originally posted by: jamescarrion
a reply to: scrounger
THAT is your proof of an alien spacecraft crashing at Roswell? Because the Air Force said something crashed, but said it decades later?
Where in your PROOF quote is the word "crashed" ... I don't see it...
Are we even on the same planet?
first I said it wasnt PROOF it was alien craft (again I DONT KNOW) but proof that it COULD REASONABLY BE.
given the FACT the government HAS NOT PROVIDED PROOF what they recovered.
add to it alot of what they claim in reports has more holes than swiss cheese
but again I (unlike alot here) dont dismiss it like it was impossible or improbable
here is the quote with bold for emphasis'
"In the July 1994 Report of Air Force Research Regarding the Roswell Incident, the Air Force DID NOT DISPUTE THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED NEAR ROSWELL,
but reported that the most likely source of the WRECKAGE was from the balloon-launched classified government project designed to determine the state
of Soviet nuclear weapons research. "
Definition of wreckage
1 : the act of wrecking : the state of being wrecked
2a : something that has been wrecked
b : broken and disordered parts or material from something wrecked
definition of wrecked
Something, especially a vehicle or building, that has been badly damaged or destroyed.
so unless wreckage suddenly grew out of the ground like a weed or materialized out of a transporter beam a "crash" had to happen.
either mid air and it fell or a collision with the ground.
hence a CRASH.
now I am willing to say it is also possible it was a secret project that malfunctioned and/or something else happened resulting in the wreckage and a
need at the time to keep it secret.
but common its been 70 years .
Logic dictates (along with practical examples like the u2 SPYPLANE) that any technical hardware, any mission, and any need for secrecy of 1947 era has
so there is ZERO reason to say.(example) . what crashed at roswell was a secret government spy project called
"mogul" using balloon carried equipment to spy on russia... this day was mission a143 to study the atomic woopie couches test in BFE siberia...
unfortunately it crashed due to lightening strike with not converting metric to american measurements
here is the now declassified system and how it was developed.
showing the innovation of the US during the first months of the cold war , yadda yadda yadda...
the whole thing put to bed, giving credit to government, ect.
just like they did with the U2.
but they havent.
I noticed that people thought this conversation keep saying things like "witnesses after all this time can be mistaken", "there are reasons like
deceiving the russians" and where is the hard proof type of logic.
well when you turn that very logic on the government explanations, especially claiming witnesses to the fact may be mistaken , then that very logic
also discredits the government explanations as well.
Look unless someone can provide PROOF on EXACTLY what crashed in/near roswell the claim its a weather balloon, no wait project mogul, no wait its
deception to fool the russians has as much possibility as an alien craft/probe/ship got caught in a lightning strike and crashed.
to say one theory has no possibility but the others with the same lack of and/or flawed information is what happened is not logical or intellectually
so in conclusion for the umpteenth time..... I DONT KNOW WHAT CRASHED ...
but I am willing to say its POSSIBLE it was not of this earth...but it also is possible it was...
I WANT PROOF before saying what it was/wasnt