Here Are A Few Ungodly Gestures Which May Pop Up In The Lodge After Lodge Room.
Jahbulon, a corrupted english verse.
In spanish it's Pronounced: A Ver Uno (A Spell)
Jubela, a corrupted english verse.
In spanish it's pronounced: A Ver La (The Witch)
Jubelum, a corrupted english verse.
In spanish it's pronounced: A Ver Me (The Empress)
Jubelo, a corrupted english verse.
In spanish it's pronounced: A Ver Lo (The Truth)
Google these spanish sentences to get some translations going. Notice who is talking.
Then further your advance all through to the 33° and see if they can take you back to the first day and allow you the life flashes which come from
then to now.
Hint: 1 • 3 • 29 • 1
• Ante-Chamber Is 1 (0°)
• Blue Lodge Is 3 (1°-3°)
• Lodge Of Perfection Is 29 (4°-32°)
• Heredom Lodge 1 (33°)
note: ABLH (sp. pron.: Habla)... aka Speak And You May Be One.
Pythagorean Numerology Accords These Numbers A Fine Tune Of Letters To Spell 'JUBIA'. That Is How The Masons May Pronounce It. But... It Is A
Corrupted English Verse. In Spanish It Is Pronounced "Lluvia". A.K.A. Rain. The Hebrews Spell It As 'YHVH'.
As you scale the ladder of mortality... see to it you that you are not without your fare share of truth and trust. An ashlar with rough edges is a
symbol of 'irrationality' (aka outside the box) and shall remain so if 'Truth' does not hew it. Another ashlar with perfect edges is a symbol of
'constant' (aka like-minded) and shall remain so if 'Trust' does not Burden It.
note: Pythagorean Pi. (3.14)... Irrational Or Constant.
Beware... The Trestle (pron. Trust All [Master Plan]) Is As Much A Tool In The Lodge As Any Other. There Before It You Bind Your Oath Amidst The Three
Great Lights. G.A.O.T.U. Is Watching. He Too Has A Wage To Offer If But A Promise You Can Keep Unto Him. Do Not Now Let Darkness Overcome.
I Am Pinocchio... And Yes. It Is True. I Shall Tell Thee A Lie.
A Funny Meme About 'Lluvia' (Or Jubia Or YHVH)
---> 3° • 33° • V • 👁️ • Å
Beware That You Do Not Mistake The Legend.
'Hiram Abif Too' Is Pronounced In Spanish 'Jura Me A Bofeta'. In English It Means 'Swear To Me With A Slap.' This Will Be The 44th Of The Greater Keys
Of Solomon. And Yes... It Will Be Heard All Around The World. Mind The 'Mojo-Baño' (Mahabone) And You Shall Hear The Witch. The Three Is 'Mind,
Heart, And Throat'. A Mojo Baño Is A Wet Bath. Spill It Into Her Throat... It Is A Promise. Á • V
edit on 2-5-2020 by Pinocchio because: A
• V