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Drugs drugs everywhere, and not a cop to blink...

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posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I keep this on my phone to show the young ones what can happen when you muck about with man made things

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

That is so gross, man.

Generally I have scant cause to get arsed about this problem, but 8% of bills have roundworm eggs posited on them, and sometimes the viable eggs (they remain viable forever, I believe) bust loose from the fibers.

Typically, they lodge in lung tissue which provides a climate amenable to nesting, before they migrate to the sinus, where they await being swallowed so they can begin their cycle of infesting the small intestine. I am guessing the bill was warm, and perhaps moist?

Was nitrous being inhaled, by any chance, just prior to insufflation? The reason I ask is because it is not uncommon for nematodes to seek egress through the mouth during procedures requiring anaesthesia. Also, when their cycle is disrupted by anthelmintics, they sometimes perforate the small intestine and infest adjacent regions. It can be problematic, but that’s small potatoes compared to when they lodge in the brainstem. Should prolly check the next stool, just to be sure.

But...yeah, it was probably from the bill, because it was certainly 100% pure product being offered, right? Or maybe it came from’s funny what we put in our mouths.

Really enjoying this thread. It’s like a whole nother level of ‘cool’ that I am not sure will ever fly in the states, where cowboys rather do battle in the streets over repelling the NWO and such. I wish I were in Cornwall as well! I can safely state that I never once saw a woman running around in public with fifth of GIlbey’s protruding from her front hole outside a place where a wedding, festooned with coke, was transpiring, such a blessed union I am sure, though I did watch Wendy O Williams presiding as guest croupier over a roulette wheel once, in Aspen (lol it was after hours and not on the street nor any place where children, tourists or squares, should be exposed).

All I really know for certain is that if any of this were to happen in plain view,
in my neighborhood, I would certainly know who to call.

# 1004
edit on 24-10-2018 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2018 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2018 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

That's why it's better to use a cut in half straw, cleaner anyway, but mainly it's the cutting agents thats the problem where gear is concerned.
edit on 24-10-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Sounds like a plan.

You must be the life and soul at parties all the same. LoL

Needs must though, better people should understand the dangers involved with snorting drugs.
edit on 24-10-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: stonerwilliam

You must be the life and soul at parties all the same. LoL

No body ever called me boring or sane especially a Psychiatrist who will not return my calls after we had a chance meeting at a local establishment i was attending .

All i asked him was how could a Frenchman with no brain be walking and talking and be seemingly normal if his science was correct
He stammered and stuttered like Sheldon Cooper and i had to tell the poor man that DENIAL was really a river in EGYPT , OK YOU GOT ME I AM dYSLeXIC I have a funny feeling the other 2 ladies one a nurse the other a Psychiatrist also weed themselves slightly as the male nurse/ Pharmacist did a bad job at keeping a straight face , man did that Psychiatrist twitch and stutter

Those ( XXXXXXXX) Told me i was SANE
and could not get me out of the room quick enough

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Sanity is well overrated anyways.

Plus to be sane in an insane world is to be quite frank rather insane in itself.

Nevermind downright counterproductive.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Sanity is well overrated anyways.

Amen brother.

posted on Oct, 25 2018 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
Needs must though, better people should understand the dangers involved with snorting drugs.
Especially with not knowing what it is cut with. It's why I think the NHS should just sell it to adults, it would make a fortune profit to pay for substance abuse and rehab facilities.

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: SlowNail
a reply to: BoneSay

We have to play Judge Dredd, coz Cornwall is a whole 'nother world.

Christ, do you hear yourselves?

Yes we have, when needed to, do you think Cops are really there for you when you need them urgently?

Let me tell you about when i was 13, i was alone at home and some guy broke in and he had already targeted me for a while but there was no way to prevent him from being out there since he had not done anything at all

So he broke in and i went into my moms room and closed the door, he started banging and eventually broke in and i had the gun from my grand father and i shot at the guy (my grand parents did teach me how to use a gun since i was 7) but the gun was too heavy for me and i could not hit the guy directly but did hit him on his leg. So he was able to reach me and hit me so hard in the head that i had a broken eye socket and almost lost my eye, so far today is not even on the right location and i have permanent scars from that, next thing i new i was on the floor losing blood and i he still hit me again and i had more scars on the face due to that, but then the guy started losing blood because of the gun shot and he went out and fell outside and passed out, and that's why i saved my life

Crude enough for you guy? Have you ever stood up for yourself? Who much time you think the cops took to get there? Nobody noticed anything until the gun shot was heard by the neighbors, otherwise i would probably not be here at all

You believe that you have to always depend on others, but tell me, who protects the cops when they are at home and someone breaks in? Do you think they also call the cops? This is ridiculous lmao

Here for your to see, i don't think you understand how the world works out there, you must be extremely well protected if you never had to stand up for yourself. I wonder, if the guy had been seen walking around and someone went out and told him to go away, would i had to be like this or had to go through that? By the time the cops came i was also loosing so much blood that i had lots of issues for a year after that, you don't even have a clue. We need more people that take care of not allowing weird people on their streets, cops can't just suddenly show up by magic, let's not be dumb about this, some people need protection right away, not later after the fact

You are clueless about how hard the world is out there, and i feel like if you were to see someone watching and taking care of their street you would call the cops on him for not being a complaint sheep

And here, this is how that right eye looked like for some time, so it was bad and even worse and i had to drop everything in my life, but if there had been someone who had noticed the weirdo things may be different. And no i'm not saying it will always be the case but clearly having guards on private streets prevents weird people from going in, so why do you think it doesn't work the same if the persons living on that street do the job for free, just to make sure everyone is safe?

