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Is There Life After Death? A 2018 Discussion

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posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Words

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: Words

So, go die then and come back with a new life and tell me all about it.

I'll go die and you can watch what happens to me.

Yes, you will rot and become a part of the earth. I want to hear your story when you come back. I know plenty of people who have died, I have yet to see them come back to tell the tale.
edit on 23-7-2018 by xBWOMPx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: SaturnFX

Within the last year I've had a few experiences with lucid dreaming for the first time in my life. They were pretty freaky when they happened. The first time I "woke up" and thought I saw my dad standing in the side room I have for my dog to sleep trying to warn me about something. The next time I "woke up" and thought there was a dark figure (woman?) standing over me and reaching down.

Here's the thing. While the events left me rather shaken for the rest of the night, neither event really shook my opinion on after life (or in this case ghosts). My dad isn't dead and the first dream wasn't trying to warn me about some future event cause I saw my dad later that week and nothing was wrong. The second one I just shook off as a lucid dream and I haven't experienced one since.

All I know is that your mind creates a weird version of reality when you are asleep and the experience of your mind locking down your limbs for REM sleep but you are lucid is surreal and frightening. Though none of it has shaken my skepticism.

I quite enjoy lucid dreaming. Great time really and I try to do it as much as possible, which is very rare.
I would put anything happening in a bed down to just that though...dreams..mind messing with you and wouldn't think much more of that.

For me, what needed to shake my skepticism is multiple occasion request fulfillment which required physical movements...aka, I asked a "ghost" to turn on a stereo as a sign and it did. Once when 15 when I lost a family member, and again years later when I was going through a pretty hard skepticism phase but once again "felt" someone with me....oddly enough, the second time was a clock radio and it was 3:27am...alarm not set but if it was turned on, 9am was when it goes off. blasted on when I asked for a "sign" and the second odd thing about that was what was playing. It was the first time I ever heard the song "Calling all angels" (check the lyrics out if you don't know...basically, its someone asking for a sign. heh) It was also mixed with a local x-ian station discussing life it was very pointed.

I investigated the radio...pushed the off button (didn't go off). slid the alarm to the on and off position, nothing...I had to unplug the radio for it to finally go off.

I call that a ghost experience...2nd one of the type (the first at 15 was direct...I asked what I felt was the person that just died to turn my stereo on and it did that very moment.)

Hard to dismiss those two events, similar results, years later, different stereos, same feeling, same outcome.

What is a ghost? hell if I know...just discussing the experience, not trying to claim expertise on what the nature of it was. I know what it wasn't more than was though...and I like to believe (lowercase B) that it may indeed have been my brother...doesn't make sense as I said, but I am at a loss so why not...regardless of what it turns out to be, it means to me that there seems to be more to life than what I can measure.
edit on 23-7-2018 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Words

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Words
a reply to: amazing

You don't know that though. You'd have be agnostic about the phenomenon, yeah?

I do know that because it is impossible and absurd.

I missed it on this thread but your thoughts on life after death are the same? Impossible and absurd?

My thoughts are that we know what happens to us after death, and we have the cadavers to prove it.

I have "cadavers" of old computers...they are dead.
Yet I still have the information from them on my computer now (pictures, docs, etc).

The important stuff from those computers wasn't the mechanics, it was the information that continued on after the motherboard fried out

Maybe thats how the universe works...machine breaks, information uploads and continues on...I don't know...possible though, especially since I have experienced something that gives evidence to a continuation (see post above)...thats all I have come up with soo far after decades of contemplation and investigation.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 07:48 PM
It's something the individual has to experience personally. It's difficult to take someone else's word for it.

I have had an experience, three to be exact, that leaves no doubt in my mind. Not huge events, but enough.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Truth right there.

Unless a person can experience these things for themselves,
they will always have doubts.

My own experiences tell me there is life after death,
but over the years I realized that no matter how much I tried to tell others,
unless they had experienced something themselves, it was like hitting a brick wall.
Usually it is the cynic who has never had an experience, and the skeptic who might have but only once or twice.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Skorpiogurl
OP - I'm assuming you're a pretty decent person? or at least try to be? I could be wrong, maybe you're rotten to the core, but I'm going to believe that you're a stand up person. Work hard, do the right thing, take care of your family, your home, be honest and ethical? So if there's no after-life, why bother being all of those things? Why not just go out and be a horrible person? take what you want regardless of who gets hurt. I mean if there's nothing to look forward too after this life, why bother doing the right thing or living it for that matter? I think the real question is: If you are a good person, WHY are you a good person? What motivates you to be a good and decent human being?? Maybe there's a reward at the end of the tunnel?

