posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 02:08 AM
Hello! it has been a few days since i wrote here!
The thing is, from wednesday to friday i was at my stepdad's summer cottage with mom. We go every year when the summer is about to end. It was great!
i was totally offline, my cell phone was off, my mom has a smart phone and a tablet that i could use but i don't know how to use them and i refuse to
learn (because smart devices capture human souls and turn them into zombies but that is a whole different story)
The amount of serenity was unimaginable.
I am so much like mom, we have the same sense of humor, same political views, we could sit for hours at the summer cottage beach and talk. We saw
clouds forming and angel above us on thursday. It even had eyes. Long hair flowing. Wings. Yes i know what pareidolia means but it looked exactly like
an angel. My mom took some photos but i don't know, maybe some 3D effect was missing and it didn't look like an angel anymore on the screen of the
Wednesday evening when i had spent time in the sauna and the sea i was washing myself. And there it was. A SPIDER! on the sauna floor. We don't have
venomous spiders here but they freak me out. So i pondered my options. 1) quick PM to timely to do me a "small" favor and hire a supersonic airplane
to show up and take care of it and let him now for good that i am officially a wuss. 2) Walk back to the cottage and ask my stepdad to take care of
the spider and let him know for good that i am officially a wuss. 3) Ignore the whole spider, leave it there in a hot sauna and my soapy water, then
beat myself up mentally for the rest of the vacation. 4) Man up, and carry the spider outside. It was not an option to just quickly crab it and throw
it outside, because it's body was maybe the size of a pea, and compared to that, very long legs, like a match stick. I wouldn't want a being 5000
times the size of me to pull my arms or legs out. So i went into autopilot mode, shut down my fear and disgust, gently took it to my hand and carried
it outside and set it to the root of a pine tree. Then i shivered in disgust and felt good about myself at the same time.
Plenty of dragonflies. In all the colors you can imagine. Great beings, like a small bio helicopter.
Oh yeah and there was a book in the outhouse. Useless facts, jokes, fun quotes and stuff. So, if you yell for about 8.5 years in a row nonstop, then
you have created enough energy to make yourself one cup of coffee.