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Why is the flag of St George deemed racist when the other home nations fly theirs with pride?

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posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I told you - there are more foreign-born people living in England than in Scotland or Wales ... by far.
Add in second and third generation immigrants from non-western countries and you soon understand why pride in the St Georges has waned.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: weemadmental
St George is flown all over England, was in Asda in Berwick and they had 4 full flags flying at the door. Had them flying in Newcastle when i was there at the Weekend. St George, and the Butchers flag are a sign of oppression and colonism, which quite frankly can be binned, especially with all this brexit #e that you lot have imposed on the rest of us

Are you from Scotland?
The 'butchers apron' reference to the Union Flag is a Scottish thing as far as I've experienced.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: weemadmental

Lots of foreigners love the Union Jack................... Obviously some Scots don't. I do understand things went a bit wrong in some of the conquests worldwide, but remember we bought civilisation to you and the language you are using on this site

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: weemadmental

A perfect example of the bitter Scotsman.....

You wrap yourself up in your Saltire, quote Burns and drink Bucky whilst denigrating 'us' for doing the equivalent yet you serve the same corporate and old money masters that we do, and always have.

Two peas in a pod mate!

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: neo96

I get what you're saying however wars usually engulf a culture, tribe, - the culture then is slowly subsumed - language forced to change; with changed language it allows the victor to quash revolt.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:28 PM
Its really not about the crusaders, think of what "bigfatfurrytexan" said regarding how people in US dont even know which states were Mexican, I dont think most people under 30 are even aware of the crusades (dam I hate ALL religion)

its more likely modern images since the 1980s of this, WARNING extreme language and racism, I apologise in advance but hope to make a valid point regarding this type of behaviour and its lasting effect on other nations we visit for tournaments or away matchess in Europe

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

As with most military conflicts throughout history there was no good guy v bad guy in The Crusades....most were bad guys trying to impose their own particular belief system on others, and both sides were pretty barbaric at times.

Oh yeah the Crusaders weren't that bad in the scheme of things as judged by the time, it was normal behaviour. In addition to which I do believe the Christian world was doing the right thing, the holiest city in Christendom being stolen by a new cult emerging from beyond. Christianity was right to defend its holy city and are right to do it today even if that means to get the Jews to do it for them these days

Hey we're gonna need CCG to open up another new topic soon if we don't get back on track

Maybe the flag thing goes back to English football hooligans in the late twentieth century? The English 'fans' certainly got a reputation for violence against foreigners during that period

Its still strong, there were a lot of muppets in Moscow for the football, hope a lot of them met the russian police

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Mate, I agree.
Just reckon that is how left wing middle income types see English privilege, and despise our flag or any hint of nationalism, even though England covers the bill for the other home nations in the Barnett formula of funding.
It's a #ing disgrace to be honest.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Ultimate sacrifice in war is a sacrifice for the Bankers and Arms dealers who create wars.

Normally I'd agree wholeheartedly with you on that, but....

Hitler wanted England as an ally

Yes we know, but if there was one justified war it was WWII....we had to oppose Hitler and the Nazi's.
Of course nothing is as black and white as our history books teach us....but it was so, so necessary and we should never forget why.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I told you - there are more foreign-born people living in England than in Scotland or Wales ... by far.
Add in second and third generation immigrants from non-western countries and you soon understand why pride in the St Georges has waned.

That's very
At the same time a generation or two and that pride in a nations flag comes on stream from the descendants of those immigrants. The most passionate Scot I know around here (wears the footie shirt etc) and always talking about pride in the flag of Andrew etc, his name is Collins. I asked him if he was Catholic, he said yes........... He said his family are all from Irish descent but he's a Scot. Believe me very passionate too. Eighty years ago he'd have been discriminated in Glasgow just the same as the Catholics in Belfast.................I don't think he even knows much about the history of Irish immigration into Scotland but he wouldn't care anyway. He's pure Scot. Times change and the passion of the descendants for the flag grows

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

I despise war and conflict but during WW1 and WW2 do you think you had any choice, you were conscripted, dont fight lock you up for treason, the majority of people caught up in the conflict were just you or me.

