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So Who Are They and Where Are They Now

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posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 05:05 PM
I'm willing to entertain the notion that there was a relatively advanced society that expanded during the cold Younger Dryas period and were essentially destroyed by whatever got us out of it. The big rock builders. The astronomers / astrologers. The farmers and the organizers. Okay.

But then I hear that a fairly decent sized population of these people managed to get in their boats and make it to a safe place, and there they started building and educating people to remember the former glory days of the Old Civilization so that if we happen to find ourselves in the crosshairs of another comet impact, we might advance enough to either prepare to survive it or do something to stop it. That they managed to give us a head start on figuring all this stuff out faster than we ordinarily would have. So they gave us massive monuments and mythologies and holidays so we would remember and be ready next time. Of course there were other groups of people who likely managed to survive (mostly in the Southern Hemisphere), but the advanced civilization was supposed to have our backs. It seems to me, though, that they've done a horrible job, and that for the most part we have had to figure things out from scratch again after the catastrophe.

So I have to wonder, who are these people? What have they been keeping secret for so long -- and still continue to keep secret? The people who sent out the likes of Viracocha, Prometheus, Azazel, and so on to show us how to farm and count and watch the skies and taught our women how to wear make-up. I don't think it was the original Freemasons or their fragmentary offspring, the Masons. Not the Church. Not the Rosicrucians. None of the major religions. Has there even been such an organization, and why have they been so silent? I was watching a YouTube video the other day about the Elongated Head people, who manage to be found in some very old areas of culture. Are they still hiding but manipulating world events to get us ready for the next big impact?

If they actually do exist, then what's their hold-up? If they have solid proof of the lost history of Earth, as well as any information about what might happen again in the future, they need to spill the beans. Time's a wastin'.
edit on 16-10-2018 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 05:36 PM
Cool thoughts.

Though, the long headed people, from what I've read, did this to themselves to appear like these "ancient gods" they worshipped. In some fashion, royalty did this to their children, i'm sure, to stand out.

I wonder if we'll ever look back some hundred or thousands of years (considering we live that long) where someone finds a pair of faded old Girbaud jeans and say, "This was for royalty, because there were so few... the commoners had to have worn Levi's".

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 05:46 PM
Basically, they have assimilated. They weren't of sufficient numbers to keep going. Their culture was likely near-Renaissance level in terms of their knowledge, but they did not have technology anywhere near ours today. They may have had a way to harness sonics to move and melt stone, which would explain megalithic traces we see today. These ideas of a vast electrical grid supported by the Pyramid have one basic flaw: There are no machines left that utilized that power. For a 'great civilization' that existed a mere 12,000 years ago, there is precious little to show for it. 12,000 years is not long enough ago that everything would disappear.

What I suspect happened is that those who were the most civilized got wiped out with the rising water. Those who were left were largely the primitive tribes who knew how to survive without civilization. If the same sort of thing happened today, it is the tribal peoples who would survive, not those who live in New York City. The few "in the know" who survived simply could not reboot civilization, hence we basically started over.

That's a thumbnail sketch of something that needs book-length explanations.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Most of the texts say they left.....

....the planet.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

There is quite a bit along these lines on You Tube. One popular site does a set of videos called the "Survivor Series" (Newearth channel). According to them, the advanced civilization was Atlantis. They spread across the world trying to rebuild but were gradually beaten down by the "parasites." Those who remain have cultural amnesia and must reawaken to reclaim their lost glory.

As far as the longheads go, these skulls actually exist all across the globe. Some were born that way, they actually have skeletons of newborn ones ane one unborn from the womb with an elongated skull. Others (many more) were people with artificially flattened and elongated heads. I think there weren't very many to begin with. When they were gone, people tried to copy them. I don't know if they were gods. I've never seen Viracocha with a long head. The ones in Peru were thought by some be royalty or at least wealthy but pictures that I've seen just show a skeleton in a cave

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Conquerors often destroy history to suit themselves by creating a new history based upon what they want to project.
Knowledge is power, if you cant control it then they reasoned it must be destroyed.

