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A Conservative truly concerned about Pres. Bush

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posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 02:54 PM

How many "single fingered salutes do we need to see around the world before we take a step back and LISTEN?

You know, we tried to tell you....

Don't look at those of us who didn't vote for him, hehe...

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Why would the guy who usually has done what he felt was right allow himself to be put in this position?!

Several reason:

- The US foreign policy & domestic economic policy are unsustainable.

- To engender investment in both, you have to call on the clients

There was never a great salesman in the role with Bush; that does not stop the function from having to be performed. Whether he believed in it or not is unimportant, he still had to go.
But again, this is not the same as Clinton or BUsh Sr......they shut down for miles whereever he travels. They flew planes, ran PT boats, sealed manhole covers....this guy was in his usual bubble. They even cancelled the "town hall" meet with German officals because the Germans, rightly so, refused the scripted-submit -the-questions-before-hand structure.

I took it as him being bored & annoyed & not giving the respect of preparing.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 04:38 PM
Is the world comming to an end?

I am very pleased more and more are starting to see thru this facade.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 05:42 PM
1.Bush is the worst public speaker in the job of President since Gerald Ford.

2.No thinking person could think he was anything but a pragmatic triangulator since he let Teddy Kennedy write his first "education bill", threw prescription drugs into Medicaid and spent money like drunken sailors could only wish to do.

3.People have voted in Iraq, Afganistan, the Ukraine and getting ready to throw out corrupt authoritarian regimes in Lebanon and Iran, and in spite of the Euro-cynics who coin money on such sanctioned regimes, that is a good thing. Before you flame me with a rebuttal, try living in a country where a gang of thugs drive up and pick you up or shoot you, and they represent the goveernment. Been there. Seen it. Freedom is cheap talk till you see what a true tyranny is all about.

4.#3 would not have occured with a Pres. Gore or Kerry.

Bush is flawed, but he's the best we've got. And anyone who gives a chit about what Chirac or Shroeder say has too much time on thier hands.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by Realist05]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I am very pleased more and more are starting to see thru this facade.

I'm not. It kind of yanks my chain.


Get some.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by dgtempe
I am very pleased more and more are starting to see thru this facade.

I'm not. It kind of yanks my chain.


Get some.

I hear ya....kind a late now isn't it, wish people had started to see this Dubious Bush before the elections.

[edit on 2-24-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:00 PM
You're right.
Its too little too late.

Still, i'm glad our fellow citizens are starting to get it.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:30 PM
Don't you guys/gals start going and "getting it" Now! Seriously, go back to sleep and go shopping or the terrorists may win. If you wake up now the terrorists may need to strike again. You've been doing good so far don't ruin it.

Bush is good. Bush has my best interests in mind. Come on repeat after me. Bush is good. Bush has my best interests in mind. Now turn on the TV and tune to CNN. Do not change the channel. Bush is good. Bush has my best interests in mind.

Whew, that was close.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 05:42 AM

"Bush is flawed, but he's the best we've got"

Do you really believe that in a country of over quarter of a billion he is the best person to lead you?



posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 06:36 AM
Well Springer, welcome to the right side of the fence on Bush
Liberals and Conservative's should be very scared of the neoconservative's who actually run the white house, because they are doing what both don't particularly care for.

It's the entire Bush Administration that is the problem, not essentially Bush himself, he's nothing more than a showpony to push the administration's agenda. The man hasn't the intellectual capacity, statesmanship or experience to be of much real value when it comes to policy formation, he only has his gut, charisma and a team of bad, bad people around him.

You see, the most interesting aspect of neoconservatism to me is that it really isn't a conservative movement. The term neoconservative's, or "New Conservative's" has it's histories in those who originally are from the left and who are particularly disillusioned by the lefts foreign and fiscal policies. These neo-conservative's believe in big government, big business and a massive military and state apparatus for their own ends. They are for a pro-active military solutions to resolve conflicts and to ensure american hegemony.

These guys are the "Evil Liberals" that Horacid raves on about
"Compassionate Conservatism" is really Neoconservatism.

These people aren't good conservative's, nor are they good liberals. They believe in government for the purposes of power and for corporate welfare not social welfare and for the people, they believe in a strong military and a big government not to protect the people but to protect the government itself and it's dominance on the international stage and to advance the interests of the government and corporations.

