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Chemical Castrastion at 8 years old? Global Transgender movment Agenda exposed.WTF

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posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: snarfbot
Mental illness

And once seizures were being processed by the Devil.

Not even a remotely valid comparison.

Seizures are real. It is only the belief in what cause[d][s] them that was in question.

The physical sex of a child - in 99.99% of cases - is what it is, and no amount of belief that it is something else will change that reality.
edit on 4-12-2018 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Annee

I see. So you claim that NOT castrating a child whose mother believes has gender dysphoria is child abuse... and then you call me ignorant. Yeah, right.

I am rarely surprised by the levels of depravity exhibited by some people these days, but being pro child castration at 4 years old is a new low even for the stupid hippy generation.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Annee

What does lack of knowledge from "years gone by" have to do with anything? 

Hmmmm.... Okay. I just decided to redefine "lack" to mean "orgy" and "knowledge" as "violence." And "years gone by" now means "all transgenders ever."

That's okay, right? You don't have a problem with me defining words, right? They can mean whatever I want them to, right? Because words and definitions don't have anything to do with anything, right?

And its not like these particular words actually have anything to do with anything, right? Like "knowledge"... We don't need to actually know anything anymore. It's all about the feelz, right? So it's okay to redefine "knowledge"... Just like redefining "man" and "woman".

It's not like we still have those obsolete "men" and "women" still around from "years gone by", right?


posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Just so you know, I do not take this lightly.

You've been here long enough to know I am very pro LIVING CHILDREN.

Blaming the courts for always siding with the mom is lame, this isn't the 1950s. This is a serious case, which isn't going to just be tossed to the mother.

So what if the mom picked the psychologist. That's an excuse.

The father is trying this in the public domain backed by Right Wing Christian zealots. What does that do to the kid?

I have an ADD kid and a grandson who is high functioning Autistic. I learned, talked to, and Googled everything I could find on those subjects. I educated myself. I did not turn my kid ADD. But yet, there are some on ATS that would claim I did. That there's no such thing as ADD.

Do I think the courts should appoint an outside expert? Yes, and make the father pay for it. Because he's the one fighting the results of the psychologist the mother pays for.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Still antiquated.

The brain tells you who you are.

Sometimes the brain and physical body are in opposition.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: snarfbot
Mental illness

And once seizures were being processed by the Devil.

Not even a remotely valid comparison.

Seizures are real. It is only the belief in what cause[d][s] them that was in question.

The physical sex of a child - in 99.99% of cases - is what it is, and no amount of belief that it is something else will change that reality.

You got your percentages where?

Yes, belief that seizures were being pocessed by the Devil is exactly the same thing.

Do you also believe homosexuality is a choice?
edit on 4-12-2018 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Annee

The father is trying this in the public domain backed by Right Wing Christian zealots.

If you know half as much about the issues as you would have us believeb then you know even better than me that Trans Activists are successfully shutting down dissent and even research that doesn't fit their demands.... From doxxing, to de-platforming, to getting them fired, to violent physical attacks, to financial ruin and otherwise using color of law (and the barrel of a government gun) to feed their narrative -- their forced narrative.

This isn't helping anyone. And, in fact and in deed, it's hurting many. Including the truly gender dysphoric, and especially children.

So, yeah, we won't be hearing about it in the mainstream -- as you well know.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Annee


My physical anatomy determines what I am... My heart and conscience determine who I am.

I am an individual who happens to be a woman... An adult female... With the ability to think and reason and act accordingly.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Annee

Yes, belief that seizures were being pocessed by the Devil is exactly the same thing. 


Seizures are observable, identifiable and measurable.

That's very different than the unobservable, unidentifiable and immeasurable "belief" that one's brain does not match the body.

The more accurate analogy would be to compare the irrational responses of the religious zealots to seizures with the irrational response of Transgender Activists to gender dysphoria (and, of course, compulsive sexual fetishes).

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: snarfbot
Mental illness

And once seizures were being processed by the Devil.

