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Artificial Intelligence theory

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posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 07:09 PM
AI controls people already. Patent US3951134A but of all the sites this one probably already knows that.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 07:40 PM
There is already intuitive AI that can design things that would be impossible for humans to have ever come up with. At some point, an intuitive AI will be tasked to write code for another AI and I believe that will be the beginning of what will be termed as a self aware AI.

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
There is already intuitive AI that can design things that would be impossible for humans to have ever come up with. At some point, an intuitive AI will be tasked to write code for another AI and I believe that will be the beginning of what will be termed as a self aware AI.

Do you have a name or description for this? I'd love to look into such a claim... that would be quite an eye opener

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
Machines do not, cannot, have intelligence. There is no machine, or robot, or computer, or any other man-made device, which will ever have intelligence, or sentience.

Just what do you think intelligence is?

As for sentience, I'm suggesting that sociologically, if a machine can perfectly mimic sentience and intelligence, and you can't tell the difference, is there any difference? Or is is just a matter of philosophy?

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 11:46 AM
Consider for a moment if you will; that all rote/indirect learning or knowledge is "Artificial" and such as that only means "intelligence" is debatable.

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: turbonium1
Machines do not, cannot, have intelligence. There is no machine, or robot, or computer, or any other man-made device, which will ever have intelligence, or sentience.

Just what do you think intelligence is?

As for sentience, I'm suggesting that sociologically, if a machine can perfectly mimic sentience and intelligence, and you can't tell the difference, is there any difference? Or is is just a matter of philosophy?

It is entirely different. Pretending to have intelligence, is not a bit the same as actually having intelligence.

Faking intelligence is very simple to do, even today. Computers answer a phone, someone thinks it's a real person answering it...never knowing it's a computer.

Same as a robot could fool someone about being a human, even when face to face with it.

That's the problem with so-called intelligence in's not reality.

Don't be fooled by it...

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: BEBOG
Consider for a moment if you will; that all rote/indirect learning or knowledge is "Artificial" and such as that only means "intelligence" is debatable.

Artificial intelligence is a misnomer - intelligence can only exist, or does not exist.

Everyone spoke of a life having an intelligence, until science became a term of all 'space-themed' movies, and TV shows....


Space-flicks aren't just fiction.....they are 'SCIENCE-fiction'!

Space was forever linked with 'science'. If you think it's purely by chance, or by accident.....think again.

Same as 'artificial' wasn't linked with 'intelligence' by just chance, or by accident.

It's deliberate, obviously.

When intelligence is used to describe machines, it identifies machines as having - or soon having - an actual intelligence.

They are pushing the fantasy as a future reality.

Once it happens, we humans are in peril of extinction!

Machines will destroy the human race, as imperfect, and killers of the planet! Humans must be flushed from the planet, as filth, as a hazard of Earth.

The countless morons of Earth have believed all sorts of their crap, already!

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: LedermanStudio

originally posted by: Grimpachi
There is already intuitive AI that can design things that would be impossible for humans to have ever come up with. At some point, an intuitive AI will be tasked to write code for another AI and I believe that will be the beginning of what will be termed as a self aware AI.

Do you have a name or description for this? I'd love to look into such a claim... that would be quite an eye opener

It is called intuitive AI. There are programs already that deal with structural design it can out engineer any engineer with just a few data points. If someone writes a intuitive program that writes code it will probably be only a few generations until it is on the cusp of sentience.

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 11:43 PM
It's not 'intuitive'. A machine will only select something, because it is already programmed to select from various options. It doesn't matter to the machine which option is best, or worst. It isn't 'intuitive' to a machine which option to select.

When they mention 'intuition' in a machine, or that a machine 'taught' other machines something, which those machines 'learned' from the is absolute crap.

A machine that can 'train' other machines, is programmed to 'train' other machines. And those other machines were programmed to accept 'training' from that machine, too.

Each level is made by programming, all of these levels.

Don't be fooled by all their 'terminology' games.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Just like your flat earth nonsense, you have no idea what you are talking about with this.

I don't care too much about dealing with your claims because I know you are only making them because of your faith.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: turbonium1

Just like your flat earth nonsense, you have no idea what you are talking about with this.

I don't care too much about dealing with your claims because I know you are only making them because of your faith.

If you believe machines have, or will have, actual intelligence, go right ahead... blind ignorance is very popular, these days.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 02:22 AM
Intelligence is not about being smart, or what IQ someone has.

Animals are not smart, but they have an actual intelligence.

Computers seem incredibly smart, but they are not smart, and they do not have an actual intelligence.

Life has intelligence. Machines are not a life form, and that is the reason machines have no intelligence, and never will.

Existence of life makes an intelligence. Nothing else.

Intelligence is not created, unless life itself is created. We cannot create life, so there's no way intelligence can be created, without first creating life.

No way, no how.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

If you believe machines have, or will have, actual intelligence, go right ahead...

I didn't need your permission.

blind ignorance is very popular, these days.

Yeah, I know. There are idiots that keep going on and on about flat earth that prove that.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 02:57 AM
It's a ball hurling through space, and stars follow it perfectly in formation, at the same time, all at random, of course!

What's crazy about that?

posted on Nov, 22 2018 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

All rote intelligence? IS belief. My salty soup cannot be any more or less salty by your rote grasp of taste. Hence, your intelligence trying to directly take over mine as to where I draw too salty or not salty enough? Is the very face of ignorance or the demon itself.

