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Drugs drugs everywhere, and not a cop to blink...

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posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I live in one of the most overcrowded areas of England. Life gets rowdy. Never had to assault or threaten anyone in defence of 'my territory'.

Never had to 'drone' anyone either, so you can keep your assumptions, brother.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: SlowNail
Good for you, finished preaching now?

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuyThe poor young lass who sells her body for her heroin and a place to stay I mentioned earlier offered me some Spice the other day. I'd bumped into her while she was loading her pipe, said thanks but no thanks too scared to try it.

Hahhahaa oh yeah that comes with age
Just the same

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Is that how it goes? Anyone who disagrees with your violence and bully-boy tactics is "preaching"?

I'm sure you'll forgive me for using my words.

There's nothing more to be learned here.

Good luck

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:55 AM
Take cover people i have just loaded a bazooka and i am ready to fire

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: SlowNail
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I live in one of the most overcrowded areas of England. Life gets rowdy. Never had to assault or threaten anyone in defence of 'my territory'.

But what if you don't have any Police locally? What then? Just accept bad people roll over and take it up the ....? No sensible person would do that if their locality was threatened. I'm in a rural zone, bad types from the city do come into the village to cause trouble rob steel etc, you have to look after your locality as there will be nothing more than a couple of Specials patrolling once a week to keep the peace. We live in a very different world to a generation ago and people are have to be a little more pro active in looking after their locality. It's the only way in rural places

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

Monkey Dust. Apparently it makes the user feel invisible with he strength of ten men, the cops have to use many constables just to pin down one user, sounds like a nightmare scenario.

I wonder who is creating these new drugs? My conspiracy head says development of monkey dust was funded by the tax payer and is being tested on the population.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:06 AM
People have always used substances to alter consciousness. Prohibiting them did nothing but push it underground and make it very lucrative for both sides of the fence, all while causing yet more harm to society. Dumb, really. It's all about the money. It always has been.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: teapot

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

Monkey Dust. Apparently it makes the user feel invisible with he strength of ten men, the cops have to use many constables just to pin down one user, sounds like a nightmare scenario.

I wonder who is creating these new drugs? My conspiracy head says development of monkey dust was funded by the tax payer and is being tested on the population.

Oh yeah think the same very often especially when the media are reporting the latest new type. Not sure if I go with it being our own government................ But who knows and it's a good one nothing would surprise us anymore

My two theories are below

1 Chinese government funded to destabilise the West to dumb us down for some purpose, possibly to take us over through the back door then Communism will control the world

2 Evil spirits controlling illicit drug developers minds in order to create the real nasty stuff we are seeing on our streets right now

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: SlowNail
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I live in one of the most overcrowded areas of England. Life gets rowdy. Never had to assault or threaten anyone in defence of 'my territory'.

But what if you don't have any Police locally? What then? Just accept bad people roll over and take it up the ....? No sensible person would do that if their locality was threatened. I'm in a rural zone, bad types from the city do come into the village to cause trouble rob steel etc, you have to look after your locality as there will be nothing more than a couple of Specials patrolling once a week to keep the peace. We live in a very different world to a generation ago and people are have to be a little more pro active in looking after their locality. It's the only way in rural places

You've hit the nail on the head mate, no pun intended.
There are no cops around here, and phoning for anti-social behaviour is pointless, it will just be recorded as a crime unless there is serious risk of harm to yourself or others.
As a community we have to police ourselves, smack heads and dealers know the rules, stay in the shady steps and alleyways then they will be left alone, but bring it to residential areas then expect community action.
Even in physical danger I will phone a mate or two before phoning the cops, I'll get a faster response time.

The member is comparing his life in a metropolis with mine in rural no-cops seaside, apples and oranges, yet still he persists to act holier than thou.
Glad to see another rural member understands the different challenges we face with no cops.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: teapot

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

Monkey Dust. Apparently it makes the user feel invisible with he strength of ten men, the cops have to use many constables just to pin down one user, sounds like a nightmare scenario.

I wonder who is creating these new drugs? My conspiracy head says development of monkey dust was funded by the tax payer and is being tested on the population.

Who ever thought of using Miracle grow plant food and calling it Meow meow
well we are 51 % banana lol

The one Never to try is a gut tablet called buscopan crushing it down and smoking it on foil watched a idiot do it wow it makes spice look like kids stuff

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
in a area where they bust you sling you in jail etc for a mouse dropping of cannabis resin ( 0.001 )

I've heard off mates that Police Scotland are ridiculously strict with possession, crazy isn't it, doesn't seem to work because haven't you got the highest drug use/deaths of any EU region?
You would think because it is so easy to buy anything and the lack of police in my area, plus their inaction for personal possession that we would have the highest use/deaths.

