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So Who Are They and Where Are They Now

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posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: schuyler

These ideas of a vast electrical grid supported by the Pyramid have one basic flaw: There are no machines left that utilized that power. For a 'great civilization' that existed a mere 12,000 years ago, there is precious little to show for it. 12,000 years is not long enough ago that everything would disappear.

My belief is that the civilisation which came here from 'elsewhere' ('their former estate') came here with their hyper advanced technology in tow. But their tech footprint was very different from our insulated wiring/motorised machinery. I believe they utilised various natural & upgraded EM-type fields, controlled by 'computers' which probably looked like metallic stones, being constructed using nanotechnological processes, constructed atom by atom, in 'solid state', with locked field manipulation properties. They probably utilised crystals (natural - or more likely, artificial, also constructed atom by atom) for data storage & as units in their networked electrical machinery (think Stargate, with 'stones' set at each chevron). As Tesla famously said - "When mankind explores the properties of naturally-occurring fields, we will learn more in ten years than in all the rest of history combined" (paraphrased).

It is in fact recorded that the civilisation actively fought over the limited quantities of the advanced technologies available on the Earth at that time. They came down, and were banished from the heights as a result - unable to ascend & gather new technological artefacts, they warred over those which were here, for example the MEs of Sumerian legend. The Mesoamerican 'god' Lord Pakal, seems to have actively developed a niche industry in creating a mind control system, likely licensed out to the other 'gods'. There are multiple steles which seem to represent his perpetration of mind/brain manipulation using technological equipment & seeming abuses against his human subjects. Many more examples abound.

One thing which I believe hasn't been suggested thus far, in terms of the 'WHY?' of the lack of technological artefacts is, as stated, the fact that their equipment may have looked like metallic stones & crystals, but also - and here's the novel part - these devices, being engineered within the advanced society these renegade 'gods' came from, almost certainly had a tracking technology built into their structure & functionality, calibrated for use on Earth during manufacture. It s my speculation that these devices had resonant frequency self-destruct functions built in as well. Each device could then be targeted for destruction if it had fallen into the wrong hands.

When the final cataclysms of the war in heaven were unfolding, unleashing chaos upon the Earth (& likely elsewhere too) - these devices may have been targeted as part of a planet-wide 'resonant frequency-controlled kill switch', initiated by the 'system lords' in control of turning the tide of the rebellion & defrocking the rebels, dismantling their technological prowess & weakening them in advance of their annihilation (or exile). The actual destructive agency within the devices may have been embedded thermite (or some other advanced resin-type explosive) - to be targeted by 'locking on' to its resonant frequency or isomer-linked identifier, before sending the command for destruction in a wave of energy sufficient to trigger detonation, instantly reducing the device to dust & globules of useless, unremarkable, untraceable metal.

I suspect that certain of those technological devices - the stones & crystals - were shielded in Faraday cages, or equivalent, by individuals who were aware that the kill switch would be utilised - and so these shielded devices may have survived down to the present day, hidden by guardians linked to certain secret societies. It is possible that the Grail legends refer to some sort of technology of this nature, or that the grail legend is at least partially a cover for information relating to the location or ownership of the Ancient technology.

Dr JP Farrell, author on many mysterious subjects (a must-read for all conspiracists) has suggested, with a strong likelihood of probability inherent in his postulation, that these ME devices & similar items could be linked not only to an authorised user of the technology by genetic identifier - but indeed the very 'soul-field' of the authorised user was the identifier - an interference pattern 'grating' being holographically-entwined, somehow embedded in the fabric of the device, to be utilised as the 'key' which initiated the control system, preventing unauthorised use. Other technologies would likely be utilised to reprogram the MEs, and again I turn to Stargate for visualisation of the reference - something along the lines of the sarcophagus technology may have been used to record & engrave into the 'stones' or 'crystals' the interference grating from the scanned soul-field of the guardian, when assigning initial ownership of the ME, or a change of custodianship.

