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Apollo 15 Astronaut Says Humans Are Descendants Of Ancient Aliens

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posted on Aug, 25 2018 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Harte


It seem that there are various versions of Sumerian cosmogony then. Flat world, three levels of sky above. Water after that?

I haven't come across the notion that the gods came from any other world but that one. The notion that stars (not to mention planets) are other worlds, doesn't seem to be there?

edit on 8/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Harte


It seem that there are various versions of Sumerian cosmogony then. Flat world, three levels of sky above. Water after that?

There are. Part of the problem is that several cultures are referred to as "Sumerian," and as far as I can tell it's because of the use of the written language.
You can find references to Sumerian even for the Babylonians, if you don't read carefully enough. The Assyrians used Sumerian cuneiform, but not the language (IIRC.) The Babylonians used the Sumerian language for official and religious purposes for quite some time after the Akkadian empire and cuneiform Akkadian as the everyday language. The Akkadians used Sumerian cuneiform for all their writing, though their language was different from the Sumerians. That's why we have dictionaries and lexicons from Akkad that allow us to translate Sumerian, since that language is an isolate while Akkadian is Semitic. Both those civilizations were bilingual in those two languages, but the Sumerians invented the writing part of it.

originally posted by: PhageI haven't come across the notion that the gods came from any other world but that one.

You remember Marduk. He told me about the mountaintop thing and showed me in the texts somewhere (can't remember) in several places.
The texts themselves indicate several gods and goddesses that were born here on Earth, in Dilmun.

Some others were the personification of natural events. Anu was the sky god AND the sky, for example.
Some were born from the wind, etc.
Nothing about coming from somewhere else though. To them, the sky was here.
And when you don't know what the sky is, it's easy to make such attributions.

originally posted by: PhageThe notion that stars (not to mention planets) are other worlds, doesn't seem to be there?

It's an absolute certainty that Mesopotamians had no idea at all what those little points in the night sky were. There was no concept of a planet as a world at all, even concerning the Earth. They did notice their movement against the stars though, and invented astrology from that.


posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Harte

"It's an absolute certainty that Mesopotamians had no idea at all what those little points in the night sky were. There was no concept of a planet as a world at all, even concerning the Earth. They did notice their movement against the stars though, and invented astrology from that.

Harte "

I wolud say more...there is an absolute certainty that you don't understand what you're talking about.
They not only knew the concepts of world as planets but has hide in their architecture, mythology and carvings, place if origin which is lights yesrs away.
It is not only their place of origin but ours to.
Underworld called by many names in many cultures.
Remember this, one day you will be thinking...


posted on Aug, 26 2018 @ 08:42 PM
As I said...


posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: puracielo
a reply to: ClovenSky

We come from distant star system.
But still in cosmic scale, just from round the corner, and more importantly, from our own galaxy.
First of us got here onboard of the moon, the original noah's ark...and than they ('we') got the startup of human cyvilisation on earth.
It involved order to, accomodate our species to different reality which also supposed to couse philosophical confusion in distant future.
They are engineering game field for souls to get through the process.
Let's call it vineyard or farm where process of sowing and harvesting is form of transforming and utilising energy in order to achieve sustainability.
After they arrived from 'atlantis' because this myth is deliberete remains of original location which never had its origin on this planet but instead is hidden in sky but was, again, deliberetely engineered on surface of earth to copy star systems where underworld is hidden to naked eye, they started building megaliths...
What for?
It was global starmapping.
What for?
To hide location of the world hidden in sky but placed on the surface of the earth in process of rebuilding important markings from 'above' onto 'below'.
As above so below.
So where is human's origins of cyvilisation?
Some will say it's in ancient india, some will point too sumer or egypt where others will tell it is in modern day bolivia...but answer can be only one.
The copy of location of underworld, place of origin of our souls, is in sumer...
Atlantis story that comes from egypt is nothing else than story that points to sumeria and not santorini, canary islands or south america amongst some most often talked about.
While story was deliberetely distorted for millenia in order to hide the truth left for the right time to be 'discovered'.
Sumeria was copy of specific star location.
If you want to locate point in sky and print map of it with x being a hidden tresure you have to first divide whole 2D surface into sections.
They did it by dividing night sky into 12 sections and then they started creating mythologies in every originaly formed culture all over the globe in order to imprint the map on cultural level.
Like wise they imprinted map in form of megalithic structures globally and in holy books much later.
Rituals where same way of confirming this map.
Modern day enterteinment like movie and music industry is also heavily used in order to not only imprint this map but in order to get to a point in humans history where everything will be rediscovered and it will be done by a figure that was 'prophesied' for millenia.
That figure isncalled by many names.
Chosen one, the one, neo.
Bible call him parakletos...spirit of truth...the one that will lead humanity towards the most mysterious questions:
Where we come from, who we are and where we are going.
It is time when this will be answered.
Parakletos is a pole star.
He sees alot because the hole star 'game' spins around him like a carousel and he sits at the top of the show.
But he has answers that won't be welcomed by many.
He will bring with enucement of enlightenment fear upon humans.
His role will be to convinced those that are ready for harvest that human cyvilisation is destined for punishement and the judgement is justified...there is hidden world, home called paradise.
Thise that are ready to go back are those that will pass the test at the end of the great year, great cykle of 26 000 years.
How many lifes we have experienced during that time?
And why we repeat the same story with diferent scenography and actors.
It is all theater with secret workers that need to make sure the showngoes according to the plan.


