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TH3WH17ERABB17 -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -14-

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posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

George Papadopoulos is mysterious to me. Every time he says something about the FBI, or Foreign Countries spying on U.S. citizens, I expect to read where Mueller has arrested him again. But it never happens!

On the other hand, Carter Page shies away from questions like that. And Flynn will not even discuss the Spygate topic.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 11:57 PM
it was mentioned before.

but i will do it again.

almost all our carriers are home.
routine "modernizations"
removing chinese chips?

a first in us naval history

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: dashen

President Trump has always been big on saving money and saving lives. Keeping ships close to home, and bringing troops home, accomplishes both goals, does it not?

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: carewemust

strategically it is retarded.

like wtf are you doing you madman?
it is not so simple

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: dashen

Well, the Navy will never tell. Think of the numbing embarrassment.

Some of those chips are not made anywhere else. What to do.

Now watch the Hordes of Hades lay the blame solely on the Chinese.

Mad much? Only because you couldn't do it to them.

How many weapon systems sold by the US to Allies have similar problems. There have been a few BTW.

You would be surprised at how far the Australian Military go to ensure the systems are in fact under our control no matter who we aim for.

The ether is full of Hypocrisy on this issue.


posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: dashen

You obviously know more than I do about America's goals when it comes to military presence. To my laymen mind, everyone in the military can stay home, until a situation arises where U.S. military assistance is badly needed.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Im just saying...
Tactically speaking...
The Carrier groups shouldnt be where they be...

Lots of collision reports lately...

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: dashen

Carrier readiness rates, like all current US military readiness rates are through the floor. They've had 17 years of continuous operations and deferred maintenance due to both the operations tempo and sequestration cuts.

This is not "a first in US history. The last carrier gap when there was no carrier deployed anywhere occurred in 2016. Last year they were still having trouble filling deployment groups for carriers. The average since 1992, when it was also at an all time low, has been 22-25% of the carrier force deployed. Over the last couple of years it's dropped to 15%.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: dashen
it was mentioned before.

but i will do it again.

almost all our carriers are home.
routine "modernizations"
removing chinese chips?

a first in us naval history

Maybe having the military close at hand and away from places where diversionary attacks could occur is part of the plan. The brigs could be getting enlarged for VIP cruises to GTMO.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: Phelan15

Well that sounds sad as hell.
But makes me feel other countries' hardware is even worse off.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: CoramDeo

Look in Clockwork Qrange
8ch .net /qresearch/res/4417741.html

New Q site: QPRESS

Proofs are integrated into Qmap

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Thank you.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FlyingFox

George Papadopoulos is mysterious to me. Every time he says something about the FBI, or Foreign Countries spying on U.S. citizens, I expect to read where Mueller has arrested him again. But it never happens!

He is outspoken...

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Phelan15

Maybe the $615 Billion appropriated for 2018 has finally filtered down through the pipeline. The ships are receiving badly needed repairs and maintenance.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Yes..Papadopoulos was outspoken before being sentenced to 2 weeks in Prison last month, and has been ever since. He's announced that he's running for Congress too. Like I said, his attacking the FBI, Foreign Intel agencies, and even Bob Mueller with impunity, is a head-scratcher.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Several are in maintenance because they reached the point that they had to, but that money will help a lot. At this point time and money are needed to dig out of the hole we've dug.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 01:28 AM

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 02:12 AM

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Do you know the date each of those two GITMO aerial photos were taken?

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 06:48 AM
Wow, just wow.

posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: airforcerulessky

With our navy at home port. Do you think we are now entering global peace?

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