Part of me wonders whether there's a plan in place to decode or decrypt the recovered technology, perhaps taking clues from all the esoteric materials & documentation which references other ancient technologies used for the purpose. Imagine the power of such an artefact - would we ever want to apply it, even with positive intention? The risks would seem far too high, and so one hopes they are locked away or already destroyed. I believe certain wars were fought as a cover for extracting such technologies from foreign governments, and that perhaps the 'Iraqi Stargate' story was misinformation providing a cover & distraction from what was actually being sought/ recovered.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: one4all

There was something different about Noah wasnt there? He was the first white man or albino or he was covered in snow white fur or lambs wool or something?? At his birth his father feared him and ran away to his father saying he looked how the angels look.

I don't think he was the first white man or an albino and I don't care nor claim what color he was.... however you bring up a good point I believe his father was afraid of him because he came out different possibly he was a test tube baby or had a surrogate mother or had a mother who was an abductee....more likely his conehead freaked out his Papa.

I myself was abducted as a kid and shown the Earth being shall we say re-arranged completely....I was gifted knowledge that had I the resources would be equal to that of Noah.....what is coming how to survive...what to do...when to do it....but alas I havent been gifted the resources to make this happen in fact I have been gangstalked for the last decde ever since going online with my experoences and I can barely life one cheek to pass gas without something pushing back at me....its like I now have a lifetime NO-MOVEMENT

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:55 AM
The ME of Sumerian Legend is a Laptop type device connected to an information web.

The story goes like this....a Global high tech society equal to ours today existed.....the masses were not aware of a Celestial event which would completely re-arrange the surface of this planet....a few initiated ones had full knowledge and made full preperations ...they just didn't make it through safely and intact like they thought and their fate was NO MORE DEFINED than the MASSES who were like Ants in a Washtub...…. Noah was gifted the knowledge and the Resources to follow through with his preperations...simple basic lower tech solutions.

Once the Planet experienced Global Continental Displacement and the proxy Vlar Global Contonental Displacement Waves....WHICH ONLY TOOK HOURS TO DO THEIR THING...everything was a massive Cauldron of death and destruction....yes there is an eye in every Hurricane and a few isolated areas were relatively intact.....VERY FEW and not all had people located there.

All Continents were RESURFACED....everything was buried under in some areas up to KILOMETERS of mud and debris...Oil is a renewable resource and WE ARE machines you discuss that arent yes remains are found all the the correct depths....and in altered forms....and you will never hear about it because you are WE THE one is telling you and you dont know how to make them tell you and you dont know who really knows so you can follow their lead.....SHEEPLE LITERALLY FITS THE BILL HERE.

The Pyramids were critical...if you wish to understand them study Wilbert Smith and David Hamel and you will learn it wont believe what they did.

Here is the generic answer to your questions ok.....picture the entre Earth devestated....and surviors of the initial event will be RANDOM SURVIVORS...they will be clinging to things and trying to get to high ground....dieing by the millions even after the initial event....they will NOT BE IN GROUPS THAT ARE EVEN REMOTELY CONNECTED.....people from different CONTINENTS will end up floating swimming climbing or drowning or passing side by side .

Now once things calm down in the first 24-48 hours then reality strikes....hard reality....millions of kilometers of Mud Flats on every continent...nothing but mud and debris and dead things in all bodies of water trees no forests no SURVIVOR TYPE SITUATIONS like we see on TV...

No infratructure on a GOBAL doctors or hospitals or stores or supplies...nothing ANYWHERE TO BE FOUND...the idea of scavenging is always put forth but there will be NOTHING LEFT TO SCAVENGE IN MOST AREAS.....and millions more will die in the first week post -event.

What few groups come together and begin to fight back will be in dire BOOKS NO EDUCATION SYSTEM NO FOOD OR MEDICAL SUPPLIES..death by a million ways looming over everyone every second of the day or night........people will be dieing continuously at a high rate...knowledge will die with them....teaching will not be a priority surviving will....within several short generations teaching will not exist it will be verbal we will have absolutely nothing like a school for a VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME.