Pat Buchanan was actually a good guy compared to these nuts

I wish for the day when the Democrats and Republicans are overthrown for the slime that they are, it is the constitutional duty of every american to overthrow the government that does no longer serve the interests of its people. Replace these bastards with Libertarians and Greens.


[edit on 1-3-2005 by drfunk]

[edit on 1-3-2005 by drfunk]

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:42 AM

Although I am a registered Democrat (for no reason other than to allow me to vote in the primary's), I am not a "partisian" person. I tend to like/support a canditate more on how I perceive them as a leader, how they present themselves, etc.... rather than strictly on their political affiliation.

However, I know that many people, both Republicans and Democrats, tend to play partisian politicts to a ridiculous level. Each staunchly supporting their party's candidate, ONLY because of the party they represent.

But, after reading most of the posts in this thread (not to mention the fact that my 79 year old father who was a life long, dedicated Republican, actually changed his political affiliation for the 2004 election, because he saw what Dumbya was doing, and wanted no part of it) I am beginning to feel a glimmer of hope for us, the ordinary citizens of America.

I am glad to see that more and more people are opening their eyes and minds and seeing and thinking more for themselves now and forming their own opinions, rather than just going along with their Party's leader, which of course in this case, would be to Republicans, Dumbya.

Somewhere earlier in this thread, (I should take the time to go back, find it and quote a portion of it, but I'm kind of in a hurry - but, you know who you are, maybe more than one) there was concern expressed as to how in the world are we ever going to be able to protect ourselved from him [Bush]?

Well, maybe this is the way. For each person in America to stop playing "follow the leader". Stand up for what they believe in their hearts is right. Do not let him make anymore changes or ammendments to the constitution, take away any more of the freedoms we had even so recently as about 20 years ago, get any more of our troops killed for no reason, other than to feed his ego and his wallet, and lets get RID of that PATRIOT ACT!

After all, the percentage of American citizens far outweighs the percentage of those who are the powers that be. I realize that they hold just about all the money, the weapons, etc.. But, as a united voice, we don't need money or weapons to protect ourselves (don't ask me how), but together, we can find a way.

Thank you for listening to MHO.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:56 AM
You know it's funny....

The MOST Conservative, Hard-Core Republican I know (he even collects Reagan memorabilia for godsakes....), is now a Libertarian (after voting for Bush in the election). So much so, that he actually attends and speaks at Libertarian events.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 01:29 PM
He's far more extreme in that he believes that he can impose his personal imprint over each and every thing. Now, I do think that between Cheney and Rove that he's getting a lot of influence more extreme than he is by nature; however, there is enough info coming out of the WH that says he cannot handle any dissent to his opinions and considers dissent or opposing viewpoints to be disloyal. This mindset allows him to be manipulated.

He doesn't understand that the "world" is ganging up on him in relatively subtle ways to repudiate his policies. For example, right after the trip, the EU backed Russia's right to sell nuclear technology for power plants to Iran. Most of the EU will be selling arms to China within the year.

Russia, China, India, Brazil, and Venezuela are forming their own strategic alliance, both military and economic. It will grow to include other nations who are outside of the EU or NATO. Bush's policies against Venezuela will break OAS if he continues to try and eject Venezuela.

His arrogance is alienating most allies, and is certainly pushing countries who have been savaged by the World Bank and the IMF into their own alliances for mutual aid.

NONE of us are going to like the results of his increasing war posturing over Syria and Iran if it comes to bombing either country.

He is making moderates or neutrals out of previous supporters and opposition out of pervious moderates.

Our economy is about ready to tank between the foreign trade deficit, our growing debt, and the drop in the dollar. Countries who have held U.S. dollars are converting to Euros. If China goes to Euros, our economy is in for a steep dive -- as we manufacture little that will benefit from a lower dollar and international purchasing.

Bush let a whole lot of people down who bought his lies.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
You know it's funny....

The MOST Conservative, Hard-Core Republican I know (he even collects Reagan memorabilia for godsakes....), is now a Libertarian (after voting for Bush in the election). So much so, that he actually attends and speaks at Libertarian events.

More and more conservatives are coming over to the Libertarians. Bush is not a conservative, nor is the Republican party today. Even people like Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarbrough are starting to mention it on their shows.

Honestly Bush scares me and the Republicans Goose stepping alongside him scare me more.

Can anyone name me a susposed core conservative value that the Republicans have pushed other than a tax cut and some lip service to the Religious Right? They are pushing an Agenda that they would be howling bloody murder (and rightfully so) if it was coming from the Democrats.

