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Are the French protesting Taxes or Muslims?

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posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

It took something like the Poll Tax to get people out on the streets last time. I'm not sure if our government is more heavy handed than the French. The miners were pretty much battered and broken here back in the day.
I think you are right about the power of anger but that tends to need focus on a particular issue.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: midicon

I was at the Poll Tax 'protests'.

I'm from North East England and witnessed the effects of the Miners Strike first hand.
That episode in UK history deserves a thread all of its own.

We need a focal point, a modern day King Arthur if you like.
Unfortunately I don't see one on the horizon.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Looks like a reaction to everything the EU has foisted upon Europeans; over-taxation and regulation, open borders and a seeming bias towards immigrants instead of citizens. The socialist utopia isn't selling any more.

Might look like that, but what it actually is is a reaction to Macron taking the country to the right. He's cutting away all the socialist programmes that support French workers.

If you don't believe me, ask someone who lives in France.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Both are related issues.
When the influx of immigrants is out of sync with economic need, the out come will be higher taxes. Someone has to pay for the upkeep of those not working.

Nothing to do with TPB filling their pockets then?

Good to know some people still know their place.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn

And there are many 'long established institutions' that deserve to be raised to the ground here in the UK....why aren't we out protesting?

Historically, the British working man knows his place. Sad but true.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:26 AM
fact is that the rich are bathing in moore whelt than ever after the crisis
and the poor whose paid that are worser than ever...
seems that all the money goes one way up
out of reach for the working class
and remember hard work doesend make you rich !
you become rich by letting others do the work !

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 11:10 AM
Frexit on the horizon.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Make the Muslim women afraid to walk the streets and not the French women.

Whoever said that, I'd like to pay a visit to his house. It'll be a beatingly fun welcome!

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:11 PM
my 2 pesos

and with jobs being scarce, immigrants are the last thing a country needs.
governments need to take care of their citizens first. then when the people are okay, (jobs, medical care, education, etc) then help others.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's both and a few other things.

It started as a protest over gas taxes hicks. that actually won. The tax was taken away.

Now a bunch of other people have joined and taken over/changed the protest goals.

Yes I totally agree, there are a lot of things going on. This comment sums it up:

"No clear demands" just because they make a lot of different demands doesnt mean they arent clear. They want that #ty president out, they want lower taxes for low income families, they want to stop the constant flow of immigration. And that pretty much sums it up.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: JAGStorm

This isnt about migrants its about the fact the french cant afford to live anymore. With increasing taxes the loss of jobs many french are losing their homes and this protest goes alot further than most realize.

No wonder the people in charge seem hellbent on filling Europe with cheap labor from 3rd world countries. They'll settle for less and are presumably easier to boss around.

And people don't raise enough tax payers - better get some new citizens that get kids like in the old days - half a dozen or so.
edit on 9-12-2018 by Uberdoubter because: Typo.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:48 PM
Its apparently not only Paris but there have also been clashes in Marseilles

500 miles away, police brought armoured vehicles on to the streets as a 2,000

strong protest grew violent smashing bank windows looting and setting

Christmas trees alight.

In Brussels protesters threw paving stones road signs fireworks and flares at

police blocking their entry to an area of government buildings.(seems that is

being kept quiet?)

A protester said "This is what happens when you govern against your people

Its a lesson for Macron, but I fear its one he might have learned too late.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: eletheia

The news is focusing on Paris, but it is already spreading. Brussels, Hungary, Netherlands and probably many more smallers ones that aren't getting the spotlight. It is spilling all over.

Those countries are very small, and compared to the US are more like small states. It will be interesting to see what Macron does tomorrow and what he says.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's then Muslim's. They can't deny that the country is falling apart, and that people are warring in the streets, but the media can lie and make it seem like something just financial or political. They will not ever tell you if the reasons are the Muslim's because of all the PC crap and the fact that they have an agenda behind pouring them into all Western nations. Look up the "Sack of Rome" from years 408-410AD. The same thing is happening. Those people allowed the Goth's to come into Rome because of all of the bleeding heart Liberals of their day (although they weren't called Liberals, they were one in the the same...crybabies who believe anything the Government tells them, so long as it makes them feel good, like they did something for humanity).

Anyway, they felt bad for the Goths, let them into Rome, and because they regretted it and couldn't turn back, the Roman's got angry and started conveying their dismay. There were social and economical changes and strife in those days much like what is happening right now in the Western Hemisphere, and the Goth's, having the Roman's "outnumbered" in their own Empire then ('outnumbered' is in quotes because this is exactly how the Muslim's say they will take out the Western Hemisphere before taking over and installing Sharia Law and a Caliphate)...anyway, the Goth's were let in, had them outnumbered and took the Roman Empire down. To install a New World Order (so the elites can have their King and Queen bloodline control re-established) they have to mix the world up so there is no way to tell who came from where, and all Sovereignty will be stripped as a pride in country and every life that was lost fighting for that country, will be in vain.