The immediate surviors once grouped will begin to aknowledge what happened and will begin to record what they know...the hows whats whens wheres and whys.....they will then write down these things....before they lose the ability to do so...knowing the future might take away education and written word.....they cumulatively wrote a book a HISTORY BOOK describing what happened and why they were caught so unprepared...they will give advice to future people on HOW TO AVOID HAVING HUMANITY SANDBAGGED AGAIN HOW TO TELL EACH OTHER THE TRUTH AND BE PREPARED TO FACE THE CYCLE OF LIFE AND DEATH ON we call the distand relatives of this or these HUMANITARIAN HISTORY BOOKS books the BIBLE AND THE QUORAN AND THE VEDIC TEXTS AND other names.....and Secret Societies all over the world have hidden this knowledge and these books when they have found and understood them...

There HISTORY BOOKS were critical and were PRESERVED AT ALL COSTS BY THESE EARLY SURVIVOR these groups estabished again and began to grow and to again TRAVEL THE 4 DIRECTIONS this BOOK OR HISTORY and its survival and passing forward was STILL THE SINGLE BIGGEST concern and the knowledge Keepers were to become CRITICAL AND POWERFULL and endorsed by everyone so by proxy EMPOWERED by everyone to PRESERVE THESE TRUTHS AND THIS HISTORY OR KNOWLEDGE.

Sorry I am short of time now....I will be back...last comment now is these Groups expanded in the different directions the Knowledge Keepers slowly all began to do similar things based upon human nature...they bagan to use and abuse the POWER their positions gave them...the POWER WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY GIFTED TO THEM BY THE time passed the History Books taken in all 4 directions were ALL tweaked and re-written MANY MANY TIMES to serve mans wants not mans serve the wants and needs of the Knowledge Keepers....who were what we call priests today.

Great thread OP...thanks for the topic.
edit on 18-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: one4all

Very nice (but horrible) analogy between the oil and the people.
Here is a future event from the book of revelation.

A lot of Blood, just like an oil well and of course trodden can mean crushed under immense pressures.

As for artifact's YES they are found from time to time, chain's, nail's and even bowl's and anatomically modern human skull's have been found in Coal, even solid alluvial rock and limestone - even under mountain's.

One such was from a mine under the alp's were a metal cube that was obviously machined was found embedded on the deposits' that were supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old.

And a great many more story's mostly either poo poo'd or even covered up by the establishment - the Smithsonian despite it's many fan's has become infamous for it's cover up's including disappearing artifact's, human remain's sometime's of unusual size and other artifact's that would go against the beliefs of it's founder whom believed that cultures had minimal contact with one another so inconvenient artifacts that proved such a theory to be wrong were conveniently lost once they took possession of them, there is even a claim that they took out a barge load of ancient uncatalogued artifacts and dumped them in deep ocean water.

Similar to there actions but for more callous reason's when a road was being built in part of New Zealand the cutting exposed a cave type burial with alcoves in the wall's and red haired tall mummy's of what appeared to be Caucasoid features and Celtic style or similar fabric's were found, so they asked the Maoris what they wanted done with the body's thinking the Maoris would care but instead the Maori's said simply these body's were NOT THERE ancestors so do what you want with them, thousands of body's from an unknown New Zealand culture which therefore predated the Maori's were then ground up and used as bone feed fertilizer for the farmers fields.

There are two type's of Archaeologists, real one's with scruples whom care about the truth and often then run afoul of the establishment which is powerful enough to ruin there reputation's and careers and Establishment archaeologists most of whom are honest enough but will always tow the line of the establishment so as not to fall afoul of it and so enjoy long and uninterrupted careers which are perfectly safe so long as they stick to the established time line or else do nothing to ruin (minor shaking is fine) the establishment's established view point of history.

edit on 18-10-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

The OOparts are ALL EXPLAINABLE now.

