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Pope John Paul II Still Clinging to Life

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posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 05:59 PM
So, not sure if this thread belongs in political conspiracies, because the pope still being alive isn't really a conspiracy, I just wanted to know what people think of him still being alive, and how much it is hurting the church. I think that with all the fall out in recent years they need a fresh voice from the pontiff rather than an incoherent walking corpse. Actually scratch that, he isn't able to walk of his own accord.

It is too bad that they can't replace the man when his health gets this far gone, I mean historically disease would have killed this pope three million times by now it seems, so the pope's were younger, died younger, but still had the sharper outlook that and younger mind has, young here being relative, they were still older men.

So do you think the church should be able to get rid of a pope or have to wait until his death? And would a new pope help the church? Or has the damage already been done? Is the Catholic church and other forms of Christianity in decline? Please no quotes from the Bible here, not needed....seriously.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Jawapunk, you disrespectful son of a bitch... i really hope one day you fall ill with a long term terminal illness, and people take the pee out of you...

Your not worth the skin you wasting, probably some stupid little liberal hipster with no faith or compassion.
You do not have to be religious to have compassion for your fellow man.

He is suffering, and all you can do is hurl insults at him ?? I hope one day you learn to think before you type.

That Man, the Pope, has more courage and moral fibre in his little toe than you do in your whole body. You should be ashamed of your self.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:21 PM
The catholic church is not true christianity. It does not tell of salvation correctly. No matter who replaces him the situation will not be corrected. I hope if he is nearing the end of his life he will truly accept Christ as his only means of salvation.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:21 PM
The Pontiff is perhaps not as relevant to the lives of people of the Catholic faith as in times past, maybe seen as out of touch on some issues by the more progressive elements, but certainly this one has been popular.

Remember when he was awarded a "Presidential Peace Medal" last year by the incoherent walking corpse resident in the Whitehouse? That rotting living corpse is more in need of replacement in terms of damage to human relations and international affairs, than the Pope, some may say.

Let us not twist this into an "anti-Bush" tirade, no matter how necessary such expressions of good are to our well-being.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:32 PM
There was a newsflash here earlier saying that the Pope had undergone a tracheometry in order to help him breathe. It was mentioned that he may not be able to speak afterwards, which will curtail any further messages and speeches.

The possibilty of his abdication/resignation also was discussed. Although such a thing is not without precedence, the last time a Pope abdicated was in 1415 when Gregory XII did so in order to end the Great Schism.

Personally, I doubt that John-Paul II will do so. The sense of duty that he has displayed since ascending to the Papacy will ensure that he stays until his death.

Can the Pope resign

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
The catholic church is not true christianity. It does not tell of salvation correctly. No matter who replaces him the situation will not be corrected. I hope if he is nearing the end of his life he will truly accept Christ as his only means of salvation.

What exactly is wrong with the Catholic Church
How exactly is it not telling the truth

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 07:54 PM
MadGrimbo take it easy,-lol.

I mean dont you think what you said was a bit harsh.

As for the Pope, isnt it time we moved on!

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Pisky[/

Personally, I doubt that John-Paul II will do so. The sense of duty that he has displayed since ascending to the Papacy will ensure that he stays until his death.

Can the Pope resign

I agree with Pisky. The Pope sees that he is living out his destiny and abdication would be the last thing that he would want to do. Who knows? Maybe, he can show us something about how to die just as he has shown many of us how to live. Yes, I'm a Catholic and I deeply admire the man. And, yes, I often disagree with the Church on some points, but I am a believer and I pray for the Pope.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:17 PM
yeah seriously Grimbo, calm down man,

I wasn't being disrespectful at all, I was merely pointing out the fact that when a human gets that dilapidated from disease, aging etc, and he is the front man for one of the more powerful religious forces on the planet, in charge of important decisions, that effect the lives of millions, it may be better to have someone who still has all of their faculties working up to speed.

I never accused the pope of having no courage or dignity, I have no idea what you are getting on with, a tirade of personal attacks, and you never even answered my damn questions! Do you think that the Church should remove a pontiff that has past the point of reasonable sickness? Both in senitlity and physical ailments? And thanks for cursing me with some disease, the same goes for, I hope you rot. Who said liberals had no faith? You o not need to be an ignorant republican hick to have faith? Or are they trying to change the bible so that being a liberal is a deadly sin too?

Some more fresh insights please, none of this personal attack garbage, it doesn't have anything to do with the questions I posed.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:22 PM
This is one of the most offensive posts I have had the displeasure to read.

Soviet leaders say this man was responsible for the collapse of Communism freeing millions from the yoke of tyranny and death.

He is the spiritual leader of the largest religion in history. There has been not a hint of corruption under his reign.

He is about as close to a living saint as any of you miserable excuses for humans will ever see.

BUt then again, this is America and you do have the right to spew venom as youy see fit.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:30 PM
Who the hell is disputing his corruption??