The destruction of the library of Alexandria, the destruction of the great Chinese library's - scholars and history's by Quin Shi Huang-Di, the burning of the texts in South America - and perhaps beyond by order of Bishop Delander - he was perhaps justified on that occasion since he wanted to stamp out human sacrifice cults but we will never know what good was lost with the bad and what secrets of history may have been revealed.
Even among the ancient Egyptians rulers often defaced the temples of preceding dynasty's or re-stamped them for there own glory.

History as the saying goes is written by the conquerors.

Likely there culture was destroyed if it survived at all by other's whom may have wanted what they had and in the time honored tradition of barbarian's decided to just take it.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I'm willing to entertain the notion that there was a relatively advanced society that expanded during the cold Younger Dryas period and were essentially destroyed by whatever got us out of it. The big rock builders. The astronomers / astrologers. The farmers and the organizers. Okay.

But then I hear that a fairly decent sized population of these people managed to get in their boats and make it to a safe place, and there they started building and educating people to remember the former glory days of the Old Civilization so that if we happen to find ourselves in the crosshairs of another comet impact, we might advance enough to either prepare to survive it or do something to stop it. That they managed to give us a head start on figuring all this stuff out faster than we ordinarily would have. So they gave us massive monuments and mythologies and holidays so we would remember and be ready next time. Of course there were other groups of people who likely managed to survive (mostly in the Southern Hemisphere), but the advanced civilization was supposed to have our backs. It seems to me, though, that they've done a horrible job, and that for the most part we have had to figure things out from scratch again after the catastrophe.

So I have to wonder, who are these people? What have they been keeping secret for so long -- and still continue to keep secret? The people who sent out the likes of Viracocha, Prometheus, Azazel, and so on to show us how to farm and count and watch the skies and taught our women how to wear make-up. I don't think it was the original Freemasons or their fragmentary offspring, the Masons. Not the Church. Not the Rosicrucians. None of the major religions. Has there even been such an organization, and why have they been so silent? I was watching a YouTube video the other day about the Elongated Head people, who manage to be found in some very old areas of culture. Are they still hiding but manipulating world events to get us ready for the next big impact?

If they actually do exist, then what's their hold-up? If they have solid proof of the lost history of Earth, as well as any information about what might happen again in the future, they need to spill the beans. Time's a wastin'.

Yes...his name was Noah.

Earth is the planet of origin for us but there is a Universal Humanity being suppressed from us....Earth has a 3657 year cycle of destruction....Noahs Flood and Global destruction in a possibly ELE event for Humans at the worst and Global Hardships at the least.We are due in 2021 for the bet time is a wastin…

Canada my friend what you seek is in Canada.....ask yourself how the Country even exists...never mind survives.....massive amounts of Earths resources and to top it off it will be closer to the equator after this next event...a nicer place to live....BUT NO ARMY NAVY OR AIRFORCE TO SPEAK OF...and I mean virtually nothing to protect themselves with.....except of course Neutral Dimension Craft and Global Controllers.

These people are all around us.

Put it this way....the safest places on Earth to be during this event are ALL OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY THESE PEOPLE.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

I'm aware of the head binding which does not add volume but only changes the shape of the skull and produces a puny pathetic conehead, not like the true elongated skulls which have additional cubic volume inside the skull, indicating a brain augmented in size.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: one4all

There was something different about Noah wasnt there? He was the first white man or albino or he was covered in snow white fur or lambs wool or something?? At his birth his father feared him and ran away to his father saying he looked how the angels look.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

This is why history is so unreliable. It is periodically rewritten and the original works destroyed. Pretty much all of the classic works of history that we have today are copies, sometimes many generations removed from the (heavily edited) original.

Rulers of antiquity simply did not have any vision of history that we believe today. All accounts were designed to fill a purpose. Even the Bible. Truths and facts were secondary to legitimizing the government. It worked well when the populace was illiterate but works even better today when we can all read but believe everything we see.

We have seen this happen in modern times in the Soviet Union. All history was reworked to serve the communists. Before that, it was reworked to served the Tsars to prove they were the legitimate heirs of the Byzantine Roman Empire. As a result, memory of Tartaria, the largest contiguous empire that ever existed and existed even when the US was being formed, the empire founded by Genghis Khan, memory of this is nearly wiped out off the face of the earth. Modern Russians today are highly suspicious of all history.

