posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 03:59 PM
A more recent fear is: Could the Large Hadron Collider make an Earth-killing black hole?
Greatest fears are
1 Scientists would discover that bigbang did not happen ,and blackholes type 3 did not exist.
2 Micro cosmos radiation was actual radiation form the oceans.
3 Radioactive decay wasn't constant. Comets where more than snowballs.
4 Science discovering more flavors Very dark matter that patch up holes in esoteric mathematical models that have no resemblance to actual observable
5 Electricity had influence on the formation of galaxy's
6 Some people actually make use of atmospheric electicity
7 China builds a Thorium reactor.
8 A Star in a jar' leads to cold fusion
9 Platonic solids could be used to predict properties of elements.
10 waves actually start to imply that something must be waving.
11 Aether becomes a hype.
12 Time became meaningless if there were no events.
13 Empty space wasn't loaded with addhoc properties that make mathematical sense just to correct the theory.
14 Science started to invent virtual unicorns made out of virtual particles that lead to real research.
15 Geoneutrino's started to interact in chemical processes.
16 Buying vacuumtubes becomes a crime.
edit on 7242018 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)