posted on Nov, 3 2018 @ 05:58 PM
This is my first thread on ATS. Been a member for 7 years and lurked for 3 prior to that. I still owe you all an introduction -- this will come
The thread title is self explanatory. About an hour ago, my father (who lives in Sedona, AZ) text me and said, "I can't remember the last time I saw
a chemtrail". I read the text, stopped for a few minutes and realized -- wow, I can't remember the last time I saw them either. I live in Phoenix,
AZ and have lived in Sedona as well. For the first 6 years I lived in AZ, they were almost a daily occurrence.
I've spent 10+ years noticing the sky's littered with these lines, and thereafter haze (I don't remember them when I was a kid growing up all
through the 80's, though). I have also previously lived in Portland, OR for 31 years and Austin, TX for 2. Every place I've lived has had this
phenomenon transpiring.
I'm going to say that its been at least a year since I've seen a 'persistent contrail' or 'chemtrail' -- whatever you want to call it. For over
10 years I had ALWAYS taken notice when this phenomenon transpired. It was usually always the same. Crystal clear sunny day, then heavy plane traffic
and 'persistent contrails' and then, within a few hours, the sky was covered in a thick haze with barely any discernible lines .
Right after my father pointed this out, I went to this forum (Geo Engineering and Chemtrails) to see how many posts have been made on this topic
recently. Low and behold -- not many. I know fully well, that this topic has supposedly been debunked her on ATS. However, If you're picking up what
I'm putting down -- there is an issue here!
So here's the real meat of what I'm getting at = if it was always 'persistent contrails', why can't my father and I recollect seeing them in such
a long period of time??? If they truly are more rare these days, doesn't this possibly prove they were spraying us with chemtrails all along -- but
now they are possibly abandoning the project? Or did they just abandon it in Arizona? Because the so-called dubunking on the chemtrail subject is
supposed to involve 'atmospheric conditions'. I'm not buying the notion that we haven't had the 'proper atmospheric conditions' to have this
phenomenon in a large geographical zone in the state Arizona -- for this long of a time.
I'd like to hear from other members to corroborate, and see if you have noticed this phenomenon dissipating recently. Do you still see them
BTW, PLEASE let's keep this thread about the intended purpose. The purpose is to see if others have:
1. Noticed this phenomenon dissipating more now than in recent years in the past ?
2. Gone all together (myself and my father are seeing this).
2. Just as prevalent as it always has been?
If comments come back agreeing with my father and myself, then the next questions would be (understanding the nature of the chemtrail debunkers):
1. Did they change fuel type to not cause this phenomenon?
2. Did they modify their engines recently as to not cause this phenomenon anymore?
The point of this thread is NOT to hear about supposed logic on the non-existence of chemtrails. There are already hundreds of threads you can comment
on that subject.
Thank you!