Using the Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Model we EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TRUTHFULLY AND LEAVE NO ROOM FOR RETORT.

I have tasted fresh oil from thousands of meters underground....tis not bad at is FRESH.....massive volumes of animal and vegetable matter were buried under kms of overburden and stone layers were formed WITHIN DECADES......oil we recover from great depths under different layers of stone has only been there a short time...number of layers means squat....that is a basic particulate setteling issue.....each LAYER DID NOT TAKE MILLIONS OF YEARS TO FORM.

A simple diagram of an underground oil deposit and gas deposit will easily explain everything...only one explanation fits as per the VGCDW Model.

This goes beyond a simple Archeological Conspiracy as we normally see when the owners of the Publishing Companies control and dictate what Peer Approved Papers are put out....this is the MOTHER OF ALL REALITIES and also the MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES....for the Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Model has forever changed our human history by tangibly bringing together the research and work of thousands of people who have been diligently seeking truth for Centuries....this is THE BIG SECRET.....this is what ALL OTHER CONSPIRACIES REVOLVE AROUND....every last one of them....from Secret Societies to Royal Families to UFOs to Free Energy to Immortality to Universal Humanity....and the list goes on and on and on.

We only get 3657 years to perform our song and dance before Nibiru or Wormwood or The Destroyer or Planet7x or whatever you choose to call it returns to give us its biggest hip-check possible....we are due for one of these visits in 2021...and yes I have heard all the 2012 comparisons and the Y2K comparisons by people who dont want to believe anyne can know a precise date.

FYI many abductees are taught what is going to happen....they are shown everything.....including how to have a premium chance to survive if such a thing is possible ….lol...this is one of the biggest reasons the UFO Abduction scenario is so bastardised....a LOT of money has been spent trying to confuse that area of research.As I said it is ALL CONNECTED TO THE VGCDW Model.

Antiarctica and the coneheads and their technology and their cities and such are now melting out of the ice...the VGCDW Model shows us where they came from how they got there and where they are going is ALL CONNECTED.

edit on 18-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: one4all

It always boggles the mind what they get away with, these guy's have come up with one potentially viable solution but it come's down to money, those whom control the world would destroy it rather than lose there money saving it.
Nikolae Tesla was bankrupted after having to use his own small wealth to try to finish his wardenclyffe tower project because JP morgan withdrew funding once they finally understood that his project was about supplying an almost unlimited amount of free energy to everyone.
Today we ALL sit atop massive amount's of natural geothermal heat, we don't even have to dig down that far just far enough for the water to boil to create steam and power geothermal energy plant's - non of the nasty by products of costly solar cell manufacture.
Back in the 1970's a Scottish engineer invented a wave to electricity generator that could be floated on the ocean and turn the natural wave action into pure electricity but his invention was never trialed because it deliberately sabotaged in it's cost analysis by the deliberate moving of a decimal point several places to the left.
A trio of guy's back in the 70's in the states demonstrated a modified four ton ford truck which could do almost a hundred miles to the gallon of gasoline, after some accident's, threat's and one ending up in a wheel chair for the rest of his life the invention was sold to the Automotive and petrol chemical consortium that had leaned on them and has never seen the light of day as a consequence.

Today we have politicians' in the UK and US whom are willing to deliberately ignore the obvious human right's abuses and downright evil of the Saudi government toward not only it's own citizens but toward bus loads of kid's in order to sell them state of the art weapon's so that they can carry on killing in style.

edit on 18-10-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: toms54
a reply to: Blue Shift
My entire family believes in ghosts.

I go back and forth. Sometimes it makes sense, particularly when I'm hit with a wave of synchronicity that's hard to ignore. Other days, though, I'm pretty convinced it's B.S. But I suppose that if you're religious in any way, and believe some dude rose from the dead and healed people with magic, or that a little oil lamp can burn for 7 days without fuel, you pretty much have to believe in ghosts.

