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One migrant caravan reaches the U.S.-Mexico border – and runs into reality

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posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

It's pretty amusing that some of you guys think I'm 'tense'. I'm actually not angry at all, quite the contrary actually. I rarely get mad on political threads.

But, I guess if it makes you feel good to think I'm tense and strung out, well, don't let me stop ya! Speaking of tension and stringing oneself out, just scanning through this thread I see a whole lot of that on the left. Your post is a classic example of just this.

Go to the kitchen, and take out the prescription labeled 'Xanax' that you got from your therapist, go sit on the couch and watch some Sponge Bob. You'll feel better in a few minutes.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Also why must you always deflect instead of answering questions. You have a strawman argument, sure if the caravan arrived two weeks earlier and they all got in and caused chaos you may have a point. I have said why I think this benefited no-one other than Trump. Can you show me how this didn't benefit Trump and, in fact benefitted the Left?

It's OK, I'll wait...
edit on 17/11/18 by djz3ro because: Oops

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:21 AM
wanna see something interesting?

The Migration Policy Institute estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants resided in the United States in 2014. More than half (54 percent) resided in four states: California (27 percent), Texas (13 percent), New York (8 percent), and Florida (6 percent).

Mexico and Central America accounted for most unauthorized immigrants in the United States as of 2010-14, with MPI estimating about 7.9 million people in total (71 percent of the overall unauthorized population).

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

Those are the states I'd assume migrants would flock to.

So Trump inherited an illegl immigrant problem? Can you put this in context for me?

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Calm people don't insinuate others are dense for not sharing their point of view.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

Frankly, I'm not sure I have any argument with the notion the caravan benefited Trump. Even more candidly, I don't think it does benefit the all. In fact, that's kind of my whole point.

^^^^^^there is your requested answer^^^^^^^^

Think about what you've just said as you read the rest of my reply...

Now, let's look at what actually happened, shall we?

A group of migrants fleeing impoverished South American countries like Guatemala flee their homes in search of a better life. Soros didn't create that. They are soon joined by more people and the press gets wind of it. Soros might have had a hand here, but probably not a lot. (right about now you're probably, where is this guy going? He's agreeing with me!) Next thing you know the Trump-hating media gives this group a name "The Caravan". Now the media is all over the "Caravan" heading north. Why? Because the media knows the whole immigration issue is a hot button on both sides. The left wants the votes (sorry, but it's true) and the right wants strong borders. Perfect topic for an election cycle, right? Let's push the issue.

With me so far?

Okay, so the "Caravan" is headed north, and the Trump-hating media just gives them even more coverage, now they're all over the news. In fact, it's the top story on practically every major network.

Now, let's stop here and ask ourselves a question. Why would the Trump-hating media be giving coverage to a "Caravan" of people who will ultimately help Trump win? Think about that one for a moment, and we'll continue.

The Caravan makes it into southern Mexico. HUGE news, massive coverage. The Caravan really is coming. Even more news coverage by the Trump-hating media, BUT (UH-OHHhhhh) there's suddenly a problem. The media never figured on them moving so slowly. What the media really wanted was photo-ops with thousands of migrants from the Caravan languishing in detention facilities and dying on the Mexican border BEFORE the election. CRAP!

NOW Soros enters the picture. Go George Soros, Go!! Get those refuges across Mexico to the US Border as fast as you can! Suddenly the pace of the migrants picks up to warp speed. Mexican president steps in, trying to avert a human tragedy, and slows things down even further. So they arrive too late for the elections. DAMMIT!

So what now? Well, never let a good crisis go to waste, right? And, here we are.

That's what I think happened.

So what does Soros want now? Well, it would be great if he could further drive the stake into the gaping wound of politics in the US. Then people would lose...and that's how George Soros wins!

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Breakthestreak

They had hope. But the worlds richest country doesn't like to share. In a nutshell what you say. Whoops

No. What we are saying is immigrate the official way. Don't use the false claims of "I'm a refugee fleeing terror and persecution" when all you really want is a job in America They don't even take their women and children for the most part it seems, leaving them in a worse spot.

They were offered jobs, education and housing in Mexico but they said no thank you? Some refugees.

Males in Honduras and Guatemala made those messes in those countries and now we are supposed to take them in for jobs when they should be back in their native lands trying to fix them?

I don't think so. Sorry.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: pavil

In those cultures the men are the ones feeding the family. They go wherever they can earn money. To send it to their families. They're not applying for asylum they want jobs. Who is lying is doing so out of desperation.

edit on 17-11-2018 by Peeple because: Nothing

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

What happened, for your information, is the caravans showed up exactly as planned by Sore-ass and his buddies. The only problem was, Sore-ass couldn't get them here fast enough. They were two weeks late.

Another thing, do you really think if they were funded by the mega-wealthy George Soros they would arrive late?

If he was funneling money into them then you better bet your bottom dollar they would have arrived on time. The fact they didn't allowed Trump to say "look, sending troops to the border worked, vote for me in 2020!"

Yup, I'm even more convinced now that IF they were funded it was by the Republicans...

Something started the caravans going, that's for sure.

It wasn't Trump's Administration, 2 years into their securing the border push that caused them to go north in a big wave. They had to know there was a new sherriff in town who wouldn't be letting them in.

Even with all that obvious knowledge our Government wouldn't let them in, they decided to pack up and trek over a 1000 miles on foot, with no belongings, money or papers to try and enter the USA? And start your trek north in the Winter?

Yeah....nothing suspicious about that........

