Although I am a registered Democrat (for no reason other than to allow me to vote in the primary's), I am not a "partisian" person. I tend to
like/support a canditate more on how I perceive them as a leader, how they present themselves, etc.... rather than strictly on their political
However, I know that many people, both Republicans and Democrats, tend to play partisian politicts to a ridiculous level. Each staunchly supporting
their party's candidate, ONLY because of the party they represent.
But, after reading most of the posts in this thread (not to mention the fact that my 79 year old father who was a life long, dedicated Republican,
actually changed his political affiliation for the 2004 election, because he saw what Dumbya was doing, and wanted no part of it) I am beginning to
feel a glimmer of hope for us, the ordinary citizens of America.
I am glad to see that more and more people are opening their eyes and minds and seeing and thinking more for themselves now and forming their own
opinions, rather than just going along with their Party's leader, which of course in this case, would be to Republicans, Dumbya.
Somewhere earlier in this thread, (I should take the time to go back, find it and quote a portion of it, but I'm kind of in a hurry - but, you know
who you are, maybe more than one) there was concern expressed as to how in the world are we ever going to be able to protect ourselved from him
Well, maybe this is the way. For each person in America to stop playing "follow the leader". Stand up for what they believe in their hearts is
right. Do not let him make anymore changes or ammendments to the constitution, take away any more of the freedoms we had even so recently as about
20 years ago, get any more of our troops killed for no reason, other than to feed his ego and his wallet, and lets get RID of that PATRIOT ACT!
After all, the percentage of American citizens far outweighs the percentage of those who are the powers that be. I realize that they hold just about
all the money, the weapons, etc.. But, as a united voice, we don't need money or weapons to protect ourselves (don't ask me how), but together, we
can find a way.
Thank you for listening to MHO.