I doubt if the Atlanteans or any of the other big rock moving cultures were that freaky. If they existed at all, they just likely had some smart people who could figure out how to do some basic stuff a couple of steps up from hunter gatherers. What do you do if you're Einstein born 12,000 years ago? You apply your genius to the tasks at hand.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Right, ever seen a ghost, ever heard of a story about a soldier whom died on a battle field or in a hospital or even a crash victim whom died and all they wanted in there final moment's was to go home, neighbors or even family see them but they seldom speak and then they are gone, sometime's the mother of the young soldier is told by her neighbors "How is Johnny is he home on leave I saw him walking up the street to your house the other day" only for them to later find out that about the same time Johnny was killed or died of his injury's.

In the Beginning was God and with God was the Word, now what is the word - one interpretation is the Spirit or if you like Ghost of God.
The Word was made flesh, just like these postmortem apparitions but with one massive difference this was not a dead person manifesting as a living person it was a Spirit - THE primal spirit manifesting as a person, living an actual life and dying an actual death but always made of spiritual manifestation that then rose since after all he is living spirit of God and the ascension with cloud's, well how many ghost story's do you know of were spirit's are seen as white mist of fog like apparition's with the exception that we are weak and this was not a weak spirit like our own but rather it as and is the action of the living creator of the universe whom so happened to be a Spirit or if you like a higher dimensional being.
It is not superstition it is fact.

In the bread and the wine the Spirit blesses the bread and the wine transforming them SPIRITUALLY into the body and blood of our lord, we don't so much consume him as become part of him and enter the only way we can into true eternity via God himself.

edit on 18-10-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

When you begin to consider the 3657 year timeline between events of this magnitude one can see why there is a global lock on all knowledge and NOTHING CAN STOP THIS...for an entire Planets worth of power and resources are thrust into keeping the secret.

The masses of humanity are ALWAYS CANNON FODDER...with some exceptions like the Maya and others.

A small group always harnesses the entire Planet to support the survival of another SMALL GROUP OF RULERS who will repopulate and control the planet during the next safe period.These people are now known.Their assets are identified.Their safe locations are known and mapped,the Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Model shows us where they MUST BE also shows us where all natural resources are located without having to do any wildcat searching at also shows where the resources will be located post-event during the next safe period.....and this is NOT A COMPUTER

Once you see the big picture you understand why at a time like now we CANNOT USURP THIS NAUGHTY GROUP....we now NEED THEM TO SURVIVE.....yes they are plicks...but now we NEED THEM.....the only correct times to inform humanity and give Global Humanity a chance to work and survive and go off planet enmasse have now passed....and yes there are many such times over 3657 years.....its a real paradox when you become informed.

Free energy...cures for all pollution....Neutral Dimension Zone Craft...Interstellar space travel....all of these things have been kept hidden from the masses...but all of it has been around for many many Cycles...just a small group retains and controls it .
edit on 18-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Blue Shift
It is not superstition it is fact.

Okay, then how do you prove something is NOT a ghost, or are they all just assumed to be ghosts?

See, a lot of the catastrophists like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson would say that by accepting a literal interpretation of the symbolism, you're forgetting the old ways at the time of Zep Tepi, the Fourth Sun, the Age of Leo, before the Kali Yuga, etc., which tends to lead toward destruction because you're focusing on the wrong thing and won't be prepared when the Earth gets slammed by the comets again. Which could be quite soon.
edit on 18-10-2018 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: schuyler

These ideas of a vast electrical grid supported by the Pyramid have one basic flaw: There are no machines left that utilized that power. For a 'great civilization' that existed a mere 12,000 years ago, there is precious little to show for it. 12,000 years is not long enough ago that everything would disappear.

My belief is that the civilisation which came here from 'elsewhere' ('their former estate') came here with their hyper advanced technology in tow. But their tech footprint was very different from our insulated wiring/motorised machinery. I believe they utilised various natural & upgraded EM-type fields, controlled by 'computers' which probably looked like metallic stones, being constructed using nanotechnological processes, constructed atom by atom, in 'solid state', with locked field manipulation properties. They probably utilised crystals (natural - or more likely, artificial, also constructed atom by atom) for data storage & as units in their networked electrical machinery (think Stargate, with 'stones' set at each chevron). As Tesla famously said - "When mankind explores the properties of naturally-occurring fields, we will learn more in ten years than in all the rest of history combined" (paraphrased).