Not even a remotely valid comparison.

Seizures are real. It is only the belief in what cause[d][s] them that was in question.

The physical sex of a child - in 99.99% of cases - is what it is, and no amount of belief that it is something else will change that reality.

You got your percentages where?


Yes, belief that seizures were being pocessed by the Devil is exactly the same thing.

Only if you believe that boys can be girls (or fish) and girls can be boys (or horses) just by 'believing' it..

Do you also believe homosexuality is a choice?

Probably in more cases than someone who is born that way, but I also acknowledge that some are born that way. But at least they don't pretend to be the opposite sex and demand that others buy into their delusion.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 01:14 PM
I'm done with this thread.

I've said everything I have to say.

Nothing will change.

I don't do "ping pong" posting.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 03:25 PM
Kids have no idea day to day what they want at 8 years old. This is some long term next level evil that will be perpetrated on this poor kid.

I am sure there are kids that are 8 years old that can drive a car or know more about politics than a lot of people. Does that mean we as a society let them drive at 8 or allow them to run for office at 8? We as a society say that kids are adults at 18. This type of decision should be reserved for adult level thinking on the part of the confused, not left to some vindictive mother on the LGBT war path to pervert her son.

The only ones that think this is acceptable are the ones that have the mentality of an 8 year old where the line between fantasy and reality doesn't exist. They are down in the gutter playing with and perverting the mind of an 8 year old. Its no different than pedophilia on the evil scale and should be treated as such.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Annee

Oh, don't you even go there.

I have a kid with Learning Disabilities too, and I've moved mountains for him and studied myself.

But there is every reason to think that the kid in this case is not transgender and that the mother has some issues and the so-called transgenderism of the kid is actually an expression of the mother's issues more than any real, legitimate gender dysphoria on the son's part. That's why you don't use the mother's psychologist. If *she* has issues (maybe a really deep desire for a daughter like I've mentioned before or a desire to hurt the father of the child), then she picks a therapist who is trans-affirming and between them, they work on the kid telling him what he is. Suddenly, James wants to be Luna for mommy, much like little girls have wanted to be boys to please their fathers who want sons.

Again, that's why you look for an outside and impartial source not related to the family in any way. The purpose is not to try to get James/Luna to confirm or deny anything as much as it is to work out what dynamics are going on between father, mother and child that may shed light on all of this.

Would we endlessly treat a child for various illnesses and symptoms when the mother has Munchhausen by Proxy? What if this is similar?

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 07:23 PM
The greater philosophical point in this unfortunate affair is the reality that children don’t choose their parents.

Indeed, our world depends to a great degree on the capacity to parent children correctly.

And one of the mysteries or horrors of this world is that many get parents who doom them to misery through their lack of knowledge or inability to raise a child properly.

In this case, which I haven’t studied in-depth since most of the information is from right-wing propagandists which seems to make any objective and fair analyses impossible.

In any case, either of these parents or both may be doing this for motives, not in the best interest of the child, and or both or either one of them isn’t capable of intelligent parenting...only God knows, and all we can do is hope and pray that the child somehow comes out of this alright.

Finally, one thing this struggle proves beyond any doubt is that the age-old method to procreate and indulge in carnal bliss, that thing we call marriage, is a failed institution!

edit on 4-12-2018 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Finally, one thing this struggle proves beyond any doubt is that the age-old method to procreate and indulge in carnal bliss, that thing we call marriage, is a failed institution! 

As an old married woman -- going on 40 years now -- I have to disagree... This says nothing about marriage. Just about these individuals.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 06:44 AM
Interesting article covering the off-label use of drugs as puberty blockers, and the known adverse effects, as well as the pertinent clinical studies done and NOT done.

The New Homophobic Bridge To Nowhere: Child Transition.

Known adverse side effects include loss of bone density lead in to osteoporosis and osteopenia, loss of cognitive/mental function up to and including dementia, and of course sterility.

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