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Will The Red Wave Break Democrat Hearts Today? Find Out...Live Updated Election Results Here

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posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:52 PM
Comstock (R) went down in Virginia. It was a Clinton district in 2016.
edit on 6-11-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: luthier

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: luthier
The thing to remember is no matter who ever wins the Govenor seat in Georgia, Georgia gets a loser who is terrible with finances.

You still on this ?
Why do you care ?
The folks of Georgia voted for their choice of Governor
Thats the way it works
And , do you prophesy ?
Read Tea leaves ?
Crystal Ball ?
Did you vote ?
Can you vote ?

Lol because I have a brain and know defaulting on loans and personal finances in a mess aren't great for running a state. But hey support all you want.

Did you vote ?
Can you vote ?
I can legitimately ask those questions.
I just cant ask for whom .

Do you normally ask questions you already have had answered?
Not only can and do I vote I actually read about who I am voting for rather than just follow the tribe I pledged allegiance to.
edit on 6-11-2018 by luthier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:53 PM
KY-6 turning into a real nail biter

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
My look at things right now fall in line with my prediction.
Dems win the house, probably not the senate.
Just a prediction

I can't get my head around how anyone would vote to pay more in taxes.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Grambler
My look at things right now fall in line with my prediction.
Dems win the house, probably not the senate.
Just a prediction

I can't get my head around how anyone would vote to pay more in taxes.

A lot of them know they won't (or believe they won't) have any of that liability. They're voting for the rich to pay more taxes and they aren't rich.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Grambler
My look at things right now fall in line with my prediction.
Dems win the house, probably not the senate.
Just a prediction

I can't get my head around how anyone would vote to pay more in taxes.

It doesn't matter. Republicans dont raise enough revenue to pay the Bill's and Democrats raise taxes to pay for bad ideas.

Neither side has any fiscal responsibility.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:56 PM
Florida will be nail biter.

Tampa may not like Scott and DeSantis, but Pasco County seems to be fine with them.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:56 PM
Tim Kaine has held VA Senate seat.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Grambler
My look at things right now fall in line with my prediction.
Dems win the house, probably not the senate.
Just a prediction

I can't get my head around how anyone would vote to pay more in taxes.

A lot of them know they won't (or believe they won't) have any of that liability. They're voting for the rich to pay more taxes and they aren't rich.

Apparently, those voting Democrat have short memories. Obama did nothing for them.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:58 PM
Florida 25 and Florida 17 go Republican.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Gothmog


I wanted to wait till the end to see how bad it gets for Abrams
The Georgia Governor's race is the only concern that I have.
No members of Congress in my District are up for election...
And , I care not for the rest of the country
That is up to others to vote on.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: luthier

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Grambler
My look at things right now fall in line with my prediction.
Dems win the house, probably not the senate.
Just a prediction

I can't get my head around how anyone would vote to pay more in taxes.

It doesn't matter. Republicans dont raise enough revenue to pay the Bill's and Democrats raise taxes to pay for bad ideas.

Neither side has any fiscal responsibility.

You're right. It doesn't matter, and if neither side can spend money responsibly, then I'm done with wanting to give them money which is why I am not at all in favor of more taxes.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:01 PM
Ohio has been called for Brown.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

That one was not in much doubt.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:02 PM
Crap! They be crazy. Clinton crony Shalala picks up Florida 27. I guess if they couldn't elect Clinton in 2016 (they did vote for her), then they'll send her crony as next best thing.
edit on 6-11-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: luthier

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: luthier

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: luthier
The thing to remember is no matter who ever wins the Govenor seat in Georgia, Georgia gets a loser who is terrible with finances.

You still on this ?
Why do you care ?
The folks of Georgia voted for their choice of Governor
Thats the way it works
And , do you prophesy ?
Read Tea leaves ?
Crystal Ball ?
Did you vote ?
Can you vote ?

Lol because I have a brain and know defaulting on loans and personal finances in a mess aren't great for running a state. But hey support all you want.

Did you vote ?
Can you vote ?
I can legitimately ask those questions.
I just cant ask for whom .

Do you normally ask questions you already have had answered?
Not only can and do I vote I actually read about who I am voting for rather than just follow the tribe I pledged allegiance to.

In Georgia ?

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:09 PM
At 2% reporting, Kemp up 67% to Abrams 32% in Georgia.

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:10 PM
Looks like Warren retained MA. How high/drunk do you have to be?

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:10 PM
So take this fo what its worth, because I dont trust the poll places.

But I am monitoring several sites.

538 has a ticker showing the chances dems take the house, and the chances republicans win the senate.

All night the chnce the dems win the house were 14 out of 15 or around there, and the chance the r wins the senate was 4 out of 5.

That just flipped.

Now the chance the dmes win the house is only 4 out of 5 (still high), but the chance the r wins the senate is 14 of 15

posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
Looks like Warren retained MA. How high/drunk do you have to be?

Neither, just a Masshole.

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