Out of every 100 people, ten weren't fathered by the man they believe is Dad
- Recent DNA statistics from Germany (last year I think it was) verified this, in fact I think it may have even been higher than that!
Al Qaeda attacks have increased substantially since 9/11
- Probably true but I assume you mean in Iraq and Afghanistan in which case the almost every attack is linked by the US Govt to Al Qaeda in someway
Fetuses masturbate
- You also defecate and urinate in the womb as well, Babies are also known to be constantly touching their genitials, for the obvious reason that it
feels good.
Most corporations pay no federal income tax
- Of course not they weasel out their ways out of everything, normally going through tax havens and other accounting trickery. The Richer you are the
more taxes you can afford to avoid
A DEA judge ruled that pot is medically beneficial
- Yes it is well known that it is beneficial for Glaucoma suffers, it also impairs brain function with regualr use though (but so do a lot of things,
including excessive alcohol)
A leading Pentagon hawk admitted the Iraq invasion was illegal
-and a fat lot of good it did. I happened to be doing a course on International Law as part of my degree in the first half of 2003 so the Invasion of
Iraq was a godsend for me, instead of some tedious dull topic I wrote about the illegality of the war and got a great mark for once
George Washington embezzled government funds
-He's a politician and a human being, what do you expect? If you dig around a bit there are loads of world leaders past and present with skeletons in
their closet. In fact it's people like Hitler, vegetarian, animal loving, thinking they are doing what's best for everyone, who tend to screw up
the most.
Scientists are recreating the highly lethal 1918 Spanish Flu virus
-No suprises there, I'm sure they did it decades ago and weaponised it for use as a biological weapon.
Several thousand Americans were held in Nazi concentration camps
-Do you mean American Jews or American Non Jews? Either way the camps weren't solely for Jews, plenty of other people Hitler didn't like were killed
there as well.
The government has a database of every child porn image ever made
-I doubt it since pedophiles are probably making more even as we speak. I take it you mean they keep everything they find, which is indeed true. As
they say, Customs and Police officers usually have the best porn collections. They not only keep them, they have to look at every single image to see
if they can identifiy the child and to see if it corresponds to another collection creating a link until they can trace the origin. I don't know
about other countries, but here in Australia they then have to be sent to the classification board, they then have to look through every image (often
30-50,000+ images which is a HUGE amount of images) and classify it to see if it is actually illegal. Often this involves trying to figure out the
ages of teenagers which means doctors are brought in to give evidence on the age of the child. This is then used as evidence in court and so of course
all the evidence is kept.
Gandhi refused to let his dying wife take penicillin yet took quinine to save himself
- I dont know anything about this, sounds like his own business to me, but I guess it shows he was human after all and had flaws just like the rest of
Well over 300,000 tons of chemical weapons have been dumped into the sea
-Also untold amounts of surplus military stuff, (tanks, planes, bombs, ships etc) Toxic waste, a few Nuclear Bombs (those were accidents but they
haven't bothered finding them all) and god knows what else they shoved out there.