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: pavil

In those cultures the men are the ones feeding the family. They go wherever they can earn money. To send it to their families. They're not applying for asylum they want jobs. Who is lying is doing so out of desperation.

Oooh. So they aren't actually refugees fleeing terror and persecution?

You might want to tell that to the MSM then.

All of a sudden Central America became poor? Stop the presses, we've got a hot story! They have been poor forever and we didn't have such mass attempts at immigration .

Why now, all of a sudden?

And Again, they had offers of jobs from Mexico and they refused them. Why do that if you just want to earn money? You'd be closer to your family ect.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:06 AM
Perhaps Trump was right in one aspect. These are in fact sh*thole countries that these people are coming from. Yet now and days America reads no vacancy as the economic shift and burdens present themselves, Once riding on good intentions, it appears to have been bad policy and bad choices. Just because you can, does not mean you should. Look at all the other countries and their immigration one complains when they cant get into theirs because its expected that if you're going to immigrate, you have a plan. Then there's Mexico. They're immigration laws are some of the toughest around. Yet America's the a**hole?

One thing is for certain. America cannot sustain this money pit that is immigration. Unskilled workers, uneducated, and largely they refuse to assimilate further blurring the lines of what American culture actually represents. The taxpayers are strained and tired.

Build the wall, landmine the border, make it a reality show. If you get across without losing a limb you win citizenship

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: pavil

More than one fact can be true. Sometimes three things at once are true. I know, how complicated! Many stayed in Mexico some are stubborn and believe in the dream. It's increasing but it's wrong to think this is the first caravan.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: pavil

More than one fact can be true. Sometimes three things at once are true. I know, how complicated! Many stayed in Mexico some are stubborn and believe in the dream. It's increasing but it's wrong to think this is the first caravan.

Sorry I had to have you burst the MSM'S narrative of why people are coming with the caravan. NGO'S were involved in past caravans but this one is supposedly like the Children's Crusade, without any external support or directing?


Somebody fed these people a false hope that we would take them in just because they showed up. It's not like that. Whoever fed them that line of BS should be punished.

Just like the NGO'S that wait off the coast of Libya to be taxis to Europe. It's a focused effort to do such things.

Nothing to see there, right?

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:29 AM
edit on 17-11-2018 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

I join these discussions because I find the whole thing fascinating and the right's obsession with the Annoying Orange and the inability to see any wrong in the things he does is as interesting as the left's inability to see any of the good things he's doing for the country.

If Hillary Clinton won she would have being the American version of Merkel.
-Heavy Open Border support, no regret of sense safety for Americans.

Those pushing these so called migrants are also lefty in ideology.
edit on 17-11-2018 by AtlasHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: pavil

I think the problem is individual. You f.e. Imagine you were born in Honduras what would you know about the USA? Only what you see in movies and on tv. It's a marketing problem you always see individuals "making it", of course you'd think given the opportunity you'd make it too. Sure you know there are some losers, but not you, you're lucky and smart.
edit on 17-11-2018 by Peeple because: Auto

edit on 17-11-2018 by Peeple because: Two

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
Probably Russians they get blamed for everything.

Actually, the Russians may even be funding this to further divide our society. If our society continues to divide, it is beneficial for the Russians. It doesn't have to be Soros or some irate liberal that is supplying the money for their trips. But I would put my money on some Liberal trying to gain support of more people.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: kookkook
Perhaps Trump was right in one aspect. These are in fact sh*thole countries that these people are coming from. Yet now and days America reads no vacancy as the economic shift and burdens present themselves, Once riding on good intentions, it appears to have been bad policy and bad choices. Just because you can, does not mean you should. Look at all the other countries and their immigration one complains when they cant get into theirs because its expected that if you're going to immigrate, you have a plan. Then there's Mexico. They're immigration laws are some of the toughest around. Yet America's the a**hole?

One thing is for certain. America cannot sustain this money pit that is immigration. Unskilled workers, uneducated, and largely they refuse to assimilate further blurring the lines of what American culture actually represents. The taxpayers are strained and tired.

Build the wall, landmine the border, make it a reality show. If you get across without losing a limb you win citizenship

Most people do not know, that the original first colonies, were corporate charters. They heavily recruited in Europe, to bring mostly lower classes people, under contracts of indentured sevitude. Essentially, the deal was that you put in 7 years, as a de facto legal slave. But, then you get official freeman on the land status.

The military still uses this model in a way. You can, for instance, get them to pay for your medical school, in exchange for some number of years doing that in the service. Decades ago, men in trouble with the law, were offered the choice of jail or enlist.

There are always monied interests, involved in various agendas. Many of our laws were specifically designed to provide prison slave labor....that directly competes for government contracts, with other interests who have to pay fair wages. It's always been this way.

And I have to say, that if offered the chance to trade a top bunk and three squares on the Mars Colony, doing whatever scut work, for say 8 years....I'd jump at the chance.
edit on 17-11-2018 by Enderdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 10:12 AM
They know much more about the US than you give them credit for. For example, they are not heading to the Texas Border even though it closer. Why because they know LA is a sanctuary city. So their goal is to get into California knowing they will be safe. Next they quickly learned that people with kids were being released until their court date. This is obvious because who is going to risk the lives of young children if all they want is to send money back home.

posted on Nov, 17 2018 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: dragonridr
Probably Russians they get blamed for everything.

Actually, the Russians may even be funding this to further divide our society. If our society continues to divide, it is beneficial for the Russians. It doesn't have to be Soros or some irate liberal that is supplying the money for their trips. But I would put my money on some Liberal trying to gain support of more people.

I was joking the Russians would not want to start that as the US could start funding Chechen rebels as well.

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