It is in fact recorded that the civilisation actively fought over the limited quantities of the advanced technologies available on the Earth at that time. They came down, and were banished from the heights as a result - unable to ascend & gather new technological artefacts, they warred over those which were here, for example the MEs of Sumerian legend. The Mesoamerican 'god' Lord Pakal, seems to have actively developed a niche industry in creating a mind control system, likely licensed out to the other 'gods'. There are multiple steles which seem to represent his perpetration of mind/brain manipulation using technological equipment & seeming abuses against his human subjects. Many more examples abound.

One thing which I believe hasn't been suggested thus far, in terms of the 'WHY?' of the lack of technological artefacts is, as stated, the fact that their equipment may have looked like metallic stones & crystals, but also - and here's the novel part - these devices, being engineered within the advanced society these renegade 'gods' came from, almost certainly had a tracking technology built into their structure & functionality, calibrated for use on Earth during manufacture. It s my speculation that these devices had resonant frequency self-destruct functions built in as well. Each device could then be targeted for destruction if it had fallen into the wrong hands.

When the final cataclysms of the war in heaven were unfolding, unleashing chaos upon the Earth (& likely elsewhere too) - these devices may have been targeted as part of a planet-wide 'resonant frequency-controlled kill switch', initiated by the 'system lords' in control of turning the tide of the rebellion & defrocking the rebels, dismantling their technological prowess & weakening them in advance of their annihilation (or exile). The actual destructive agency within the devices may have been embedded thermite (or some other advanced resin-type explosive) - to be targeted by 'locking on' to its resonant frequency or isomer-linked identifier, before sending the command for destruction in a wave of energy sufficient to trigger detonation, instantly reducing the device to dust & globules of useless, unremarkable, untraceable metal.

I suspect that certain of those technological devices - the stones & crystals - were shielded in Faraday cages, or equivalent, by individuals who were aware that the kill switch would be utilised - and so these shielded devices may have survived down to the present day, hidden by guardians linked to certain secret societies. It is possible that the Grail legends refer to some sort of technology of this nature, or that the grail legend is at least partially a cover for information relating to the location or ownership of the Ancient technology.

Dr JP Farrell, author on many mysterious subjects (a must-read for all conspiracists) has suggested, with a strong likelihood of probability inherent in his postulation, that these ME devices & similar items could be linked not only to an authorised user of the technology by genetic identifier - but indeed the very 'soul-field' of the authorised user was the identifier - an interference pattern 'grating' being holographically-entwined, somehow embedded in the fabric of the device, to be utilised as the 'key' which initiated the control system, preventing unauthorised use. Other technologies would likely be utilised to reprogram the MEs, and again I turn to Stargate for visualisation of the reference - something along the lines of the sarcophagus technology may have been used to record & engrave into the 'stones' or 'crystals' the interference grating from the scanned soul-field of the guardian, when assigning initial ownership of the ME, or a change of custodianship.

Part of me wonders whether there's a plan in place to decode or decrypt the recovered technology, perhaps taking clues from all the esoteric materials & documentation which references other ancient technologies used for the purpose. Imagine the power of such an artefact - would we ever want to apply it, even with positive intention? The risks would seem far too high, and so one hopes they are locked away or already destroyed. I believe certain wars were fought as a cover for extracting such technologies from foreign governments, and that perhaps the 'Iraqi Stargate' story was misinformation providing a cover & distraction from what was actually being sought/ recovered.

It is a resonance frequency can be dialed down to an individual...most of our technology is garbage no other Cycles of humanity would ever even consider building....most of it is a result of suppression and lies and a focus on forcing the planetary population to be enslaved and travel the path of most resistance in terms of evolving technologically.