Not all questions can be answered but those important ones will be soon.

Trynity hide one amongst two like 3 great pyramids, 3 crosses with jesus in the middle, 3 ships leaving 'old' world in search for a 'new' one...
Neptune and gilgamesh two powerfull gods...jesus and john the baptist...
Solar barge floating upon cosmoc waters taking souls onto the journey into underworld.
Twin towers and third one,smaller one collapsing in the first year of third millenium.
Jesus reborning on the rhird day early hours in the 'morning'...
Like thor drinking from the sea.
Man waiting for paradise from the land of the pole star.
Spirit of truth at the end of the era...when olive tree will be ready...when storm is on the horizon, when global economy is wrapped with blasting gelatin to ignite main charges on the day and on an hour, when middle east, main source of planetary's number one resource is being set up for destabilosation...when sophia is introduced to the world and humans are brainlessly preparing army of drones and help preparing global brain able to control all systems connected into IOT...
When humans are living deads walking in trans of agressive consumptionism and hedonism...when planet is drawning in pollution of cancerous result of one species when the whole truth is going to be revealed...thanks to internet which was also prepared in this very order of fulfilment of the great plan of deception.
Time of Harvest is at the door.
When doctor knows that the patient will die, is he going to pretend there is still a chance to heal or should he tell to prepare for what is inevitable.
Every myth, holy scriptures, architecture, rituals, popcuture...all are aspects of the same story.
Humans came here to experiance new beginning, corruption and fall...cycle ends and starts but there isa way out, way to paradise, way to underworld...straight to brown dwarf, bes, oldest of all star types.
Who is ready, will escape another cykle of imprisonment here.
Rest will be burned...nuclear war is on the horizon and secret societies, top figures amongst the whole network will make sure things will again go according to the plan...
This world was destroyed many times before.
We are neing prepared and preparation is ending.
Punishement for humanity by humanity...funny how well things where written.
When they astablished megalithic global network, than, they have staged conflicts and most, dissapeard through stargates transfering it's consciousness via whormholes which where tapped to by use of electromagnetic properties of pyramids.
Brain contains magnetite and elwctromagnetic planets, satelites and stars whoch act as the main cosmic gates...what we see above is ocean full of ships that takes subatomic based energy and transfer that through it's cores between network of this cosmoc web...subway corridors aka wormhole exist along gravities of cosmoc bodies and electromagnetic forces that holds everything in it's shape...
Time is coming, prepare.


Did you write all of this or find it from somewhere else?

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Phage


The Mountain Kur that also extended into the Underworld, the Gods were not only associated with the Mountain they were in a sense the Mountain themselves in the sense of the Pantheon, the seven levels of a Ziggurat which represented the sacred mountain were dedicated to seven major Deities and their association with the Heavenly bodies, thus a highly conceptual mountain, the E-Kur represented Celestial power established on Earth


In the city, the holy settlement of Enlil, in Nibru, the beloved shrine of father Great Mountain, he has made the dais of abundance, the E-kur, the shining temple, rise from the soil; he has made it grow on pure land as high as a towering mountain. Its prince, the Great Mountain, father Enlil, has taken his seat on the dais of the E-kur, the lofty shrine. No god can cause harm to the temple's divine powers. Its holy hand-washing rites are everlasting like the earth. Its divine powers are the divine powers of the abzu: no one can look upon them.

