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What is going on with people now...My area is full of arrogant, threatening Muslim extremist types.

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posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

You always explain this so well from an obviously informed viewpoint.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Mclaneinc

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Sounds like it's time for you to move and make a new life in an area where people don't hate you because you're not a Muslim. Your government failed you

Two problems with that, money and the simple worry that its a spreading problem..

I'd love to do it to save my daughter and wife the constant baiting from these people..

Clearly you move or sooner or later you quite possibly die, and your family re obsorbed into their cause or worse. As you know these people dont mess around, you've already admitted tbat you've become a target albeit just rubbish on your balcony but the battle lines have clearly already been drawn. And your on the minority side.
You may not be able to afford to move but move you must, its only a matter of time and you know that.
Surely you have some items you can sell at say a pawn shop or similiar, gain enough to supplement your next pay and your missus next child support payment and bus it out of there quick smart.
Being free and poor with limited options is better than staying in a high ignition environment such as you've described, you will never ever win you simply dont have the numbers.
You know this.
I am also in a multicultural relationship so i understand your hidden agendas but mine is not muslim, but a white westerner i can assure you will never be excepted by the muslim community married to a muslim women or not.
You also know this.
If total societal collapse breaks out and your even lucky enough to make it that far I'd hate to be in your shoes.
You clearly love your family, act now not tomoro or next week all your lives could depend on it.
Walk away as in physically walk away if you cant muster funds to bus it out, leave everything if you must. Only pride is getting in the way of common sense here
Theres always the red cross or the likes for food and im sure with kids and a wife you would be entitled to emergency accomodation somewhere.
You can only be an extremist slayer if you have nothing to lose and judging from your posts nothing could be further from the truth son of laneinc.
Search your conscious its your family or your pride.

edit on 17-10-2018 by ALSTA because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

There’s nothing worse then living in a toxic environment.

It sounds like you can’t move, and I know you are not religious so I will pray for you/and your enemies.

The only other advice I can give you is don’t acknowledge them, ghost them no matter how hard it is.

edit on 17-10-2018 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2018 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc
I am sorry to hear everything you have been through. I hate this sort of attitude and I would be 10 times ruder if I receive such treatment. I also hate young Asian driver rudeness. In my area, fatal accidents occur average once per day involving this drivers, so I don't expect them to live longer.

May I asked you, why an atheist such as yourself marrying a Muslim woman? You do know, it's forbidden and illegal for Muslim to marry non Muslim? Because many sharia Muslims are fundamentalist, your marriage is considered illegal ( haram ). In other words, you and your wife are committing adultery. This is a grave offence, especially to the extremist. You are lucky you don't live in Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. The fanatics Wahabbis would be happy to carry out their duty... By murdering you and your wife.

No matter how much Muslim preach love and peace, don't buy it. You are still "kafir" ( infidels ) in their eyes, and less likely to be treated equally. Even in high tolerance multiracial Islamic countries such as, Malaysia and Indonesia, Muslim are prerogative towards non Muslim. Especially in your case. Turkey maybe exceptional, due to their long history with western culture. But the same can not be said to other Islamic countries.

My advice is, remove yourself from the presence of this sick community. You and your family fare well in other areas where muslim are few.

I am not a muslim, but I respect their marriage sharia. I choose to distant myself from muslim girls even in countries with high religious tolerance. I hate this sharia, but what is said in Quran is what it is. No inter religion marriage, or face the consequences. Muslim are less likely to tolerate their sinner neighbours, compare to other religious people.
edit on 17-10-2018 by EasternShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

An islamic extremist as Mayor .

Funniest post of the week award....

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof

originally posted by: UKTruth
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

London is going down the tubes fast. An islamic extremist as Mayor and the High Court, just recently (and for the first time) ruled in favour of recognising Sharia Law in relation to marriage. It's truly disgusting to watch what is happening.

OP, you are better off moving. It's past the point of no return. In 100 years, there will be about 15m Muslims in the UK and London will be the centre of the population - totally over run. You won't be alive then, but think of your offspring. You don't want them anywhere near London.

Wow, you have to be kidding (I know you are not - that's just my reaction I felt.... It's sad)

I wonder if there are any politicians or royals that are muslims but aren't in the open about it.?

Unfortunately I am not kidding. The High Court, in August, ruled in favour of recognising a marriage conducted under Sharia Law as legal.

As for politicians - yes - the Mayor of London and the Home Secretary are Muslim, to name just two of the highest positions in the land.

Wasn't Kahn a lawyer for a 9/11 planner or something?

I know many will say "oh, he was just doing his job", to which I'd then ask what would you say if Jeff Sessions had defended the KKK in court instead of prosecuting them.

