posted on Dec, 7 2018 @ 08:19 AM
Not from the UK here, but I do have some observations about the whole Brexit thing, which I have followed a little more than casually. But before I
go into the observations, some disclosure first...
I remember when the whole EU formation went down initially, and at the time I thought (wrongly) that it was likely a good thing. As we've clearly
seen, it was not a good thing. At the time I thought all the new world order stuff was just a bunch of tin-foil hat stuff. I was wrong.
Now to my observations (as an outsider):
I think there are a number of striking similarities between what is going on in the UK/EU related to Brexit and political gyrations in the US. I very
much agree that it seems like there are a number of unelected persons making policy in the UK without the consent of the people, and this is
absolutely NOT democratic (in any way, shape or form). We have that happening here in the US as well.
Enter the Brexit movement...
The will of the people in the UK seems pretty clear to me; they want OUT (and I completely understand why)! So the politicians got the message, and
they said "we hear you". BUT...then they stepped in and had all their cronies craft the language around the Brexit movement to suit their overlords
under the guise of working for the people. In reality what they did was craft such an awful arrangement that it would be worse than not leaving the
EU at all. I'm sure this was by design. And, while it may appear those who crafted the Brexit plans were of the UK themselves, this was hardly the
case. They may have been the scribes, but they weren't the ones dreaming up the plans, no, the plans came from the EU overlords (i.e. the elite). As
an outsider, this seems plainly evident to me just by how this whole thing has come together. It's a farce, and it's shameful! In fact, it smacks of
the establishment elite once again perpetuating the role of puppetmaster and pulling the necessary strings to suit their overwhelming greed and lust
for power. Same things are happening here in the US, just with a different complexion.
There are distinct yet subtle differences between the 'left/right' paradigm in the UK compared to the US. I often note this; the ideology of the
'left/right' paradigm is different between the two countries. And this is sometimes why I opine about commentary by the UK on American politics. I
don't think there is a direct translation, and I think this fact is often lost in opinions. However, the influence of the establishment elite knows
no left/right affiliation, and quite candidly, their influence knows no nationality. Their only affiliation is international greed and power for
themselves. The US is similarly afflicted.
So, as we look at what the puppetmasters have done with Brexit, they've turned it into an almost unwinnable debate on socialism when, in reality, it
is anything but that. This was 100% intentional. Look no further than one of the central issues in Brexit, NHC. An NHC system discussion should be
completely independent of a Brexit discussion, but it's not, and do you know why? Because that's just how "they" want it. So they've intentionally
crafted the boundaries of Brexit to be a referendum on socialism, rather than it being a clearly defined financial decision which is in the best
interest of the British people. Clever, but not very transparent.
I feel for you my UK brethren, I feel your pain. The "establishment" has to go, both in the UK and in the US...and in the World. They must be rooted
out one by one and exposed for who they are. Only then can their strangle hold on politics, and thus the people, finally be broken.
For all of our differences, we have more in common than we have apart, and that is "us, the people". At the end of the day there's a lot more of "us"
than there are of "them".
In summary, what I think should happen (again, as an outsider) is the "people" should tell their leaders to SCRAP Brexit as it is currently crafted
and throw it in the rubbish bin (in total). And then the real will of the people should be crafted into a new Brexit plan, the one originally
envisioned by the initial Brexit referendum...leaving out the referendum on socialism. Once this is complete, then you can have your debate on
socialism, but as long as the NWO folks are allowed to keep the two issues attached at the hip, nothing will change.
That's just my .02 (as an outsider)
I wish all Brexit supporters the best! We're with you!