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UNidentified Contacts - What is happening in Italy?

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posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 03:54 PM
I will post some of the pictures that are already in the public domain...I will not go beyond that. But it should give you a little background to gauge your view about the large picture. And I won't give you my opinion on all this for now.
This picture

Was released few years ago to some Italian researchers, who dismissed it as a plain fake. Last year, after continuous reports of similar nature delivered to the local authorities, the same researchers paid a third party forensic analyst and the result was: the image is not manipulated. They made a big announcement, published it on a newspaper, and looked like they re-invented the wheel. This is the picture on the newspaper (the flying object to the side is from 2013 and it has a totally different story):

Then, last February, a massive rock fell down from the mountain and was bound to hit the town below, when something happened. The boulder simply dropped on the road, and nobody was hurt. This is the rock:

The day after someone started to come out saying that the night before, when the rock was falling, people saw a strange blue light on the sky which turned green and then cast some sort of beam toward the woods. where the rock was rolling. Someone took pictures.
This is the green object as it was published.

If you are interested I can translate some of the Italian, but basically everyone was baffled.
A clearer picture of the green object is here.

I also possess the image of the object when was blue, but unless you can find it online I won't release it yet.

I hope this gives you a better understanding that the images of the black entities didn't come out of nowhere. That area between Italy and Switzerland has really weird stuff happening.

I would appreciate your honest opinions, skeptics or believers are all welcome.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

both photos are in too good to be true territory, the first is likely another cut and past hoax
and the second looks to be some kind of digital art

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

Thank you for verifying my observations. I respect your reserve in not giving away all the information you have at your disposal.

However, I would like to expand on what I think the orbs could be, but also debunk my theory for want of a logical explanation.

When I noticed the orbs I had the feeling that they were projecting (astrally) the presence of the entity; as if it were a drone of sorts. Having said this, I can't think of a logical reason why this would be necessary. If the orbs were drones, then why the need to project a humanoid form that no one can see? Going out on a limb, I'm fascinated by the idea that it could be their soul in plain view...thinking about the souls, in animal form, of the humans in the movie "The Golden Compass'. I know it sounds absurd, but I like to explore every angle.

The question is, do they really not want to be seen; or, perhaps, they only want to manifest themselves to a select few...a 'soft' way of making a first contact.

This brings me to interpret your post on page 3 about the rock fall event that, miraculously, avoided damage to person and property, coming to rest on a road, instead of plummeting to the depths of the valley. Could it be that our alien friends feel a sense of belonging, and protective of our Earthly home? Do they feel empathy for their human neighbours? If it were true then it makes perfect sense that 'they' wish us no harm. The fact that no locals have ever been hurt by these entities bolsters the theory that 'they' are not malignant...even if visibly intimidating.

Finally, I've not been able to find the pictures of the supposed UFO, that intervened in the rock fall event, in its blue guise, although I've seen, from other research, that blue and green are recurring colours in relation to their presence. Has this colour combination been seen in other UFO/alien observations?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

You couldn't be more right...TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE...and that's why most people still disregard what's happening over there. Only few researchers (TXP Group and Nexus Italy are the only to groups that are not stopping at analyzing the images but they are trying to understand the people's behavior into that valley) are taking it seriously, and for what I know it is paying off.

Looking at debunking images is understandable, that's all we have without further information. However if I could show you what type of MILITARY air craft are flying over there, perhaps we would be talking about something else...

Working on it

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: Encia22

Encia22, Your detailed reply calls for my liking answer:

Please allow me not to get into the Orbs subject for now, let's stick to the black entity.
Your question is legitimate and I tend to agree to that. There is a new or an unknown technology used by these beings in making themselves invisible to the naked eye.

I also know that not all the cameras can capture them, for instance digital sensors such as smart phone can't catch anything, and neither professional cameras like reflex cameras.

So far only two types of cameras have been able to get these beings on the screen: CoolPix and InfraRed.
Don't ask me why about the former, I know there are people at TXP Group that are trying to figure this out and I am no expert in photography. I've heard from my "source" that it might have to do with sensors, like the "oldest school" sensors are more effective at the vibratory frequencies they seem to move.

