posted on Jul, 29 2018 @ 10:52 AM
Hi Guys,
I could read all your comments only today, after coming back from Valmalenco on my two days trip.
I went to see the conference, 3+ hours of speech where Diego Antolini kept the 70 people in the audience under some sort of spell. I don't get how the
guy does but man when he speaks...
Tom Bosco did a good job too, he is a long time editor-in-chief of Nexus Italy and you can tell his experience spans over 20 years of meeting with
other researchers, conferences, etc...The X-Plan Group are my favorites though because they get "their hands dirty" on the field...China, Cambodia,
Malta, Scotland, and they keep discreet on their investigations.
Anyway, beside translating the conference into English, so I hope you guys can have a look and get a little bit more of knowledge about this thread, I
came home with two good-to-go: first, I can publish the green object which allegedly kept the rock from falling down over the town. Here it is (blue
first, then green and the beam goes out and the rock lands on the road, this according to scores of witnesses who photographed and saw the object.)
The second update is that TXP showed the pics of the tracks they found while they were up in the mountains. The night before they spotted two
metallic-blue lights into the woods. They marked the area and the following morning they scouted it and found three distinct marks. I've seen two of
the three. They said they will publish them soon. I will let you know as soon as they do. One of them was huge.
Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I will do my best to get more, but again, alone I can do little. If I see enough interest on your part, it would
be easier...