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Trump appears to back down from demanding wall funding from congress

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posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: JHumm
I think people who are against the wall should protest it by showing us that we dont need a wall to secure our borders, they should all remove their front door from their home, garage doors, even their fences .
I dont know how people can think that we dont need a good border for our country.

What kind of logic is that? There are PLENTY of American criminals that would take advantage of that just the same. My apartment was broken into and robbed a few years back by a woman and her kid...and guess what? They were white Americans, born and bred here by other white Americans.

I'm not even on the left and I can't see eye to eye with that.

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll
It reminds me of something Bernadette said on TBBT. Her company once 'created a disorder and introduced a medication to cure it all in one day". lol.

Trump created 'an immigration crisis" where there wasn't one. He wants to use a machine gun to fix it, when a sling-shot would do. People see through it. Or, MOST people see through it.

I hope you are privledged enough to not have to have your wages depressed by cheap illegal labor

How great it must be to be willing to say problems don’t exist when they don’t personally affect you!

Oh for God's sake. There was no 'immigration crisis". Your comments only display your desire to be contentious with me.
If I had noticed this was your thread, I wouldn't have posted on it to start with.

I could say "Donald Trump is a liar" and you would say "no, no he's an honest man".

lol @you.

No I wouldn’t say that, as many people have called him a liar in ats and I haven’t responded with that

Yes millions of people illegally in this country is a crisis

You are proveldged to not be affected and so you arrogantly dismiss anyone who does suffer because of this crisis

Feel free to not participate all you want

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Drucifer

originally posted by: JHumm
I think people who are against the wall should protest it by showing us that we dont need a wall to secure our borders, they should all remove their front door from their home, garage doors, even their fences .
I dont know how people can think that we dont need a good border for our country.

What kind of logic is that? There are PLENTY of American criminals that would take advantage of that just the same. My apartment was broken into and robbed a few years back by a woman and her kid...and guess what? They were white Americans, born and bred here by other white Americans.

I'm not even on the left and I can't see eye to eye with that.

I don’t think the point was that illegals would be the only ones to take advantage of homes without doors etc.

It’s that someone would, as your example shows

The point is this is another example of people claiming that what other people want is immoral or wrong, in this case secure borders for the country from a wall, while benefiting from walls in their personal life

Just like guns, or using fossil fuels

The wealthy elites always proscribe “rules for thee, not for me”

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll
It reminds me of something Bernadette said on TBBT. Her company once 'created a disorder and introduced a medication to cure it all in one day". lol.

Trump created 'an immigration crisis" where there wasn't one. He wants to use a machine gun to fix it, when a sling-shot would do. People see through it. Or, MOST people see through it.

I hope you are privledged enough to not have to have your wages depressed by cheap illegal labor

How great it must be to be willing to say problems don’t exist when they don’t personally affect you!

Oh for God's sake. There was no 'immigration crisis". Your comments only display your desire to be contentious with me.
If I had noticed this was your thread, I wouldn't have posted on it to start with.

I could say "Donald Trump is a liar" and you would say "no, no he's an honest man".

lol @you.

No I wouldn’t say that, as many people have called him a liar in ats and I haven’t responded with that

Yes millions of people illegally in this country is a crisis

You are proveldged to not be affected and so you arrogantly dismiss anyone who does suffer because of this crisis

Feel free to not participate all you want

No, we are not having an immigration crisis. It exists only as a political tool for a political fool.


posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 06:27 PM
When i saw the news title on drudge my immediate question was "Why"

Then I remembered I'm not living on the real planet earth.

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll
It reminds me of something Bernadette said on TBBT. Her company once 'created a disorder and introduced a medication to cure it all in one day". lol.

Trump created 'an immigration crisis" where there wasn't one. He wants to use a machine gun to fix it, when a sling-shot would do. People see through it. Or, MOST people see through it.

I hope you are privledged enough to not have to have your wages depressed by cheap illegal labor

How great it must be to be willing to say problems don’t exist when they don’t personally affect you!

Oh for God's sake. There was no 'immigration crisis". Your comments only display your desire to be contentious with me.
If I had noticed this was your thread, I wouldn't have posted on it to start with.

I could say "Donald Trump is a liar" and you would say "no, no he's an honest man".

lol @you.

No I wouldn’t say that, as many people have called him a liar in ats and I haven’t responded with that

Yes millions of people illegally in this country is a crisis

You are proveldged to not be affected and so you arrogantly dismiss anyone who does suffer because of this crisis

Feel free to not participate all you want

No, we are not having an immigration crisis. It exists only as a political tool for a political fool.


