posted on Oct, 19 2018 @ 11:35 AM
This was meant to be exactly what it was, a rant, it was never really meant to be a discussion or a Q&A session, I just thought I sow that the usual
types who daub bigot on people were going totally up the wrong path here to save them looking like an even more soft back boned person than most
believe them to be.
So thank you to the people who bothered to UNDERSTAND and not just look for vitriol to spit back at me out of damn stupidity. I appreciate people
bothering to READ and digest just as I do with 99.9% of the posts I read / reply to on here.
So lets make it clear for the last time as I'm not coming back to this..
Facts first...
Is this some anti Muslim attack and made up situations to fit my rant....NO...Sorry its not...
Is this really happening here and in other places apart from in the leafy suburbs where flight or cash has taken some...Yes, I'm sorry but what I
describe is real and happening every damn day, its not always so crass but the attitude is there and ALWAYS on show. Only today after asking the
family on the top floor to "please" stop throwing food and cigarette or ladies sanitary pads down was I told to "fu*k off" by a very street sounding
young male from the property and an older lady telling me to mind my own business. Now I don't smoke and I do put my rubbish bags out on our little
super mini patio (less than 2ft by 7ft) and have now had lit fag ends set them on fire twice with numerous other same make cig ends around the floor
out side.
As for the food and women's products, sorry, that's just FOUL....
So be if you don't get this lark then smile and be very happy for yourself because I'm nowhere near the only people getting all this. And yes, we have
other people throw fag ends out but not 30 plus a night and not around the base of the block, NO ONE else does the sanitary products or food from the
So don't tell me its not happening, its just me being a bigot or any other crap, I've explained that my in laws are Muslims and we are a mixed race
family. The in laws and extended family love me as one of their own and have been BETTER than what family I have left, not one jot about me not being
Muslim, white or whatever..Utterly LOVELY people.
To the herberts that want to believe its all nice as pie out there than shut your mouth and live on this or pretty much any estate and then start
talking from a being there POV.
As for what I can do, I'm 57, poor (now) and my body is full of arthritis that will cripple me soon, I did my fighting 10+ yrs ago with the numerous
drug dealers, criminals and gangs. I wish I was young again and not half crippled or I'd stick my boot up their arse until I probably got knifed or
shot, I'm not Rambo, Superman or the ilk, I'm just a bloke who came here from Belfast where I saw people get pretty nasty things done over religion
and then tried to pretend I was free of that. I'm also a believer in manners, decency and politeness yet its like a lost art...
Is every Muslim a maaad bomber, of course not but there's a terrible arrogance and way that has started where the youth are radicalised and people
bring practices long since outlawed to this country and tell people to "respect them", look at the news in the UK today, one story will be
These are practices long seen in Pakistan where the lost kids are groomed by the bus drivers...FACT..
Is every one a groomer, NO but there's a lot of very ignorant people getting instance access to here who have no wish to be British or kind to
others..FACT...Not a bigot fact, a simple truth that is ignored by most people. If you invite people who do these things in their country do you
really think they stop at the customs area in the UK, dream on...
If you have a person that has lived their entire life under Shariah, do you think they will stop once here, some will but a lot won't because they
group in to communities and if you are seen to be "betraying the religion" then you are on marked time..
Again, a fact...
All I want is a shut down of the most radical types so that the others are forced to think carefully, hell, most of what these folk do isn't even in
the Quran....FACT...
That is why I say there will be an uprising as the arrogance and threats will end up too much , that or the UK will fold..
I don't want to see my relations picked on because they are seen as Muslims so all in the same boat..These are good British folk....The others who
threaten, not but a nasty virus...