It's kind of easy. There's lot's of things we can do.
Go to town hall meetings, email, call and snail mail our representatives, Sign online petitions and so on. Most of us do none of them.
Then Vote. Even if it's just for third party candidates or write ins. Especially in local elections, every vote counts. I won an election by 6
votes one time. But especially on Ballot questions. That's what's led to legalization in most states. It's not our representatives doing anything.
Let's then push for term limits.
Lastly turn off the news. All political shows or one sides, every single one of them. When someone who claims to be an expert or a journalist or a
talk show host only tells you one side of the story that's how you know their lying. Everyone on MSNBC, Talk Radio, Huff post, Brietbart, Fox news.
They're all lying to you. Turn them off.
Then just think about it, why is politics the only thing where we don't work together. In every other facet of life it doesn't matter what your
political ideology is. I was in the army, I trained with republicans and democrats. It never came up. my last 20 one said. "your a
liberal, I can't wash dishes with you" LOL
That's only in the make believe world of ATS, News Media, and politicians does it matter. Wake up.
Here's an easy example to tell you if your brainwashed or not.
Nearly every single democrat in the US believes in man made climate change. Nearly every single republican in the US denies it.
LOL Science isn't political. You only believe as you do, because you're brainwashed.
edit on 30-7-2018 by amazing because: (no reason given)