Sorry I disagree

Even honest left wing people admit that millions of illegal immigrants and caravan people being killed raped and robbed is a serious deal

But true partisans like yourself can laugh off these terrible conditions of the people coming here as not a problem because you think it helps you attack trump

/ignore poor people if it hurts trump

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: angeldoll
It reminds me of something Bernadette said on TBBT. Her company once 'created a disorder and introduced a medication to cure it all in one day". lol.

Trump created 'an immigration crisis" where there wasn't one. He wants to use a machine gun to fix it, when a sling-shot would do. People see through it. Or, MOST people see through it.

I hope you are privledged enough to not have to have your wages depressed by cheap illegal labor

How great it must be to be willing to say problems don’t exist when they don’t personally affect you!

Oh for God's sake. There was no 'immigration crisis". Your comments only display your desire to be contentious with me.
If I had noticed this was your thread, I wouldn't have posted on it to start with.

I could say "Donald Trump is a liar" and you would say "no, no he's an honest man".

lol @you.

No I wouldn’t say that, as many people have called him a liar in ats and I haven’t responded with that

Yes millions of people illegally in this country is a crisis

You are proveldged to not be affected and so you arrogantly dismiss anyone who does suffer because of this crisis

Feel free to not participate all you want

No, we are not having an immigration crisis. It exists only as a political tool for a political fool.


Sorry I disagree

Even honest left wing people admit that millions of illegal immigrants and caravan people being killed raped and robbed is a serious deal

But true partisans like yourself can laugh off these terrible conditions of the people coming here as not a problem because you think it helps you attack trump

/ignore poor people if it hurts trump

You are grossly mistaken in trying to surmise what I think. Also, I'm not quite as partisan as you might think.
There are issues I am quite conservative with.

This one comes to mind as it pertains to this topic. I am conservative when it comes to keeping families together.
Keeping children with their parents is an urgent factor including cases where people are asserting the legal right to seek refuge.

I'm also conservative with the law, which states that when a child is removed from it's parent, that child must appear in a court before a Judge within 72 hours to show Probable cause for the removal of that child, and that child MUST be represented by a Guardian Ad Litem, or an attorney to defend his rights during that hearing. I'm not sure seeking asylum qualifies as 'probable cause'.

And other issues that I will refrain from going into here, as all you want to do is second guess my beliefs.
edit on 12/18/2018 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

Even honest left wing people admit that millions of illegal immigrants and caravan people being killed raped and robbed is a serious deal

That's actually funny it's so stupid -- The fact that would actually use that as an argument for you case. Preposterously hypocritical.
edit on 12/18/2018 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

No not hypocritical at all

The fact that you can say there is no crisis from illegal immigration, and then discuss family separations is what is hypocritical

Those separations happen because of the crisis of illegal immigration

When you pretend that crisis isn’t real, you lead to these separations not being solved, along with the litany of other problems that come along with tens of millions of illegals in the us and many more trying to get in

Again, you only want to admit something is a problem if it hurts trump

So you don’t care about how the current policies lead to caravans ofbillegals were immigrants are robbed or even murdered by coyotes, raped, have families separated, etc

To you, that isn’t a crisis, that’s just tools for political fools

Nor do you care about the massive wage depression or economic impact of tens of millions of illegal immigrants

You pretend the problem doesn’t exist because you are less worried about real lives being affected negatively than you are about attacking trump

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 07:20 PM
Meanwhile we can’t budget 5 billion dollars for a wall, but we can send 10 billion to southern countries to bribe them not to have illegals come to the USA

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid and investment Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.

The U.S aid aims to promote better security conditions and job opportunities as part of a regional plan to allow Central Americans and Mexicans to remain in their countries and not have to emigrate.

The plan was announced in a joint U.S.-Mexican statement released by the State Department and read aloud by Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard in the Mexican capital

I was just joking earlier saying we should give potential bank robbers free money to stop them from wanting to rob banks

Wel I guess paying illegals not to come to the USA is about as ridiculous

It’s nice the us has solved all of its problems and can now afford to pay billions of dollars to other countries poor

I mean , surely if we can spend 10 billion for the poor of Central America there must be no poor people left in America!

So let’s celebrate the eradication of poverty in the us!

Unless our politicians care more about other coutnipoor than our own?

Nah, that can’t be the case!

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 07:58 PM

Instead we will just hand over 10.6 billion to those idiots down there and everything will continue as planned.

