a reply to:
While I fully agree with you and we need some younger blood in the government, to be fair, what you said can directly relate to Trump as well. Over
70 when sworn in, something going on with his hair or lack thereof, etc.
This part is addressed to the thread, not just you paraphi:
I get it, she lied about her heritage. I'd argue that it technically isn't a lie, because she didn't know that information was false, she was just
going by what her family had told her. But for the sake of argument, she lied. However, Trump lies all the time. Being completely objective, anyone
with a sound mind should be able to say that Trump has lied many times during his presidency. If you truly believe that he has never lied as
president, then you've had a deep drink of the Trump cool-aid.
So, are you going to hold him accountable for all of his lies, and constantly deride him as a person because of them, like you do with her? If your
barrier of being able to be a good president rests on whether or not the person has lied...maybe take a second look at who you're supporting.
Back to the topic at hand: Not a single person on here has mentioned the only thing that matters at this point: Her policies. Someone pointed out
that they're out of date on her website, but it's very easy to google (or duck duck go) her position on different political matters.
It drives me nuts that here, on a website specifically created to help people learn and deny ignorance, people stoop so low as to just make fun of
people instead of arguing their political positions, site-wide. In the Mud Pit, sure, I get it. But, in case people missed it, this thread is NOT in
the Mud Pit. Act accordingly.
I like to think that we're a bunch of smart people here, and there are SO many "smart" ways to make fun of Elizabeth Warren in terms of politics
(which is what this thread is about), but instead, many of us decide to focus on 1 lie, and constantly make fun of her for that.
Honestly, it's been done to death. Come up with new material, or at least be objective with your material. Keep it in perspective: you're making
fun of this woman, and arguing that she isn't fit to run for president, because of a lie. Hold Trump, and all other politicians, to the same
standards, or drop that argument because it no longer flies.
IMO, I don't care for a lot of Warren's policies, and I seriously doubt I'd ever vote for her.