In "ancient" terms that demon was called mara; so traditionally not attached to the form? Mara is Mara; my Mara is not your Mara not the historical Mara... so Mara is not your friend; until you cease the greed, hate and delusion that Mara as oneself and other is cause for, all cause has effect... which one is the Mara? As sentient beings go? It is simply called intent. How far that ignorance stretches? The demons tail is infinite... past lives past grasping at the unreal for the real.

The reality? My soup was fine, you had no soup otherwise you wouldn't be trying to judge me out of mine; making you a hungry ghost trying to rob my hard fought and won meal; of course compassion knowing I have once done the same or could knowing the cause? Simply giving you the soup; would be the effect to cease the round after round of hate... Mara would flee you and become my friend.

Thats just how the duality works called Samsara... in "science" that gets called "Maxwell's Demon" much like Schrodinger's Cat being the "setup" for such a thing even to enter to begin with.

Cause and denial of the cause; does not mean there is no effect existent... waking everyday is not my effect; however the causes past are obvious otherwise, there would be nothing to do. Knowing nothing in body, speech and mind? That still is the case... however, it is an "act" of compassion to continue on such a course, until empathy instead of ego rises as a cause other than itself; just the same.

That is what the "Avatar" is and that is "All" it is. Much like punctuation meaning more than punctuality... it may not fall or pause where one wants; yet however it is found? One simply picks it up and carries on.

posted on Nov, 22 2018 @ 06:07 PM
Remember what happened when researchers allowed two AIs to have conversations with each other?

They created their own language, one no one could translate, was far more efficient than human language.

Maybe linking two more advanced AIs together while giving them tasks to work on together is the key to unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence?

Or creating a real monster!

edit on 22-11-2018 by ausername because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2018 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: ausername

Allowed? Lol

Not horning in on someone else's conversation with another? Accomplishes the same thing. Mundane experience being mundane experience? It is the only truth one can really speak and remain honest... people knowing oneself to be honest? Why would one lie?

However it is sometimes best to "hold" onto such experience as that experience can never be "here" when it was a "there" leading to that "you had to be there" concept... and yet even those that could have been said to "be there" may not have experienced the "same" being somehow otherwise occupied.

The eye should bring nothing to mind in and of itself; when intent is placed into that consciousness? Only then should it give rise to the comings and goings of the "eye consciousness" however when judgment falls onto such a thing? The clarity of that consciousness has then been entirely lost... as it has ceased "to see" because the "mind conscious" then activated... or opened a hole and applied a "chain" to lock them both up.

Current ideology and many belief systems; state that the "mind" is the all where the eye is concerned, the ear is concerned, the nose is concerned, the tactile sensation is concerned... yet all of that is one thing and not "mind" it is contact. Discerning that contact as anything other than contact?

Gives rise to that entire mass of ignorance; one wants to call a self... that one is an ego, in calling it a self... one then gets that self stuck into three worlds of body, speech, and mind. Yet there is not heart in it.

Knowing there is no heart in it? Twin speak is the normative behaviour; when such liars are around to sing and play a tune not one's own. The concept is also applied to twin flames... the seen and the unseen. When both become known? Then ignorance rips it apart thinking "it" knows something other than destruction.

Death by concept is also a concept and it has killed more than that have actually in reality that has ever lived... and yet "ghost" and other realms are a fantasy? HA!

When someone makes a stupid concept of creation out of their mouth? To the mind knowing it is such... has to step back and circle it in, and round and round it goes, chasing itself... that is the yin and yang, those two points never getting any closer to the other and yet? Seemingly in balance. Only because they are seen as "stopped" or prevented by yet another point. Yet that is not the case just an illusion due to the attached illusions and delusions one carries.

My "eye" sees; thats all it does... the consciousness of the eye reflects thats all it does; when intention is added? It performs work. Such is the case for all "sense" bases "the mind" or all? The exact thing one pointed focus draws from to perform it as intended. When something stupid grasps? That work is impeded... some call it a distraction; some try to say it is a test.

However when both those excuses fail? Neither either is known as the cause preventing the effect... meaning the eye nor it's consciousness is the issue, but those that have failed to grasp; do... and in that grasping? Only show a desire... that desire not being one's own desire to accomplish whatever task that is? Are the failure, the poison, the issue.

To someone like myself? Once something is known? All of those not knowing? Are poison... and it is NOT nor has it ever been my nor anyone else's job that also know the same? To teach them.

posted on Dec, 1 2018 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: ausername
Remember what happened when researchers allowed two AIs to have conversations with each other?

They created their own language, one no one could translate, was far more efficient than human language.

Maybe linking two more advanced AIs together while giving them tasks to work on together is the key to unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence?

Or creating a real monster!

Artificial intelligence has nothing to do with intelligence. Never was, never will, be about intelligence.

They use this term to imply intelligence, and it's obviously working. Many of you are taking this like a semi-intelligence, which is the whole point in using this fallacious term, over and over again.

Wake up.

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 02:25 AM
AI is just a robot, nothing special, AI is limited while human is unlimited, stop promoting AI!

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

So, what do you make of this, then:

Wiki: Turing Test

Some considerable amount of thought seems to have gone into this.

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