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 11:58 PM
Shut down the government until Congress can pass a budget. End of story.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Grambler

He is referring to the new political movement I like to call the trumpsters.
Those are the ones that will protect trump at any cost. He is above this country in their minds.

You sir are a republican and patriot. It is no surprise when you call out BS.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: CharlesT

Cowboy is comedian sure but he is very knowledgeable with our political system.

Some times his jokes go over peoples heads just because he knows so much more.

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Grambler

I think he waited because he wanted to do it in a different way.
Imagine how good he would look if he actually got mexico to pay for it.

He still might keep trying. There is one more budget to be decided for 2020 that will be his last chance to stick funding for the wall into the military spending. I wouldn't be surprised if he did wait till then and kept pushing for the wall for another year.
That article only says he COULD back down.

I am not against a wall being funded by the military so long as the government doesn't take money from other programs to pay the military back. Instead they should scale back military exercises and equipment.
edit on 19-12-2018 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 09:04 AM
Don't even think about taking one penny from the military. Get that money from SS, medicaid, medicare. those geezers are gonna die soon anyway and what have they ever contributed to this great Country. MAGA MAGA

posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Prediction. Trump will declare illegal immigration as a National Security Issue/Threat. The wall will then be built by the Army Corps of Engineers using funding already allocated to the Defense Department. Liberals will melt down.

Since he backed off the funding request, he's already found out that he has the authority to do so, AND already has secured the funding.


posted on Dec, 19 2018 @ 10:26 AM
People certainly are quick to declare "win" or "loss" these days. I guess, considering the state of our society, it makes sense that people don't understand goal setting.

What is the goal here? To build a wall? To get elected? To get re-elected? To start an argument? To shut down the government?

None of the above. The goal is to defend the borders.

To accomplish that goal, we need several things. We need to make illegal immigration across the southern border as difficult as possible, because we simply do not have the manpower (and cannot afford the manpower) to have it patrolled 100% of the time in 100% of the areas affected. We need to make sure our border patrol is funded sufficiently to have the tools to combat illegal immigration. We need to remove the incentives that cause illegal immigration. We need to effectively remove illegal immigrants that come here.

Each of these then become a goal in themselves. The cheapest and easiest and most effective way to make illegal immigration across the southern border difficult is with a physical barrier: a wall. To build a wall, we need money to pay for the wall. Financing, then, becomes another goal. Not financing from an appropriations bill. Not financing from Mexico. Not financing from the military budget. Just financing.

Financing from Congress is the best way... it is the established methodology for new projects and does not involve the courts. Thus, the first attempt will be financing from Congressional appropriations. However, again, that is not the goal. If financing from Congress doesn't work, there are backup plans. Finance it through the military, perhaps. Coordinate directly with Mexico, perhaps. The method used to obtain funding does not matter; the goal of building a physical barrier to make illegal immigration more difficult, to assist with defending the border, matters.

Let's say I am taking a trip from here to Los Angeles... OK, silly example, but for the sake of argument, let's say I am a masochist. I cannot get from here to there on a single road. I will have to drive from one city to the next, each in turn, in order to accomplish my goal. So I start toward Los Angeles, and I discover that I can't get to Dallas TX because I-20 is blocked off due to road construction! Do I just abandon my goal and go back home in defeat? No... I grab a map and find an alternate route. Dallas was a goal only because it was en route to Los Angeles. So I take a few back roads and hit I-40 instead.

When I get to Los Angeles, have I failed in my goal? No! I failed to get to Dallas, but that wasn't the primary goal; it was secondary. Only an absolute fool would say that because I went through Oklahoma City instead of Dallas I had failed to get to Los Angeles. But that's what we say when politics becomes involved.

Now, back to my example... I have switched over to I-40 and am driving into Albuquerque. I am not yet to Los Angeles, and I missed Dallas. Have I failed in my goal yet? No! I am still en route to Los Angeles and can still accomplish my goal. Let's say I am driving through Albuquerque and the engine overheats... damn, I need a new radiator! So I limp into a shop and ask them to fix the radiator. They want more money than I have. Did I fail?

I only failed if I stop. I go to a rental car company and rent a car. Now I'm back on the road to Los Angeles. When I get there, did I fail to get there? Duh, no! I am obviously standing in Los Angeles. I succeeded in my goal. I didn't get to go through Dallas; my car didn't finish the trip with me; it took a little longer than I expected, but I still succeeded.

Trump has not lost anything. He hit a roadblock. Let's see how he gets around it.


posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 08:37 AM
Appears as though Trump didn't back down after all. That was a bit of Ali rope-a-dope

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