It happens in the US also but is harder to see close up. We are currently undergoing a revision of civil war history and also a revision of the founding of this country. Now it was founded as a melting pot. The founding fathers envisioned a multicultural paradise with no borders. When will the Library of Congress burn?

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Since we're just throwing around ideas here, what's to say that such a thing did happen, but the amount of people who survived and started trying to rebuild didn't end up dying due to natural occurrences out of their control (diseases, famine, unforeseen floods, etc.).

The way that I see it possibly happening, these people started to rebuild, probably in multiple different places in order to increase their odds of success, but didn't quite get to the point that they had hoped, and progress stalled out, turned to regression for millennia, then things finally started to progress again and catch up.

Take for example the Giza Plateau--I know that certain people who consider themselves supremely educated on the topic will disagree with me, but I don't think that the pyramid of Khufu, the Sphinx, or the Osirion were built by the Ancient Egyptians. I think that they were built long enough back by people more advanced, then the "Great Regression" (as I'll call it for this discussion) happened, and everything needed relearned over half a millennium or so--then emulation of these things began.

I do believe that there were pre-ancient (as I'll call it for this discussion) writings and information that existed at one time, and only a few people could read them during the Great Recession, possibly dwindling down to a handful by the time civilizations started rebounding (hence the priests only being able to read and write?).

This could cover many different civilizations across the world--MesoAmerica, Giza, Mesopotamia (and other ancient Middle East locations, like Gobekli Tepe), Doggerland, Ancient China, parts of South and North America, etc.

All of those places have ruins that have similarities with each other and also have distinct differences.

Regardless, speculation can run rampant on this subject, and it's fun to 'shoot the sh*t' about possibilities, but I doubt that we'll ever know for sure. There are too many ancient, historical things that have been destroyed by both nature and humans, and every year that passes, more and more is lost. And as you noted, history is always (re-)written by the winners of wars, so even what we "know" right now may not be the truth in many aspects.

It's a great topic for discussion, though.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Great thread. Looking forward to see where this goes.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I don't think they're around anymore. They are us, so to speak.

If Id' wager a guess, prior to the YDE or Cataclysm there was a 'world-wide' advanced society on this planet. With perhaps a central homeland of Atlantis (I really like the recently reexamined Richat Structure as a likely contender), this civilization had many colonies in the Mediterranean area such as Greece, Crete, or even ancient Kemet. I think that areas in Peru or Bolivia, Easter Island, or India and Southern Asia, and even Southern Africa were individual 'states' that were part of this global society that contributed to various production and assets for the whole system. I think prior to this event, these people sailed the seas, and openly traded and shared knowledge with each other and had 'one tongue' so to speak - whether this be a spoken language or just math or astrology. This is why we see pyramids and similar building structures in these areas.

Then over the course of thousands of years, with possibly multiple cataclysmic events roughly 12,000 yo, this society started to decline. Trade probably slowed down or stopped altogether. I think it was at this point the knowledge was abused in some sense. Maybe there was even fighting or wars breaking out over who got to control it. Perhaps the regular people grew suspicious of that knowledge. After the final catastrophic event that wiped everything out, the keepers of knowledge who did survive, traveled to the various colonies that still existed above the water, or to new places to make new homes.

Since trade was no longer happening, and the old system wiped out, the once connected colonies were now separated from one another. When the final cataclysm struck, they each, individually, probably assumed that all the others died. (Because they never heard back from anyone again) They probably thought that the others perished because they abused their knowledge or powers, and the gods punished them for it. Whereas because they were 'safe', they had done something righteous to merit this favor from the gods. I think this is where we get a lot of our tribal/nationalism/religious pride from. We survived because god likes us, you didn't because you angered the gods. That kind of thing.

Since resources were scarce or extremely limited, and trade was gone, and they distrusted others who must've angered the gods, when these groups did come in contact with one another, instead of working with one another like they once had, they fought each other for those resources. Things like gold, and other precious commodities became worth something, and money was invented, probably as a means of control. This would lead to further distrust, classism, and for more powerful leaders to want to hoard what they had for themselves and their rule.