No ne is even talking about that, my damn question was, when a large organization like the Catholic church is faced with a pontiff that is on the verge of death and has been for quite some time, should it not remove him from office, not only for the church's benefit but for the Pope's aswell, so that he doesn't have to slowly degrade right before our eyes?

Is it just me, or can anyone read here? No one is answering the questions posed, somehow George Bush and communism got in here, don't know how, and apparently we are all miserable excuses for human beings all of asudden?

Again once more so it is clear, I am merely trying to get some answers as to the replacability of the pope, what do you think about that? Should it be able to happen, will a new pope be able to repair the damage to the Catholic church in recent years? Or has to much damae been done?

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by booger
This is one of the most offensive posts I have had the displeasure to read.

Soviet leaders say this man was responsible for the collapse of Communism freeing millions from the yoke of tyranny and death.

He is the spiritual leader of the largest religion in history. There has been not a hint of corruption under his reign.

He is about as close to a living saint as any of you miserable excuses for humans will ever see.

BUt then again, this is America and you do have the right to spew venom as youy see fit.

He truely is a great pope. He came over to America and begged them to recognize Croatia as a free country. Without him alot more ppl would have died.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Croat56

What exactly is wrong with the Catholic Church
How exactly is it not telling the truth

It does not teach salvation through Christ alone. Biblically to receive Christ is to realize that you have sinned against God and need a Savior. Christ is that Savior and when you accept(verbally or silently in your head) His sacrifice as payment for one's sins the Holy Spirit enters you(literally) and brings your dead spirit back to life. You are then a new person and the Holy Spirit renews your way of thinking and acting over the course of your life. He changes you, weeds out your faults and conforms you to the image of Christ.

To receive Christ in the catholic church means to take the eucharist. This bread has somehow the priest has magically changed into the actual body of Christ. When you ingest this you have received Christ. That's not Biblical. And the more you take the eucharist the less time you spend in purgatory( one way of spending less time in purgatory). So that's why there is a daily mass to take the eucharist more. I will repeat it again that is not Biblical. That bread did not change into the body of Christ. Ingesting that bread will not make you justified nor sanctified. Only the realization that you have offended a holy God(we cannot truly know how holy God is until we see Him face to face) and there's nothing you can do to change that. But God in mercy sent Christ to be your replacement in death(then He rose again). That's what changes you, when your heart and mind and view toward sin is changed and you come to the place where you no longer want to sin. You want to trade in your old life for new. Until you realize that sin is wrong you will not change and the only way to be changed from the inside out is by God Himself living in you.
That is the truth that is not expressed by the catholic church.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by jawapunk
Again once more so it is clear, I am merely trying to get some answers as to the replacability of the pope, what do you think about that? Should it be able to happen, will a new pope be able to repair the damage to the Catholic church in recent years? Or has to much damae been done?

replacing the pope will not change anything about the catholic church. It is not true christianity and putting someone else in the position of pope will not enhance the catholic church. It is false and leads men and women away from God.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:36 PM
hey dbrant,

What are you talking about, is it possible to answer the questions? Every post I have read by you has almost nothing to do with the topic at hand? Do you get off on how much bible knowledge you have accumulated or something?

Can you tell me what your opinion on the topic is please?

The Thirty Years war took place in the seventeenth century, we aren't trying to kill catholics anymore, unless you are in Northern Ireland. Protestants and Catholics get along these days.

No ... no... take off the cod peice, for the love of god!!!!

[edit on 24-2-2005 by jawapunk]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:43 PM
I believe that secretly the Church wants the Pope to die becuase he is of no use. Hes just a waste of money, hes just sitting their mumbling all day long when a healthy pope can be converting idiots in undeveloped countries or make more money for the church. Personally I can care less weather he lives or dies.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:47 PM

You have voted jawapunk for the Way Above Top Secret award

Indeed the Catholic church dose need a new face nobody I know wants to listen to an old man go on about how gay marriage is evil not that I would want to hear a young man put that point of view foward.

However any new face and a PR consulant wont solve the churchs biggest problem religon is obsolete. In the 21st centuary mass media is the most effective way of brainwashing people.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:19 PM
I find it sad that the Church needs a fresh face to convince adolescents that Christianity isnt totally ridiculous. They cant stop the inevitiable though, Christianity has 100 more years tops before it falls off the table.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Grey Fox
I believe that secretly the Church wants the Pope to die becuase he is of no use. Hes just a waste of money,

Doesn't another one take his place, wasting money

Personally I can care less weather he lives or dies.

Kinda cold arent ya!?

[edit on 2/24/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
I find it sad that the Church needs a fresh face to convince adolescents that Christianity isnt totally ridiculous. They cant stop the inevitiable though, Christianity has 100 more years tops before it falls off the table.

The first thing Christianity and other religions have to do is convince people like me that god exists which wont happen. I agree with you Christianity has about 100 years before it dies,

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