Think about much global infrastructure exists for electricity and power....LMAO...but we dont need it....and we would never install self-destruct devices in 99.99999% of what we call technology....nd there are hundreds of millions of ME devices around today without self-destruct devices.

We just cant acess most of this technology we discuss because it is buried deeply...however Antarctica is now REVEALING EVERYTHING....all at once.....right on the surface and completely intact from bodies to technology to living creatures.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 05:08 PM
Some interesting speculation here much of it contradictory.

right on the surface and completely intact from bodies to technology to living creatures.


posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Sorry but I actually believe the solar system show's a very high degree of artificiality, now here is just speculation but one planet many world's over many ages and just perhaps many races of man, after all how did the angels' begin, could some of them at least have once been other races of man?.

There is a theory called pre-adamite theory, it is not biblical but rather it uses spaces and gap's in the bible to suggest a vast unmeasured age between the first creation of the world and the time of Eden (the seed colony).

Then back to the bible there are physically incarnate but perhaps higher dimensional and more advanced human's called watcher's whom made a pact with one another to share in there guilt (maybe they thought that if so many of them committed the crime it would somehow diminish the punishment they would face - they were very wrong the lord was extremely angry with what they had done to the younger human race) and decided to try to steal this world for some reason, perhaps they were greedy and having reached an apex of there own existence they perhaps wanted to steal the journey that the current race of man is on for there own further ascension and so created hybrids' of themselves and the new race of man whose woman they found sexually attractive, it at no point says that those woman accepted there attention's but it does say that THEY TOOK woman as there wives, as if those woman had no say at all but it is also possible that they actually fell in love with the pure and innocent spirited new human's but a lustful and covetous love not a kind or gentle one (As opposed to the re-imagined and not historically correct 2014 fantasy film based on the story of Noah which portrays these fallen watchers as seeking redemption when in fact the account's about them in reality show that they were imprisoned beneath the earth by the faithful TRUE angel's for there crime's and await there final judgement).

For more on this I suggest you read up on such texts as the Ethiopian church version of the book of Enoch which has since been translated into English.

Look I am not here to convert you, you have your own mind made up and your own opinion's, on some of those we would obviously never agree.
For me both Spiritual reality and God are very much a fact of life.

By the way Pre-Adamite theory has a very bad reputation for a number or reason's, most Christian's would not touch the theory with a barge pole as well and for good reason it was used to justify racial superiority and claim's that other races were more like animal's and less like human's to justify slavery among other reprehensible and utterly immoral crime's.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Hanslune you are a bit of a heavy hitter at time's, you want link's so that if the old Coso Geode is brought up you can prove it was a spark plug from the 1920's with a concretion of sun baked on stream mud (which was about half million years old or at least some of the material in that mud).
So YES some oopart's in fact most are probably misidentified but by NO mean's all of them, a lot are actually fakes as well since the old freak show motive is still active especially in today's you tube age.


Perhaps you disagree with some find's but not everyone will agree with you including some actual scientists out there.

And let's not forget the infamous case of the Ica stone's which skeptic's gleefully call fake because.
The illiterate peasant whom found them and was selling them in a village market was leaned on by the local police whom arrested him and let him go ONLY when he CONFESSED under duress to making them himself despite the fact that tests from a laboratory in Germany on at least one of them returned an age above the testable accurate level's for the argon krypton isotope dating technique used on it meaning it was very old, his arrest came after the SMITHSONIAN and among other's leaned on the US state department whom then leaned on the Peruvian government.
Other's skeptics love to deny are usually because the evidence has been lost, is missing or has been secreted away and a set of OFFICIAL tests done but the artifact is then never allowed to be tested again by other's?, smell something I do.

edit on 18-10-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I watched all of your videos; I really enjoyed them. Subscribed so I can go back later to what else they have.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: one4all

I can't quite figure out exactly what you are talking about here. I can construe some of it from your post. When I searched Google for Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Model, I got some stuff about continental drift, a conversation between you and Petr Vlar here on ATS in 2017, and a suggestion to search Valor Global Continental Displacement Wave Model. This led to more continental drift and The Earth crust displacement theory by Charles H. Hapgood which was interesting but did not reflect your concepts.