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese

originally posted by: UKTruth

An islamic extremist as Mayor .

Funniest post of the week award....

So you agree that terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city then..

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 12:58 AM
weird i kinda grew up around muslims and islam. never meet any that were radical or rude. have def meet some arabs influenced by gang culture. ive meet white nationalist and racist, never seen a radical muslim and ive seen or meet or meet at least a 500 in my lifetime. you wouldnt even know most of the muslims in america practice islam . they look regular

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Now I get cigarette ends and food thrown down on to my balcony which partly is a bit rich as Muslims should not be making spliffs up (which is what theses ends are from) as intoxicants are forbidden.

same. but i think it was one of them again who offered to carry a very big bag for me. they throw onto my balcony ordinary cigarettes though and I hear they are from syria.
edit on 18-10-2018 by Damla because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: EasternShadow

I agree. it is always an option to move to another place.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

The newcomers come from a place where there is constant conflict, and a constant us vs them mentality even against other muslims who look just like them so of course they see you as several levels below the "other Muslim" who's head they would chop off with zero hesitation.

They are simply not accustomed to "living in peace amongst others" as we in the west have done in our own nations.

White/European Nations are the most diverse nations on Earth. Just going for a 5 minute walk through my neighborhood, I see at minimum 5, or up to about 10 different ethnicities or "types" of people... "white" and "black" peoples, natives, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, hispanic, latino, pacific islander, vietnamese, phillipino, arabs & blacks wearing traditional Muslim garb, and people you cannot quite place, but you have a strong feeling they're definitely somethin.

Non white people (especially outside of America where they can really show it without fear) are very racist so they dont believe in multiculturalism so for the most part they dont allow people who look different or act different to come live within their countries in large enough numbers to have any strength or influence.

It turns out what we know as "evil racism" is just a survival instinct. Our DNA is racist because it wants its genetic traits to continue to exist and part of your DNA and its genetic traits is skin color. Whites were convinced this was "evil". Of course enslaving people is evil and its easier to identify slaves that look different, so that was just business, nothing personal. They saw them living in primitive conditions, with ape like features, and mistakenly assumed they were less than human. There was no hatred involved. But it was of course still just as wrong and evil.

But whites were taught that there was something wrong with us when really all races treat each other with varying degrees of contempt. They can't help it. Their DNA is and always will be urging them to be suspicious of the "other" and to spread it's genetic seed and ensure it's survival.

Only whites and to a lesser degree, Some nonwhites living in America, have been able to "evolve" (for lack of a better word) beyond these instincts which were no doubt necessary in past times when appearance was THE first impression and you may only have a few seconds to decide whether someone is friendly, or if its fight or flight time. There was usually no legal system to catch the killer so your life was literally in danger if you were out alone or in small numbers and unarmed. If you stopped and said "Well hold on now, we dont want to be racists, now, do we? Let's just smile and wave and say 'good morning' to these fine people and be on our merry way." you could wind up dead, maimed, robbed, enslaved.

It took generations of sometimes unsavory methods such as white guilt, but we now have a nation of people who for the most part are unphased by living in peace with different people. And especially the White race. The white "race" (its not a race and whites are generally discouraged from joining groups with other whites but we have been forced together into one big group by the oppressive, hostile attitudes we face) is the most tolerant, accepting, polite, generous, forgiving, understanding, loving, welcoming people humanity has to offer. What other nations have opened up their arms to humanity in such a way? People complain, but at least they are welcome here and safe here. Try living in nearly any other place and see how you are treated. The fact that you even Can complain openly and get away with it in white, western nations, shows the level of freedom and liberty we allow to people of all colors and appearance and ideologies. Some guy in Saudi Arabia was allegedly just butchered alive for god knows what.

Of course its not necessarily their fault, they just havent had to push themselves as hard as we whites have.
edit on 10/18/2018 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: magnetik
weird i kinda grew up around muslims and islam. never meet any that were radical or rude. have def meet some arabs influenced by gang culture. ive meet white nationalist and racist, never seen a radical muslim and ive seen or meet or meet at least a 500 in my lifetime. you wouldnt even know most of the muslims in america practice islam . they look regular

The OP is correct he lives in England, and what he claims is absolutely true

for many areas.

Something he never mentioned though was the sex grooming of girls from the

Asian culture that has been rife in various areas of the country for many years

and which has been 'swept under the carpet' for fear of the 'racist card' being


Now there's something very wrong when a country cannot carry out its own laws

for fear of being racist.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: Mclaneinc

The fact that you even Can complain openly and get away with it in white, western nations, shows the level of freedom and liberty we allow to people of all colors and appearance and ideologies.

People dont complain openly for no other reason than the *race card*

edit on 18-10-2018 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 05:51 AM
An inam once said that we will take over without an army or without firing a single bullet.