Once the world is mixed and warring with each other from within every country...the NWO will be installed, the UN will control militarily and all freedom will be lost. Then comes the culling Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) has already begun in California, as per the fires. There will be more fires to relocate everyone inward to crowd into tighter cities, and then people will agree to kill off our lineages for the sake of protecting "the earth" for future generations. This is what Global Warming (Climate change or whatever the new term will be) is all about as well. We already have people agreeing to kill off humanity for a better future for other. Unfortunately, they have been fooled once again by the elites...the elites want the earth for THEIR lineages, and will not be sacrificing their own for a better future...only YOUR generations will be sacrificed. There is no over population, as there are plenty of areas on earth that can be terra-formed to maintain life....we did it in Nevada and Arizona didn't we? We can do it in Saskatchewan, outer areas of Alberta, many other places in the states and the world, but like in California, it's a Government land grab. Look at the UAE...all it took was money and they turned that sh!thole into a paradise for the elite's.

The problem is that the Government is creating "No go" zones that are being purchased by the Government's of the world, to keep us from being able to live on those pieces of land. That will make the world "seem" more crowded than it really is. The will cram us in tighter, more expensive cities before long, and everyone will b!tch about how there are too many people on earth and nowhere to live, even more so than now. This will spark yet another "feel good" group that will have no problem agreeing to kill off humanity to save the the elite's live on and on. The land that we could be living on, will be owned by the Government...kind of like Area 51...miles and miles of unused land, just so the Government can make sh!t to destroy us all. Remember, it wasn't until the last 200+ years that we had our illusory freedom. The Kings and Queens got beat because THEY were outnumbered by us. They have waited patiently until now. Now they have the technology available to enslave the entire world, coupled with the control of the largest Militaries ever amassed in history...they want their sh!t back,they want total control again, and they want to be feared as the Kings and Queens that they once were.....and they are coming back for it tooth and nail.

As they say, "if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it". This is a perfect example, and could not be more true.
edit on 9-12-2018 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 04:21 PM
Given a vast number of the rioters are liberal socialists, I think it's fair to say they're not rioting against socialism or liberalism.

It is, as they say, the economy stupid.

They are rioting against the cost of living, and the ever increasing wealth gap in society where the people at the top are getting richer and richer, while everybody else gets poorer and poorer.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
Given a vast number of the rioters are liberal socialists, I think it's fair to say they're not rioting against socialism or liberalism.

It is, as they say, the economy stupid.

They are rioting against the cost of living, and the ever increasing wealth gap in society where the people at the top are getting richer and richer, while everybody else gets poorer and poorer.

Time they voted for *Frexit*

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Damn those cheese eating surrender monkeys.

I might be throwing stones at a glass ceiling here-knowing my ancestors owned a chateaux and all-at least some of them have the the gall to fight back.

However it's pointless, when violence encourages violence what's the point? as a life long Star Wars fan I wasn't setting cars on fire after watching The Last Jedi and these protests-no matter what the cause-are becoming laughable. Sure It's good to have a voice as long as it's used for the right reasons, i'm not going to start a riot because Francis Du Bois lost the third set at Wimbledon, if that is his real name.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Looks like a reaction to everything the EU has foisted upon Europeans; over-taxation and regulation, open borders and a seeming bias towards immigrants instead of citizens. The socialist utopia isn't selling any more.

or many in France’s small towns and rural areas, who rely on cars and have seen public services dwindle, rising fuel prices are the final straw.

Local protest groups have called for higher pensions,
cuts to politicians’ salaries
and the restoration of a wealth tax that Macron ended last year.

They want HIGHER taxes on the wealthy, HIGHER pensions and LOWER fuel taxes

Immigration is not the issue. Weird to see the US RW try to claim the protesters as ideological kin.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 05:50 PM
Its probably true to say that this is a protest against the sort of economic reforms that raise GDP but hammer the working and lower classes.

What started out as a protest against this is now attracting other groups that have some convergence.
Anti EU, Anti Globalists, Anti immigrants etc.

And quite a few people who just want to tear stuff up.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

When Visiting France , The NATIVE French People take Offense to Foreigners who don't at Least attempt to Learn their Language . Can you Imagine How they All Feel Now with Half their Country Populated by Foreigners that show an Outright HATE of their Language and Culture ? I don't , they should Overthrow their Government ASAP before Frenchmen No Longer Exist ..........

Vive la France “Vive la liberté !

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