I don't have any physical proof, I don't know anyone personally that's had a near death experience, yeah I believe in God but I'm more spiritual than by the book. But yeah, there's something after this physical life waiting for us. How do I know? who knows... It's just something I've known, really without a doubt known, pretty much since I was born. The real test is getting through this physical life being the best you can, and believing and having faith despite the lack of proof that everyone asks for. Me? it's easy... want proof? Look around at this amazing world in all of its natural beauty.

Right before my mom died, she looked like an infant child. She had literally reverted back to infancy. Months later I was watching that movie "Heaven is Real", and the line where the kid says "Everyone in Heaven is a child"... struck me like lightening! wow... The night my sister died she came to me in a dream. She hugged me and said she'd see me later. I believe that I will.

OR, maybe I'm just full of BS.
I'm no angel nor am I in anyway religious but I am curious! I have always believed that there is a higher order of things and I do not mean a GOD! Our Brain is the body's control room but part of it (the mind & consciousness) may be much more! And after watching the video my previous belief of a higher order of things has been reaffirmed! But what and how it all fits together is beyond me!

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
It's too bad the people opining that life after death is impossible have not actually watched this video.
Correct and a shame!

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
There is no consciousness or perception without a body. When your body dies, your reality bubble within the holographic universe blinks out of existence.

Does it continue without you? It doesn't matter if it does or not, because you're dead.
Watch the vid before posting

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Most of me leans in favor for there being "something" after death, based on the experiences I have had. I practice both lucid dreaming and OBE's/astral projection, and have been doing so since I was a little kid. Of course, many of the experiences can be written off as hallucinations and an imagination. I've summarized the major ones below in support for something beyond.

1. I had a dream come true: Friend went missing years ago, and out of the blue, one morning I dreamt that we were excitedly talking again. Woke up in the morning, found it odd, and checked my email...She came back.

2. On one particular OBE session, I was able to project and see myself sleeping, from the viewpoint of the ceiling. When I looked at my "astral" arm, I seemed to be composed of "glitter" in the shape of my arm. The glitter was violet, blue, silver and grey specks. Heard myself snoring from that vantage point too.

3. I had a close near-death experience years ago. I had a version of the flu that resulted in a dangerous fever. Woke up in the middle of the night hallucinating, feeling weak, and in so much pain. I could not even reach the phone next to my bed, and the slightest movement gave me vertigo. At the peak, a thought came to me: Dying might be less painful.

Once that thought hit, I felt this intense wave of calm. I could still feel everything, but it was like it was dulled. At that moment, I felt I could have chosen to die...but I didn't.

Now, I'm working on various ways I can "test" proof that there's something beyond (For example, if I ever get "gassed" or knocked out for dental work, I may have them place a playing card out of sight to see if I can spot it). I already do similar experiments for astral projection.

posted on Jul, 23 2018 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx

originally posted by: Words

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: Words

So, go die then and come back with a new life and tell me all about it.

I'll go die and you can watch what happens to me.

Yes, you will rot and become a part of the earth. I want to hear your story when you come back. I know plenty of people who have died, I have yet to see them come back to tell the tale.

The dead do not return.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I enjoyed the discussion even though it was like an introductory lecture to the subject of the afterlife. Did you notice how few umms and ahhs were spoken by the panel? Cleese is 78 and can conjecture spontaneously without pausing or fillers - impressive.

I've also read the thread am surprised at the certainties some people have. Yes! The afterlife is real. No! It's all nonsense. It's hard to reach certainty if one pays attention to some of the personalities an research looking at life after death. The best I've achieved is, 'I don't know and I hope not.'

A cardiologist called Van Lommel published a paper about patients who'd flatlined and returned with stories of 'something' after death. They only have snapshot peaks at people and other existences so it's thought-stirring rather than proof. Then we have the hospice encounters which seem to authenticate the experiences of the cardio patients with glimpses of other worlds. I tend to view the reincarnation stories as the weakest element of afterlife beliefs, but they remain fascinating and some are hard to explain away.

Why do I hope not? It looks like a bureaucracy would have to exist 'over there,' with tick sheets and scorecards. I think I'd rather pass away and have done with it all. On the other hand, I'm probably being parochial in the face of the unknown. Rejecting the unknown is a boring approach to new experience much like those who've already decided overseas holidays are 'pointless' and never travel further than the next city. On top of that, if any of it is true, we have different motivations on the other side and perhaps different choices to make.

...or not and we die when the last synapse tries to fire and doesn't quite make it. Who knows?

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: Words

originally posted by: xBWOMPx

originally posted by: Words

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: Words

So, go die then and come back with a new life and tell me all about it.

I'll go die and you can watch what happens to me.