As near as I can tell, you are saying every 3657 years there is some type of catastrophe that buries large quantities of organic materials. I was thinking something like that after looking at pictures of severe floods that actually reshape the terrain. How they could jumble geologic layers but on a lesser scale than you seem to envision. I sometimes wonder about frozen mammoths in Siberia that appear to have undergone a flash freeze type sudden climate displacement. Clearly, these violent events are not a normal occurrence in our life reference. Can you point me to a summary of your idea where I can get a quick handle on it?

Also, I came across several articles about fast rock formation. I got interested in this watching You Tube videos by Wise Up where he suggest many old stone structures were built of wood that turned to stone and from reading creationist ideas. It turns out there is actual evidence of fast stone formation, not just aggregate rock or beach rock and experiments where it has been produced in laboratories - mostly carbonates as per your sciencemag link. Have not seen anything about fast coal or oil yet.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I believe in God and I am in fact a Christian. How does that prove we can communicate with the dead? Your post sounds like accounts by my family members. They claim to have seen visions of loved ones right at the moment of death and some other experiences. I know these people, they are not liars or prone to imagine crazy things. It's just that I've never experienced anything like that myself. If it is true, it goes against everything I've ever known.

posted on Oct, 19 2018 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: toms54
a reply to: one4all

I can't quite figure out exactly what you are talking about here. I can construe some of it from your post. When I searched Google for Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave Model, I got some stuff about continental drift, a conversation between you and Petr Vlar here on ATS in 2017, and a suggestion to search Valor Global Continental Displacement Wave Model. This led to more continental drift and The Earth crust displacement theory by Charles H. Hapgood which was interesting but did not reflect your concepts.

As near as I can tell, you are saying every 3657 years there is some type of catastrophe that buries large quantities of organic materials. I was thinking something like that after looking at pictures of severe floods that actually reshape the terrain. How they could jumble geologic layers but on a lesser scale than you seem to envision. I sometimes wonder about frozen mammoths in Siberia that appear to have undergone a flash freeze type sudden climate displacement. Clearly, these violent events are not a normal occurrence in our life reference. Can you point me to a summary of your idea where I can get a quick handle on it?

Also, I came across several articles about fast rock formation. I got interested in this watching You Tube videos by Wise Up where he suggest many old stone structures were built of wood that turned to stone and from reading creationist ideas. It turns out there is actual evidence of fast stone formation, not just aggregate rock or beach rock and experiments where it has been produced in laboratories - mostly carbonates as per your sciencemag link. Have not seen anything about fast coal or oil yet. may go ahead and write a White paper based upon my work here on ATS with my permission.

Fast coal and Oil have both been created in Laboratory

There are vids on making coal in a laboratory as well.

The VGCDWM is like a Chinese fingerpuzzle…..the more you pull away from the truth the tighter it gets.

The only force great enough to move a global volume of biomass and place it as per a specific fingerprint pattern is HYDRAULIC ENERGY.....water....full stop.

To be frank I Johnny Appleseed the data around and have been doing so for decades....I really dont keep track and if you are still curious I will give a short synopsis will have to build your own model...I ate the last one I made.Serious.

edit on 19-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2018 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
Today we ALL sit atop massive amount's of natural geothermal heat, we don't even have to dig down that far just far enough for the water to boil to create steam and power geothermal energy plant's - non of the nasty by products of costly solar cell manufacture.

Only near volcanoes and areas with high geothermal activity - like Yellowstone.
Those are places where it's obviously no good to build power plants.
On average, the temperature increases by 25 degrees C per kilometer, which is about 72 degrees per mile. A three-mile deep hole would do it.


posted on Oct, 19 2018 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767
So, you can't point to any unexplained ooparts.


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