posted on Sep, 14 2018 @ 07:32 AM
Consider this...
The town of Rachel, Nevada (population 54) is a remote town far out in the Nevada desert along a desolate stretch of highway. Despite it's
remoteness, millions of people around the globe know of both the town and the stretch of highway it sits on.
Because it is right next to the biggest source of conspiracy theories ever on planet Earth...Area 51. The highway? Rte 375, otherwise known as the
"Extraterrestrial Highway", and the town of Rachel has the famous "Little A'Le' Inn" (little alein). This town likely would have disappeared off the
map decades ago if it weren't for their tireless promotion of aliens, conspiracies, black ops and all manner of other intrigue. People from around
the globe go there just to say they've been there. There's really no other reason to go there (there's nothing there), but they still go. And, they
drive down the "Extraterrestrial Highway" to get there.
Today, everyone knows Area 51 exists, and most know what it's really used for, but this doesn't stop the speculation.
Now, consider the Sunspot Observatory, and their curious press release about visiting their Visitor Center after the facility re-opens. It's an aging
facility scheduled for being stood down at some point. Yes, it's still in use, but those uses are slowly dwindling down. The people living there
want to maintain the vitality of the place, their home.
All of a sudden some big unrelated criminal bust brings the federal boys in blue suits to town and they evacuate some people. What a better launching
board for another ghost town just like Rachel, NV to pop into existence, right? Just think of all the ways they can spin this to make it a tourist
destination once the grant money drys up! It'll be the next Roswell, AZ. Just think about it ...
Way back in 2018 the feds swooped into to town in black helicopters and closed down the entire town of Sunspot for reasons which were never
explained. Clearly they were hiding a crashed alien ship or a secret message received (accidentally) from ET who was hiding behind the Sun. Come
visit the famous town of Sunspot and learn about the greatest conspiracy of the 21st Century!"
Make sense now?
edit on 9/14/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)