This is how i looked more or less the next year until surgery was done, sorry for bad quality but i did not get any pictures taken and even now i have just a few, that one was by surprise and i had to hide my face with a hat for the longest time, so whatever but you are wrong in your ideas of not standing up for yourself because cops exist

Sorry but it makes me very very angry when people who are not even aware of the real world and how hard it can be get so narrow and dense. And you disrespect people who try to do the right thing and prevent something like this happening to someone else, it makes me very angry

edit on 30-10-2018 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: BoneSay
The member does live in another world to me, he/she stated they live in the most densely populated area of England so presumably cops everywhere and available to help in minutes. That is the total opposite to my world.
I'll carry on doing what most people do around here, challenging anyone who seems up to no good and moving them along.
You are right, if every community did the same then it is like free security guards in every street. It is how I was raised in my society so I'm not likely to change anytime soon.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: BoneSay

That's a pretty harrowing tale of self-defence.

Sorry you had to go through that and I'm glad you're alive.

You have every right to defend yourself and your property.

The streets? Not so much. Though, your fear is totally understandable.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: SlowNail
The streets? Not so much. Though, your fear is totally understandable.

I'll challenge open drug use in my street everytime, I'll challenge anti-social behaviour, people hassling a neighbour, graffiti on a neighbours house etc.
You live in a world with cops everywhere if as you said you are in one of the most densely populated areas of England.
Different worlds, we have to police ourselves here, and most of us do.
I'll challenge anyone just looking shady or suspicious in my street, it might just be a friendly hello to see their reaction, but my intent is the same. Maybe you don't understand what a community is in your top ten most densely populated area of England? Do you even know your neighbours names?
edit on 31-10-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

No, you won't challenge it everytime, as you stated earlier. You let your boys slide. Pretty hypocritical.

I suspect this is 90% bravado, 10% brandy.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: Unruhestifter
War on drugs is lost.

Biggest loss since the war on Alcohol 100 years ago.

I'd question what drugs were in question. Pharmaceutical Drugs? Breaking Bad? Natural Drugs?

Alcohol is the drug we should be most worried about, next to the white underlined phrase above.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy

originally posted by: SlowNail
The streets? Not so much. Though, your fear is totally understandable.

I'll challenge open drug use in my street everytime, I'll challenge anti-social behaviour, people hassling a neighbour, graffiti on a neighbours house etc.
You live in a world with cops everywhere if as you said you are in one of the most densely populated areas of England.
Different worlds, we have to police ourselves here, and most of us do.
I'll challenge anyone just looking shady or suspicious in my street, it might just be a friendly hello to see their reaction, but my intent is the same. Maybe you don't understand what a community is in your top ten most densely populated area of England? Do you even know your neighbours names?

Same. It's basic looking out for the community. 95% of people are more than happy to move on after a polite chat explaining that kids shouldn't be subject or at risk of sharps etc...the other 5% would be the type who rob houses and quickly move on when I explain I know the main families in charge of supply and can get theirs cut off if we can't reach agreement.

It's not about bravado, just looking out for others. I know most of the homeless, drunks, users/buskers over the years as I stop and chat to them, give classes on how to avoid hyperthermia and make and giveaway gear each winter and have stood up for many beggars when police have tried to move them on for no good reason.

For example there's a 'care in the community/community rehab' down the road. One of the guys is a scouse alcoholic, he's desperate to quit but terrified at the same time. Many a time I've escorted him back to his house and got some food in him and made sure he stayed put after finding him in the middle of the road screaming or outside the local shops asking everyone for a fight. I've phoned his keyworkers before and they told me to 'just ignore him and leave him there' which poses huge risk to the public and to himself.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: SlowNail
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

No, you won't challenge it everytime, as you stated earlier. You let your boys slide. Pretty hypocritical.

I suspect this is 90% bravado, 10% brandy.

You clearly cannot read, I stated I challenge it in my street but let it slide in the back alley's and shady steps.
All you've done in this thread is focus on that. Do you want to discuss the topic or just me? I am of course flattered if you wish to make the thread solely about me though [/blushes]

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: bastion
Yes, it's called living in a community and being an active part of it.
Even more so since the savage police, PCSO, and street warden cuts, there is no visible 'authority' in my area any more.
I really cannot understand why a particular member is being like a dog with a bone criticising me about it when he/she doesn't live in my world.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Mate, there's nothing else to this thread.

You have a shortage of officers in the area. So, join the force or arrange a neighbourhood watch.

Your personal authority ends at your doorstep.

It really is that simple.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: SlowNail
There's plenty to this thread, I was asking other people's experiences and it has been an interesting discussion.
All you've done is criticise me personally for challenging illegal activities in my street, you're just repeating yourself now, I get it, you disagree with me.
No need to keep on like a broken record, I don't care what you think about my actions, I'll carry on doing what I do regardless of what an anonymous member of an internet forum thinks.

Now, if you wish to share your experience of public drug use in your community please do and I'll engage, but if you carry on repeating your same old criticism I'm ignoring you. It's barely on-topic and you are beginning to seem like a troll now.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: SlowNail
Your personal authority ends at your doorstep.
Nope, it may end at your doorstep but it remains anywhere my life may be affected. I know that irritates you but tough luck, I'm not having skanky smackheads pissing in my street, and you moaning about me taking action isn't gonna change a thing.
You sound like a very submissive type of person who wouldn't defend your street, I'm glad you are not a neighbour of mine, I wouldn't be able to rely on you, no chance.

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