Its (Ekur's) me's (ordinances) are mes of the Abzu which no-one can understand. Its interior is a distant sea which 'Heaven's Edge' cannot comprehend.

Hymn to Enlil

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: Phage


The Mountain Kur that also extended into the Underworld, the Gods were not only associated with the Mountain they were in a sense the Mountain themselves in the sense of the Pantheon, the seven levels of a Ziggurat which represented the sacred mountain were dedicated to seven major Deities and their association with the Heavenly bodies, thus a highly conceptual mountain, the E-Kur represented Celestial power established on Earth


In the city, the holy settlement of Enlil, in Nibru, the beloved shrine of father Great Mountain, he has made the dais of abundance, the E-kur, the shining temple, rise from the soil; he has made it grow on pure land as high as a towering mountain. Its prince, the Great Mountain, father Enlil, has taken his seat on the dais of the E-kur, the lofty shrine. No god can cause harm to the temple's divine powers. Its holy hand-washing rites are everlasting like the earth. Its divine powers are the divine powers of the abzu: no one can look upon them.

Its (Ekur's) me's (ordinances) are mes of the Abzu which no-one can understand. Its interior is a distant sea which 'Heaven's Edge' cannot comprehend.

Hymn to Enlil

Wanted to point out that the city referred to in the quote - Nibru - is now called Nuffar, and was once called Nippur.
The spelling "Nibru" is the same word used for the Sitchin fantasy planet "Niburu." The difference is the choice of spelling by the translator.


posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: FamCore

It is me.
When the right time will come and it is the will of haven, i will reveal to the world all the relevant, hidden truths.
As pathetic or attention seeking it sounds like, it will open many eyes, and prepare the hearts.

16 .....UTU.....




posted on Aug, 29 2018 @ 10:38 PM
I have read the Sitchin books, the Earth Chronicles, and I found them to be fascinating interpretations of some historical artifacts. Really fascinating stuff to ponder.

posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: blkmagicwomanjlm
I have read the Sitchin books, the Earth Chronicles, and I found them to be fascinating interpretations of some historical artifacts. Really fascinating stuff to ponder.

I gave up on Sitchin's delusions forty years ago.

posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: blkmagicwomanjlm
I have read the Sitchin books, the Earth Chronicles, and I found them to be fascinating interpretations of some historical artifacts. Really fascinating stuff to ponder.

Works of fiction can be “fascinating stuff to ponder”, but they’re still only works of fiction.

An idea doesn’t become more likely to be true just because it’s fascinating.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: easynow

Well what do you know ancient aliens have some truth after all

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: dranwarren89
a reply to: easynow

Well what do you know ancient aliens have some truth after all

How so? I'm not saying the idea of ancient aliens is necessarily false, but what about the OP makes you say "ancient aliens have some truth after all"?

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 10:56 AM
Wauw, this topic quickly spiraled out of control. Niburu, the word that instantly wants to facepalm me but thank the troll that pretended a fantasy thing was real.
Sumerians on the other hand are pretty old and far away in history. Thou, even they are a bit far away from the insertion point.
Regardless; Humanity evolved on its own perfectly fine. ~99% of human DNA evolved by pure nature. Ignore the other >1% as you shouldn' t look a given horse in the mount (That and it has already completed its job anyways, good luck finding it now it has deactivated and is part of the pile of junk DNA)

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 12:48 PM
Cargo cults are nothing new; have a Hawaiian tell tribal Polynesians they are related and they might turn their head sideways like never saw you before how are you family? Meaning you'd be alien... at least to them.

It came from the stars is sort of why we are here... it came from the rest of us is; is just where we are today.

When necessity ceases to be the mother of invention? Perspective is the most important position to seek... who's? Well whatever works best is usually adopted... those that hold it back? Are typically the one's later held accountable.

So hey don't write any check your ass can't later cash; is that sort of lesson to learn.

All I can say is a very trustworthy fellow was friends with the late Mr. Cooper and he believed what he said about aliens not being the gullible sort of fellow and cautious with who he considered such; though he embraced all on face value; until they lost it in his eyes... being the same sort always ample room and chances in that proving ground until the welcome mat is rolled up and put away. Typically that means too busy/swamped with all else...