Thousands of years would pass again, and slowly, the Atlantean survivors disappeared into each of the areas they settled in. They may have brought knowledge with them, teaching the locals agriculture and astrology, but a lot was lost. And because the system was in ruin, the real advanced achievements were no longer practiced, it couldn't simply be turned on again. What was science and real, became magic and myth. Those who had this knowledge passed down to them, probably didn't understand it, and it became lost or twisted to suit more greedy needs. Some probably tried to mimic the ancients and tried to remake some of the structures, claim them as their own, or made their heads longer, or whatnot. Soon, others would claim they understand the ancient knowledge, while also keeping it for themselves. The regular people of each land never would be allowed to see the truth, and in time, this is where our current myths and religious stories come from. It's also why the truth was lost for good.

And finally, as a way out there theory, it's interesting that we find red-haired mummies in places where red-haired people shouldn't be. I wonder if the red-haired people were part of this Atlantean society in some way and were later blamed for its fall. Or perhaps these were the survivors who kept up the rituals of the past in some way. Which may give reason to why there's this prevalent dislike of red-heads to this day (that they have no soul, witches tend to have red hair) It's like there's residual blame still happening to this day, although totally forgotten why... Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 12:36 PM
Concerning the long heads I have an idea; since the frontal cortex is responsible for rational thought and anterior portions are used for more esoteric means what if this were intentional mis-shaping of the brain to encourage the mystical aspects of mind? Perhaps they were intended to be of the priest class or to become shamans.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Concerning the long heads I have an idea; since the frontal cortex is responsible for rational thought and anterior portions are used for more esoteric means what if this were intentional mis-shaping of the brain to encourage the mystical aspects of mind? Perhaps they were intended to be of the priest class or to become shamans.

There might be some advantage to expanding the visual cortex of the brain. Maybe it made them much more psychic or something.

Anyway, I was thinking the other day that we only have tiny fragments of the Denisovans around, so we can only guess about that they looked like according to their DNA. Maybe they had some long skulls filled with psychic brains. They're a candidate, anyway, maybe.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Concerning the long heads I have an idea; since the frontal cortex is responsible for rational thought and anterior portions are used for more esoteric means what if this were intentional mis-shaping of the brain to encourage the mystical aspects of mind? Perhaps they were intended to be of the priest class or to become shamans.

There might be some advantage to expanding the visual cortex of the brain. Maybe it made them much more psychic or something.

Like having X-ray specs on.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: toms54

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Concerning the long heads I have an idea; since the frontal cortex is responsible for rational thought and anterior portions are used for more esoteric means what if this were intentional mis-shaping of the brain to encourage the mystical aspects of mind? Perhaps they were intended to be of the priest class or to become shamans.

There might be some advantage to expanding the visual cortex of the brain. Maybe it made them much more psychic or something.

Like having X-ray specs on.

Well, a lot of what "psychics" deal with is visual. "Visions," as it were. If there was such a thing as a psychic core in somebody's brain, the visual cortex seems like a good place to find it.

Although, I don't want to suggest that these remnants or survivors of a Younger Dryas civilization would have necessarily been freaky psychic mutants, because that seems like it would be a huge advantage in whatever age you're in. I figure that they were probably just regular people who were a little more advanced than others, and they tried -- and mostly failed -- to give us a heads up that the comet debris problem is not over and that we should at least be aware of it.

In any event, maybe there are secret societies out there who have the knowledge and proof that such a civilization existed, but I've never heard of them. And maybe they have their emissaries that have traveled around the world giving little bits of information up as a way of guiding our current civilizations. However, if any have such knowledge, it appears that the good information was buried in so much symbolism (for protection) that not even the people in the secret societies know what it's really all about.

I don't think Masonic symbolism points in that direction, but who knows? Maybe to organizations like Skull and Bones or the Bohemian Club or Odessa this is all old news.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: one4all

There was something different about Noah wasnt there? He was the first white man or albino or he was covered in snow white fur or lambs wool or something?? At his birth his father feared him and ran away to his father saying he looked how the angels look.

From the book of Enoch which as later left out of the bible but original copy's have been found independently several time's proving it was a genuine text.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 04:29 PM
double post

edit on 17-10-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I don't believe in any of those secret societies. I mean, I believe they exist and some have heavily influenced US history and society, but as political entities. I don't think they have any esoteric or magical ability.

There does seem to be people that do believe humans have psychic and magical powers. They believe in prophets and shamans. I explored a phase like that and decided there's nothing to it. My entire family believes in ghosts.

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