[edit on 1-3-2005 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 08:45 AM

@@@@@ BUMP @@@@@@@@



posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 08:19 PM

Bush is not a conservative, nor is the Republican party today.

Dead on, they are not conservatives in any sense.
They are right-wing populists with the economic backing of the energy and arms industries.

Conservatives believe in limited government, the rule of law, and especially in limited government spending. The current Republican leadership shows no particular interest in any of these ideas. They appear to have little interest in anything other than the unimpeded exercise of raw power.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 02:18 AM

You are right. Bush believes in himself and that is about it.



posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:35 AM
the illuminati is using bush for their own agenda,all the while letting him believe he is apart of their agenda"in on it".they let bush in his arrogant "christian"religious beliefs go do the work necessary.........priming..........if you will.............before the painting.they found the perfect bafoon.the chimp as is refered, is really the chump.why else do you think he takes anti-psychotic drugs for his voices he hears and general paranoia? and why he refers to a spirit guide to help him end the world? he is just like many in america who are those religious "christian" fundamentalists who welcome and want the end to come, who want the trees and water destroyed and the pollution in the air,who want the earth to be damaged beyond repair............. so.................jesus will come back and save them.YOU SEE......... THESE PEOPLE INCLUDING BUSH ARE ALL SUICIDAL AND WANT TO DIE BUT DON'T HAVE THE FREAKING COURAGE TO TAKE RESPONCIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN LIVES AND SO CONTROL AND FORCE THEIR WILL OVER ON OTHERS LIKE AMERICA'S CHILDREN, IT'S CITIZENS, THE WORLD, ECT....... MEDDLING WITH EVERYONE ELSES LIVES.THAT IS AMERICA IN A NUTSHELL ALL UNDER THE HEADING OF "CHRISTIANITY".BUSH IS A PRODUCT, A PERFECT PRODUCT OF THE VERY SAME THING HE IS SELLING OR TRYING TO SELL TO THE WORLD.LIKE TO PUTIN AND OTHER WORLD LEADERS.HE REALLY REALLY BELIEVES HE IS DOING WHAT HE FEELS IS RIGHT EXCEPT I GUESS WHEN YOU SAW HIM MEET WITH PUTIN.THEN HE WAS LOST.........WHY????? THAT MOVE WAS MADE AND MOVES LIKE IT ARE ALL MADE BY THE ILLUMINATI. IT'S TIME TO WAKE THE F**K UP !!!!!!! PEOPLE OF ATS, PEOPLE OF AMERICA, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. IRONICALLY WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW IN THE WORLD, IS THE FINAL STAGES OF COMPLETION OF SATAN'S WORK HERE ON EARTH. TIME TO REALLY WAKE THE F**K UP, BIND TOGETHER WITH THOSE OF LIKE SPIRIT AND MINDS AND HEARTS.........LET AND OR ALLOW LOVE TO SURFACE AGAIN AND HAVE A SPIRITUALLY MOTIVATED REVOLUTION THAT WILL WIPE AWAY ALL EXISTING CONFUSION, SORROW, DARKNESS. JESUS CHRIST,THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by geno]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:43 AM

I think you tinfoil hat has slipped a bit mate.



posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:13 PM
Don't worry Springer,

With the war in Iraq wrapping up and new governments being put into place in both, Iraq and Afghanistan, President Bush is trying to mend soured relationships of the nations who opposed us from the beginning.

I'll admit that President Bush is not as conservative as I'd like to see, but he's a hell of a lot better given the other choices.

We need to get past the war (in Iraq and Afghanistan) and move on to other countries that harbor terrorists.

We've still got to bring Osama bin Laden to justice and insure the security of the United States from radical extremists.

As you know, there are many extremists who would love to see this nation fail. Many ATS members would love to see harm come to President Bush. I will not name anyone, but from reading their postings, it's not hard to figure out. Others who are against him and his administration think they're perfect and probably can do a better job than he. They're always scrutinizing him for mistakes and overlooking anything good the current administration has done.

Former-President Bill Clinton said the job is tough enough without all the critisism. Why don't these people listen to someone with presidential experience? The enemies of this nation are on Capital Hill and are labeled liberals.

But the real enemies are the ones who put these people in office in the first place.

Like I said, President Bush is not as conservative as I would be or I'd like to see him, but for the moment, he's the best we've got. That's why he was voted back into office.

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