Adam Smith and the Hidden Hand. Please do not conflate the two. Capitalism is serving the interests of the Deep State but it is anything but free. It is the opposite side of the coin of “international capitalist/communist conspiracy”.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Socialism was created as a movement against those groups who made money by taking it from others without doing any work. Banks, rentiers, speculators, financiers. This scared the hell out of them, so they rephrased it to mean people who want something for nothing, which is exactly what the bankers and their ilk are. It’s double speak, and now everyone hates the new socialism, and no one even understands what the original term really meant.

And what are banks, after all, other than a group that creates money from nothing, and then require that people pay for its use? Parasites on the American and worldwide public who make profit without doing work.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
And taking this further, I’d posit that the bankers, Wall Street, the mic, these are the groups behind all the ills of the world. False scarcity, wars, 3rd world poverty, and they control the whole discussion through the msm.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
So then, what is a free market? What is it supposed to be free from? And who does the deep state serve? The answers are the same. The exploitative banks, rentiers, and speculators are the yolk on everyone’s neck, the ones dragging us all down, while they dance on the profits that we earn and they extract. All the while claiming for gdp that they are producing a product when in reality all the money they exploit should be subtracted from gdp to get a true idea of how the economy is. Hence people thinking the economy is going well when in fact it’s tanking.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: pexx421

Aware of that. Can you show me how current excessive bureaucratic government controls have truly protected the people from abuse? I say now Government is on bed with monopolistic mega corporations to control the people and steal from them. Government is the bigger problem because it uses totalitarian means to control all of society and uses force for compliance.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh, I agree completely that the govt does exactly as you say. But who owns who? Is the soldier on the front line at the dictators orders the bigger problem? Because that’s the metaphor here. They created our govt with the premise that it was to protect us from the bankers, oligarchs, exploitative powers. These very groups have taken control of it. They are the main problem, and our current government is their executive arm. But govt itself is our only way to fight them. So yes, our government is their tool right now. Abolishing it’s usefulness and power over them was their goal, and they made it work for them instead. If we deconstruct it, as trump is doing, that serves their purpose as well. We really need to take it back. But, if what I’m saying about Econ and socialism interests you at all, I’d suggest watching Michael Hudson on YouTube, he has a pretty interesting take on economic history.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: pexx421

Socialism is an intermediary step in which capitalistic mechanisms are still in place and not eliminated because they are valuable assets to socialistic means of appropriating the wealth of the masses. Socialism by itself cannot function, and we have seen the downfall of the centralized control of the economy in The Soviet Union, because centralized control of the means of production is really inefficient. Even the communist Chinese use some market exploitation to build its empire but it is still a communist country by most measures. Today, China is implementing some extraordinary measures of totalitarian control that can only be described as Orwellian in nature. Why would you or anyone else consider such measures? Do you value freedom at all or do you try to pretend that there is any freedom in communism?

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: pexx421

I recommend reading Rosa Koire’s book, “Behind The Green Mask”. It’s best to drop the Left/right jargon while studying it, because Koire is a liberal Democrat by her own self-identification, but she has talked to audiences even of Tea Party populace. She did not like Bush because the Bush Family signed on to Agenda 21. She describes Agenda 21 as implementing “communitarianism” which is a slightly different version of communism because it engages ngo’s and public/private partnership. Her website is democratsagainstunagenda21. Check it out some time.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
See, clear point here. In actual socialist doctrine there isn’t supposed to be centralized control of the economy. Govt is supposed to protect from exploitation and facilitate the freedom of the economy from manipulation by the capitalist class, and workers are supposed to be the backbone of the economy through purchasing goods with the disposable income left from not having to pay taxes, interest, or hyperinflated prices from monopolies and oligarchs. Capitalist means are still in place because the people are not strong enough initially to throw off the yoke of monopolists and usury. But by discouraging monopolies and interest those classes are meant to disappear over time. The whole point is that no one should be making profit they don’t work for, because they must necessarily be taking it from those who DO work for it. The soviet socialist system resembled socialism the way our current system resembles freedom and democracy.

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus
And my view of ngos are groups sent to foment economic espionage and insurgency under the radar, and public private partnership is just a way for companies to get us to pay for production while they reap the profits. All ways for banks to steal our money. Capitalism is nothing more than free reign for the banks to indefinitely exploit us all they want, and make massive profit without working for it.

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