Grays eh... in my opinion at the other extreme in evolution as we are from "ape/monkey" so being the middle ground? Best to know the same way or the one called the middle. Meaning? No scale at all just the thing it hangs/hinges on.

The hands off approach means "us" as a collective. Of course how we treat others and things not self? Is where the scales actually weigh... and it is much better as individual goes than group when ideology cannot do anything but raise a fence due to some yet unmitigated or resolved offense.

Evolved dogs would say hey you stink... evolved cat would say oh yeah check your rear at least we take time to cover it up instead of always looking for the next meal... and fox says? I'm an evolved version of both of you sort it out yourself as to who's nose is superior when one is in the air telling the other their's was the same before they started speaking.

Take care

edit on 1-9-2018 by BEBOG because: sp.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Phage

Don't forget the native hoop dance symbolizing world creation ... a video game called "Halo" uses that as a base for their; story line/plot.

Seems part five would have consisted of five rings coming together to form "a planet" the native stepping out? What some might say would be the body of knowledge "rapturing out" in a wait and see approach, to where speech reflects mind in truth instead of fiction or cloak as a cover.

All I can say is in my Kundalini experience at 18? Bliss in that rapture... when it occurred unexpectedly last year walking across the yard; where my hair and skin stood on end and shot straight up? It felt more like every single death pain to "lower" life I had ever given.

Lets just say imagine a "bug" hitting a windshield at 75mph did not feel good at all. Yet the first four steps reveal the truth of suffering noble or not they are Bold one's when others are not considered above or below. The path of eight? Consider how a flat map could be folded eight times in such a development and put away for others to later follow. Folds may not be the same... yet it is the same map.

Having thus gone? Lol Who needs one...

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 06:01 PM
Scientology's ideas of our origins have become quite popular these days. You can blame Nobel Prize-winner Francis H. C. Crick with his "directed panspermia" idea. Scientology and what is called Scientism go hand in hand anyway.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: BEBOG
Grays eh... in my opinion at the other extreme in evolution as we are from "ape/monkey" so being the middle ground?

Oh yeah, it's more of a ménage à trois (Scientology - Scientism - evolutionary philosophies, in particular the so-called "chemical evolution theory of life"):

Extraterrestrials—The Age-Old Dream: Awake!—1990

MODERN-​DAY science-fiction writers did not invent the notion of extraterrestrials. Some 23 centuries ago, a Greek philosopher named Metrodorus taught that a universe containing merely one inhabited world would be as unlikely as a large field growing only one ear of corn. Lucretius, a Roman poet of the first century B.C.E., wrote that “in other parts of space there are other earths and various races of men.”

This teaching, called the plurality of worlds, was in disfavor in Christendom for many centuries. But from about 1700 to the early part of our own century, most educated people, including some of the greatest scientists in history, believed firmly in life on other worlds. In fact, one educator of the mid-1800’s was widely attacked when he dared to write a paper denying the doctrine.

People seemed eager to believe in extraterrestrials, even on the flimsiest of evidence. In 1835 a newspaper reporter wrote that astronomers had discovered life on the moon. He wrote that strange animals, exotic plants, and even little people with wings, hovering about and gesturing visibly, were all seen through a telescope! The circulation of his newspaper soared. Many continued to believe the tale even after it was exposed as a fraud.

Scientists were optimistic as well. In the late 1800’s, astronomer Percival Lowell was convinced that he could see a complex system of canals on the surface of the planet Mars. He mapped them out in detail and wrote books on the civilization that had constructed them. In France, the Academy of Sciences was so sure that there was life on Mars that it offered a reward to the first person who communicated with any extraterrestrials other than Martians.
Full of Hope

While the technology behind today’s search for life on other worlds may be new, one thing remains unchanged: Scientists are still confident that mankind is not alone in the cosmos. As astronomer Otto Wöhrbach wrote in the German newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten: “There is hardly a natural scientist who would not say yes if asked if there was extraterrestrial life.” Gene Bylinsky, author of Life in Darwin’s Universe, put it this way: “Any day now, if radio astronomers are to be believed, a signal from the stars will flash across the unimaginable gulf of space to end our cosmic loneliness.”

Why are scientists so sure that life exists on other worlds? Their optimism starts with the stars. There are so many of them​—thousands of millions in our galaxy. Then the assumptions begin. Surely, many of those stars must also have planets circling them, and life must have developed on some of those worlds. Following that line of reasoning, astronomers have speculated that there are anywhere from thousands to millions of civilizations right here in our own galaxy!
You will probably agree, though, that it is better to have no hope at all than to lean on a false one. It is important for us to find out, then, if scientists are on solid ground when they assert that the universe is teeming with populated worlds.