Whether or not they want to be seen I can't tell, but I know there are other photographs showing these beings in various shape and at various degree of visibility: some blurry, some more clear. The one appeared at the bookstore seems to be by far the clearest taken to date. That's all I could get. And the rest of the photographs are and will remain unpublished for the moment.

About the "first contact"...that has been made long ago. For us it is something new or not credible, but the people who live there find these phenomena almost like part of their daily life. Although they mention the small Grays, not the black entities.

Whether they are friendly or not, it is debatable as in every case of this nature. Their judgment of "good" and "evil", their ethics and their moral don't necessarily follow our criteria, whereas their actions are read under human standpoint, they might do for entirely different purposes.
The fact is that the rock stopped on the road and didn't hit the village below, yes, that was good for the humans living there.
Being black and bulky and covered with some sort of "armor" doesn't make them evil, I totally agree with you. Especially, like I've read in the article I posted, if we read WHERE it was standing. Behind him, on the wall, there was a graffiti saying something about "Remember the Universe is Within You..." If you believe in coincidence...I don't.

Yes I know, that blue picture is not published, I just wanted to make sure.
I am asking if I am authorized to post it here. If so, I will do it.

Thanks for your feedback!

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

the alien behind the rock was a spoof done by a local news crew, i saw the interview of the people that did it.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

no, too good to be true, means that there is a 99% chance of it being fake, wich is the case here

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: penroc3

i want to see that!

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

Thanks for your detailed explanation. I agree the writing on the wall is no mere coincidence. Let's see what more information comes out of the conference tomorrow...have fun and take care!

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:26 PM
guys. looks like i was right after all, there is some hoaxer out in the wilds of valmenco
this site is his portfolio:
you can find some hilarious stuff there like this:
wich might be the most crude UFO hoax i have even seen
i am almost certain that this is some sort of update to the friendship hoaxes of the 60's
edit on 25-7-2018 by humanoidlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Haha damn, you're really a know it all huh.."too good to be true", so, in your opinion, no pic of aliens ever will be genuine to you?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: ThatDuder

not really, there are some real pictures floating in the web, but its pretty hard to find them
for example:

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

iv been looking for the clip but i saw it the segment in some random ufo documentary on youtube so it might take a while. but basically the camera man and the woman reporter wanted to play a joke on their audiences

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: ThatDuder

not really, there are some real pictures floating in the web, but its pretty hard to find them
for example:

The poor little #er head is bleeding.

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: 808Funk

thats actually a space suit that has melted around him

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

no one can say 100% that picture isn't real but it does look suspect.

what is up with those tubes?

the only thing that gives this picture any credit in my yes is the strange effect around the creature in the first picture

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

But if it's not a shadow and the pic is a fake, why bothering to create such a ultra-defined being and then put that fuzzy shadow behind?

Good question , it could be that they simply forget to alter the shadow to the proper setting , but the error stands out pretty obvious so it is pretty dumb to overlook such thing.

The lack of other evidence about the other encounters does not add to the credibility.

The problem with the UFO fenomena is that there is a industry within it wich only goal is to make money out of it or create disinformation.

You gotta be really skeptical.

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: WilliamWAS
a reply to: Macenroe82

Yes, except for the fact that nobody was visible to the naked eye according to the presents. If it's forged, I would love to know how they did it.

Thanks for your feedback!

Wasn't visible because the image hadn't been loaded into photoshop yet, was only visible after the photoshop processing.

For those not getting it, The image is PHOTOSHOPPED and done very poorly too.

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
that must be the worst photoshop i have ever seen, it looks like someone glued it to the picture, lol

SHADOW FIGURE: Where are the donuts? I was told there would be donuts.

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: 808Funk

thats actually a space suit that has melted around him

On the right side of his head as it looks like blood as I presume he took a tumble and cracked its head on the stone floor in the 2nd photo ?

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