...I just walked down to town and passed 2 dealers on the steps, one in the middle of a deal, just smiled and said hi, known both by face for years now.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Thieving has become real bad and the Police don't do anything. I suppose they've got their hands tied with all the terror investigations, inner city chaos, but we are really suffering from loads of break ins theft of posessions so we look around for each other. Farms are being targeted too loads of farm equipment is being taken, tractors even. There is no defence rom the Police so we do our bit and protect our own.

Really impressed with you having a 'proper' job by the way, plastering is a real skill. Me and my day had a go years ago thought it would be pretty easy to take up, oh my life what a mess we go in to. Towards the end of the afternoon we decided to get the Yellow Pages out and get a pro in

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:48 AM
Just some quick stat's for those folk judging us in these parts about policing ourselves:
Plymouth Herald - local rag

Devon and Cornwall police still have nearly 600 fewer officers now than they did eight years ago, despite an increase in numbers in the last year. Government figures have revealed that Devon and Cornwall police had the equivalent of 2,959 full-time officers on their force in March 2018.
That’s an increase of 45 from the 2,914 full-time equivalent officers it had a year earlier. However, despite this the force has lost more than one in every six of its officers since 2010, when there were 3,556 full-time officers on the team - a drop of 17% in less than a decade.

So, just under 3000 cops covering the largest geographical police area in England (3,961 square miles) with a population of 1.65 million people.
Break their shifts into 8 hours, allow for sickness and holiday then there are less than a thousand cops on duty at any given time. less than 1 cop for every 1650 people. Since most are based in the cities of Plymouth and Exeter everyone else is # out of luck calling for assistance unless it is a serious risk of harm to someone.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Yip if it is bad for you the Scottish seem to be world champions at it - lucky i am a Pict
,I worked all over England for years shop fitting and loved it how laid back people were about it , it was no big deal to have a smoke , but where i stay you were treated like the devil and treated like some dirty junkie and looked down on even if you were a hard working guy who kept his nose clean , the 3 times i have been busted for a piece of resin added up to less than 3 grams lol , the police and courts up here are tossers yet in England the police are gents and laugh at silly amounts of personnel and let you on your way with it rather than lock you up for the weekend with court on Monday etc etc costing many £ 0000s at the end of the day for a quids worth of smoke

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
Communities without cops have to protect their own, every time, and reasonable force may have to be used. It is a tragic fact.
It's all well and good in a densely populated city with cops minutes away, but when it is an hour or so you have to call your mates or take action yourself. Mate's gran was robbed by a known smackhead and the cops were useless so we found the house he was in and taxed the lot of them as well as dishing out punishment.
They will still steal of course, but 28 days in prison doesn't stop them either so we could debate the rights or wrongs about community action all day.

...haha plastering is easy, same as anything when you've done it a hundred times. I'm getting bored with it now though and my son is a qualified plumber wanting to expand if he doesn't make it with a big club in rugby. He asked if I'd be interested labouring for him and I said yes in a heartbeat, I know the basics anyway, we've worked together often on other jobs and work well, I'll be happy for him to be the leading the jobs. He is ambitious and wants a fleet of vans working so I could end up old just answering his works telephone, doing his accounts, and whatnot lol.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam
It shows how their strict attitude doesn't actually make a difference to the amount of users.
It just wastes police time and costs of judicial services as you say.
I'd laugh if a cop here said he was arresting me for personal possession of cannabis, I'd actually think he was joking until the cuffs were on me. It doesn't happen here, really hard to get arrested for anything if you are chilled out when they eventually arrive.
Same with class A drugs, cops let it slide, many do it themselves and certainly their own mates do.
They are too busy trying to deal with violent crimes etc to be arsed about a gram of whatever someone is carrying...unless they wish to 'confiscate' it lol

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Where i stay if you look at the cops the wrong way and you are nicked ,beaten up and charged with police assault and get drugs planted on you if you don;t have any on you , When you stand back and have a real good look at the problem ,some people seem to operate with impunity year on year and nowt happens to them almost like they are protected by some gang lol

I worked in the then chief supers house years ago as a favour to his son a mad funkie ! , The things you see in the building trade bud and people you meet

P.S hope your sons venture goes good

edit on 21/10/2018 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam
Move down here mate, rarely see a cop to look at the wrong way lol
When you do see one you really have to try hard to get arrested, they just haven't got the resources. Even street fights, if it's over when they turn up and nobody is bitchin about it then they just act like referees and let play carry on.
In the summer it's even crazier, double the population with tourists and the cops just aren't able to cope with minor crime so the communities deal with it their own way.

...cheers about my lad, looking forward to it, working for him, he's like my pension plan haha

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I have worked all over that coast back in the day worked for a guy from Plymouth for ages and noticed the lack of police back before all the cuts to government , loved the weather and the people and laid back attitude , out of 30 guys i worked with only 3 had a driving licence
and nobody gave a hoot as the chances of getting pulled were very slim .

To old in the tooth to move now and with a old mother to look after but i did give it much thought years ago

ps i have pictures of you in my head now as the fat controller behind some swivel office chair screaming orders at the crew

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