Extraterrestrials—Where Are They? Awake!—1990

ACCORDING to science writer Isaac Asimov, this is “a question that, in a way, spoils everything” for those who believe in life on other planets. Originally posed in 1950 by nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi, the question capped an argument that went something like this: If intelligent life has arisen on other planets in our galaxy, many civilizations should now exist that are millions of years ahead of our own. They should have developed interstellar travel long ago and spread abroad in the galaxy, colonizing and exploring at will. So where are they?

While some SETI scientists are admittedly shaken by this “Fermi paradox,” they often reply to it by pointing out how difficult it would be to voyage between the stars. Even at the speed of light, enormous though that is, it would take a spaceship a hundred thousand years to traverse just our own galaxy. Surpassing that speed is deemed impossible.

Science fiction that features ships hopping from one star to another in a matter of days or hours is fantasy, not science. ... That is why SETI scientists lean so strongly on radio telescopes; they imagine that since advanced civilizations might not travel between stars, they would still seek out other forms of life by the relatively cheap and easy means of radio waves. But Fermi’s paradox still haunts them.

American physicist Freeman J. Dyson has concluded that if advanced civilizations exist in our galaxy, finding evidence of them should be as easy as finding signs of technological civilization on Manhattan Island in New York City. The galaxy should be buzzing with alien signals and their immense engineering projects. But none have been found. In fact, one article on the subject noted that “searched, found nothing” has become like a religious chant for SETI astronomers.

The Doubts Begin


A Crumbling Foundation

Yet, even if many planets do exist that meet the stringent conditions necessary to sustain life as we know it, the question remains, How would life arise on those worlds? This brings us to the very foundation of the belief in beings on other worlds​—evolution.

To many scientists, it seems logical to believe that if life could evolve from nonliving matter on this planet, that could be true on others as well. As one writer put it: “The general thinking among biologists is that life will begin whenever it is given an environment where it can begin.” But that is where evolution faces an insurmountable objection. Evolutionists cannot even explain how life began on this planet.


The Wrong Religion


No need to point out that the so-called "theory of evolution" doesn't address the origin of life. Or make the misleading claim that 'evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life or abiogenesis', conveniently leaving out the so-called "chemical evolution theory of life" from the discussion. That's why I mentioned that term at the start of this comment. If you have an issue with the last paragraph I quoted something from only saying "evolution" and " if life could evolve from nonliving matter", you can understand that as referring to the same subject as the wikipedia page for "abiogenesis" is addressing below (using the same terms "evolution" and "evolve"):

Alexander Oparin ... J. B. S. Haldane (in 1925), who postulated the molecular or chemical evolution theory of life.[104] According to them, the first molecules constituting the earliest cells "were synthesized under natural conditions by a slow process of molecular evolution, and these molecules then organized into the first molecular system with properties with biological order".
Following on from chemical evolution came the initiation of biological evolution, which led to the first cells.[50]
...suggesting that life may have evolved...

Source: Abiogenesis - Wikipedia
edit on 3-9-2018 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: dranwarren89

How so?

There's yet to be anything like credible evidence presented that supports that notion.

Certainly the OP presented nothing even remotely like credible evidence. An astronauts opinion does not constitute evidence.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Scientology's ideas of our origins have become quite popular these days. You can blame Nobel Prize-winner Francis H. C. Crick with his "directed panspermia" idea. Scientology and what is called Scientism go hand in hand anyway.

Not that the teachings of the Church of Scientology actually seem to address the origin of mankind (or life itself), but since they have this whole love for ('origin'-)stories about aliens they'll probably fancy some evolutionary storyline and/or "directed panspermia" (followed by so-called "biological evolution", see previous comment) as well if you would ask them about their views concerning that subject and they are willing to say something about it. Like the idea in the movie "Prometheus". There is a connection in the way of thinking and fantasizing about these matters with no concern for the facts that might help a person see it's just nonsense propagated by wishful thinking and an effort to make it sound more plausible (with varying levels of succes and sophistication in argumentation; so-called "macroevolution" or "biological evolution" probably containing the most sophistication and cunningness, slipperiness).
edit on 3-9-2018 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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