We will take over from the inside out and the citizens will be blind to our attacks and invasion.

We will never respect their laws and will relentlessly work to change them.

And we have gained more ground in the last 10 years then we have in 100. Our momentum is too great right now

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:21 AM
According to PEW Research Center, over half of Muslims worldwide support the global implementation of Sharia law. The more devout one claims to be to Islam, the more radical they become. There's a saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch". So what if over half of the apples are bad. The half of Muslims who don't support the implementation of Sharia law are viewed by the other half as traitors to Islam. Imo, its ultimately a backwards religion. All one has to do is compare Jesus' teachings to Mohammed's teachings to understand the difference. Compare the words of Jesus to the words of Mohammed. Mohammed practiced Arianism, which is a perversion of Christianity. I'd suggest you try to stay away from the evil Islamists and try to convert the good one's over to Chrisitianity or even atheism. They will be considered infidels anyway by the Islamists who don't respect other's religious beliefs. A question I have is why do people still practice Islam if they don't agree with Mohammed's teachings regarding non-Muslims?

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Mate if this bothers you so much , go and speak to the Imam in the mosque , get him to uphold Islam , get him to speak to the other local mosques and unite to stop the tentacles of Whahhabism from growing further into you and your neighbours community. Get the Imams and the greater muslim community to stand up against these un-islamic behaviours

these are carried out by scum , who just use the race card and hide behind Islam to commit acts of depravity in the name of Islam!

They use it as a shield against any British nationals and British authority figures, play the race card and hide in their gangs
anyone can be Johhny dangerous if they are 50 men deep!

You should get your numbers from "your" community , and stop them in their tracks

how are they going to argue or defeat a 1000+ strong community of Muslims who follow Islam correctly and dont commit sins in the name of Allah. This is your community not theirs, they cant just walk in and start taking the piss
Unite your community , I know its not your religion , but you swore to support your wife , and that means standing up for her and her religion!

I hope that you can figure this one out peacefully and through the proper channels!
without anyone suffering further.

I think speaking to your local mosques with your family and neighbours who side with your stance
is the best approach , get your community involved and get them together to make it a safer place
after all , you all pay the taxes to keep the place , they dont

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: JBIZZ

I am all for religious freedom , but when your religion relies on causing suffering to others, its practices should be banned outright!

There is no place for Sharia anywhere on this planet accept for in the heads of psychopaths!

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: JBIZZ
A question I have is why do people still practice Islam if they don't agree with Mohammed's teachings regarding non-Muslims?

Hell. They all afraid of eternal hell. Islam leadership appoint enforcers to police sharia law, effectively control Muslim life to almost everything. Because it's their responsibility to watch each other. Leader ( Imam ) is accountable for his community ( ummah ) and father is accountable for his family. Since each monitor each other, a Muslim is not free to do anything. If a daughter is caught commiting adultery, the entire village is held responsible for her sin. That is why lot of this people become radicals to the point of taking justice in their own hands. Thus, things like honor killing is not unknown to Muslim's world.

In some ways, Islam is similar to Judaism, in a sense that there are too many rules and obligation. Beside mandatory 5 pillars of Islam and Moses' Ten Commandment, there are other laws dealing with how you live your life, for example how you dress in public, form of entertainment, socialising and gender restriction, etc..

I guess, due to their lack of freedom to justify things on their own, Muslim remain spiritual conservative/fundamental. And I don't think it is good idea, or encouraging.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 10:57 AM
Dalai Lama is right you know...

If the Europeans especially the British don't take a stand soon there will be nothing left of their birth right. The land they are born on will no longer be theirs. I know an invasion when I see one...

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 01:01 PM

What is going on with people now...My area is full of arrogant, threatening Muslim extremist types.

they try to impose small amounts of Shariah law here..

Ok.."Extremist" and "Sharia Law"

And then this

I complained to the Somali security man who knows us as customers and he was not happy, its actually an un-Islamic thing to do...

I get cigarette ends and food thrown down on to my balcony which partly is a bit rich as Muslims should not be making spliffs up (which is what theses ends are from) as intoxicants are forbidden.

It would seem you are suffering from an influx of A-Holes, but an "extremist" dedication to their faith as a causative factor seems to be debunked by your own OP?

Sorry for your situation.

If you actually had been inundated by Muslim Extermists and Sharia Law, then they would be battling with the local drug dealers you mentioned. That would have possibly been beneficial as they could wipe each other out?

From your story it appears you are dealing with A-holes who purport to be Muslim, but do not faithfully practice it.

Impoverished parts of the south in the US suffer from the same issue, except with Christianity.

Hope things improve for you soon.

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