a reply to:
I'm a strong believer in sovereignty, the ability for groups and individuals to control their own life and destiny but it comes with reason. Just
because I'm sovereign it doesn't give me the right to control anything more than I have right to. Myself.
I'm also reasonably left-leaning... I have little in common with your nation's " liberal" movement... I often find it pathetic.
So with all that being said, I wish to say this. Nations and borders evolved to keep the riffraff out and the sla... Peasants in. Yet at the same time
extremist Americans tell me a majority race/colour/creed cannot have racist views held against them.
Genuinely, I'm humoured by how we just "evolve" the definition and meaning of words to suit our agendas. Them nasty/Nazi socialists were good at that
too. Wanting people to have a good old gander and control the narrative. Just like saying nationalism is a white trait or liberals are Nazis. Or even
the misconception that since I'm left leaning I clearly stand in the cliffs of Dover giving out visas and citizenship out willy nilly.
It's a funny old world. But extremists, they be extreme right?
Be proud of your ideals, if they are ideal. Personally I'm disgusted and proud of my nation. We don't live in a black and white world. I find the
history of press ganging abhorrent, I find how we treated those who had no desire to fight in the world wars distasteful, I find modern day examples
of "diplomacy" rather disgusting.
I also find it hilarious when an American President moans about the bills created by a power struggle initiated by it's own ideals and ambitions.
Respect? Yes, that stuff is earned.
Eventually it all boils down to the same stinky gloop. It was the other American's fault! Doesn't matter what side says it, it's the same stuff
different day.
Whilst nationally and internationally your nation (as mine) do disgusting things. To it's own citizens and citizens of the world.
So yeah Grambler, nationalist idealism isn't a bad thing but then neither is globalization... Ya know, since we on a globe with international trade,
exploitation, ability and potential freedom for all. It's the implementation of these systems and ideals that inevitably screws some unsuspecting
Or maybe I'm wrong and the patriot act was a wonderful creation in hindsight. Austerity and food banks are a beautiful thing. Rallying nations against
individual nations is just brilliant and cool.
Or maybe, just maybe... We're all self-serving hypocrites?
As always, you put some effort into your thread. I'll always respect that. At the same time though I'm looking at a large percentages of posts in this
thread and thinking "yeah, these are people I can have discourse with, debate with and potentially work towards something better whilst also
understanding the wants and aspirations of the other party."
I know. I'm pissing in the wind. People like villains and remaining in their bubble. Good for them. I laugh at the notion of them wanting to work
towards anything but their preconceived notions though...
Then again, this is just a rant. From a libtard...
Have a good one man, keep learning and growing.