Yes, you will rot and become a part of the earth. I want to hear your story when you come back. I know plenty of people who have died, I have yet to see them come back to tell the tale.

The dead do not return.

Thats what i was getting at...

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 03:02 AM
The most important aspect of the panel discussions is the fact that all of these professionals have given science the statistical hooks that show that something is going on that is real, irregardless of it being understood or who believes it.

This is what science requires to approach any phenomena.

I find it absolutely intriguing how this subject was approached, and intelligently discussed.

Cleese did an excellent job of moderating the discussion, and with his wit and candor, he nurtured an environment in which all of the panelists were able to relax and thrive in.

It is also evident that many people who posted in here, did not watch the discussion. It was really a requirement of the thread.
edit on 24-7-2018 by charlyv because: content

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
The most important aspect of the panel discussions is the fact that all of these professionals have given science the statistical hooks that show that something is going on that is real, irregardless of it being understood or who believes it.

This is what science requires to approach any phenomena.

I find it absolutely intriguing how this subject was approached, and intelligently discussed.

Cleese did an excellent job of moderating the discussion, and with his wit and candor, he nurtured an environment in which all of the panelists were able to relax and thrive in.

It is also evident that many people who posted in here, did not watch the discussion. It was really a requirement of the thread.
Absolutely correct!

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Ghost stories are always interesting. While I remain skeptical, they can be among the harder stories to debunk. I do enjoy a good ghost story. It's like a puzzle trying to figure out what it is. Sometimes you can zero in on a rational explanation and other times you are left wondering.

Also, how can you enjoy lucid dreaming? It's like a bad acid trip...

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: vinifalou

That's your opinion, if everybody knew do you think this question would be asked? Who are you to tell anybody they are wrong?

I am one of these persons who left his body and saw things happening while I was laying down on my bed.

I get the skepticism, it's really unbelievable until you experience this or meet someone you trust that has experienced either.

Just keep an open mind, mate.

This physical reality is not what it seems.

And this is not my opinion. This is my personal experience.
edit on 24/7/2018 by vinifalou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 07:50 AM
edit on 24/7/2018 by vinifalou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: Words
a reply to: Skorpiogurl

There is an afterlife, but only in the sense that you’ll live on in the memories of the people you’ve affected. That is more than enough reason to live morally and justly without the need to evoke magic and superstition.

So what's wrong with magic and superstition?

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: vinifalou

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: vinifalou

That's your opinion, if everybody knew do you think this question would be asked? Who are you to tell anybody they are wrong?

I am one of these persons who left his body and saw things happening while I was laying down on my bed.

I get the skepticism, it's really unbelievable until you experience this or meet someone you trust that has experienced either.

Just keep an open mind, mate.

This physical reality is not what it seems.

And this is not my opinion. This is my personal experience.

I been there, but like I said, this is something you just cant prove to nobody but yourself.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: Audiokat

originally posted by: Skorpiogurl
OP - I'm assuming you're a pretty decent person? or at least try to be? I could be wrong, maybe you're rotten to the core, but I'm going to believe that you're a stand up person. Work hard, do the right thing, take care of your family, your home, be honest and ethical? So if there's no after-life, why bother being all of those things? Why not just go out and be a horrible person? take what you want regardless of who gets hurt. I mean if there's nothing to look forward too after this life, why bother doing the right thing or living it for that matter? I think the real question is: If you are a good person, WHY are you a good person? What motivates you to be a good and decent human being?? Maybe there's a reward at the end of the tunnel?

I hope nobody lives by this paradigm because it assumes they are only trying to be a decent human being out of 'reward'. Empathy, sympathy and being in touch with others is enough for me to want to be a decent human being, I don't need God or a 'reward' for me to go about my life without deliberately going out of my way to hurt others. One would hope others are inclined to do the same too.

Of course this has offers no insight into whether consciousness survives death but regardless of whether it does or not, it's actually irrelevant for this life anyway as it does not affect anything within it because if it does exist, we are out of touch with it for the time being.

Moral decency should exist with or without a belief system.

And I hope that everyone lives by this paradigm, as part of the rest of the complex feelings, emotions and instincts we have. There is nothing wrong with a reward system and if the promise of a reward (afterlife) keeps someone from murdering, raping, abusing, stealing and/or being a horrible person in general? Than that's a GOOD thing.

There are so many levels, moving parts and mysteries about our physical lives, consciousness and sub-consciousness. I was simply picking one. Way to think outside the box buddy!

Moral decency, based upon whose standards? Are we born knowing right from wrong or do we learn it? In my world eating steak if perfectly fine, to other cultures it would be morally indecent. Where do you want to go with this?

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