And as for Hitler wanted us as an Ally, F@CK HIM, my grandparents wanted to fight him, I trust them. Hitlers vision of the world would not have allowed for me and you to be even having this conversation on the internet, most Germans agree he was a bad apple

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What pish, just you remeber what your typing on and using was inveted by a Scot, infact most of your moden world was created or improved upon by Scots, so just jump back under that wee rock o' yours [] link[/url]
edit on 18/7/2018 by weemadmental because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan


The Australian Aboriginal Flag was designed by artist Harold Thomas and first flown at Victoria Square in Adelaide, South Australia, on National Aborigines Day in July 1971. It became the official flag for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra after it was first flown there in 1972.

Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Australian Aboriginal languages had been purely spoken languages, and had no writing system. On their arrival, Latin script became a standard for transcription of Australian Aboriginal

Aborigines had rock art pictographs. But no Flag!

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: randyvs

Well my threads on social media can't do much but as Churchill said, I'd fight them on the beaches of this island.
I'm not proud or ashamed of my nation, but I am proud of our nationhood.

Even a thread on social media sends a
message that has an effect. I think of it
like a gage or a thermometer. When the
reading is right they serve turkey. So to

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

No true Scotsman fallacy?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

It is not racist but it is a religous symbol which is also tied to a national identity and in today's world that is a NO NO to some backward lout's out there, sadly it also DID get abused by NF and other utter disgraces to humanity.

I love the flag, what it originally meant but not what it has come to mean to some today and will happily wear it on my T shirt.

Anyway saying it is racist is a bigot simple as that, it is THEY whom are racist toward it and want to stamp out national identity's - persecute national identity's.

By the way as a kid I had this flashback in which I would see as if I was floating away about a foot to two feet off the ground from a man whom I recognized as myself collapsed in a kneeling position with both hand's still on the pommel over a sword stuck into the ground like a cross and open deep set piercing blue eye's, sandy ground and rock's around him but nothing like I look now, he was a big strapping blond lad with unkempt hair and a full beard wearing rusty grey chain mail and a white poncho like thing tied with a rope around his waist, the front tied the back hanging loose and that dirty white bed sheet thing had a ruddy great big red cross on it, not the Templar cross with it's twelve point's but the Knight's of St George cross plain red cross on a white sheet so if that old reincarnation thing is real then I am a crusader or was a crusader or whatever who died after a battle but not during the battle - long enough to have found somewhere quiet to die while on a crusade and looked about no more than maybe 24 at most though let's be fair they had proper paper round's those day's so maybe even younger but like I say BIG, weight lifter like Big but I suppose you had to be to use a heavy chunk of iron like those swords were.

So not it's NOT racist, some see it as such and claim they are offended by it so what the hell are they doing in Blighty then, I can understand the Scot's attitude though especially after the crime's of the clearances (mostly perpetrated by rich Scot's against there own poor tenant farmers - often they simply claimed they owned the land and the Scottish court's of the time were so corrupt the real owners who had lived there since the year of zero were then excised from there ancestral land, most of those scot's though did NOT end up in the colony's but they instead ended up mixing into the ENGLISH population and likewise the Welsh whom faced racism from the English with some laws such as the right to kill a Welshman who is stealing your cow still being on the statute's if not actually usable (Besides some would PAY the idiot to take there ex anyway).

And the Irish whom switched from being loyalist to rebel on a whim usually based on which religion the so called monarch was claiming at the time but with some terrible crime's from the Elizabethan period up to the early 20th century which they will never forgive - despite the fact there are more people of Irish descent living in England than there are in the entire island of Ireland.

Suppression of Languages - hey the Norman's did to the ENGLISH first, for over 400 years speaking old English - i.e. Norse English was prohibited by law and so you could only get on if you could speak Norman French and later Norman'ized English, those lout's are still the ancestors of our Upper class elite for the most part, a bunch of rapist's, murderers and thieves that are in no way genetically, hereditary or physically superior to someone from the working class, the English suffered dreadfully at there hand's and actually far worse than did the Scot's, Welsh or Irish (and let's not forget the Cornish though with your closer ties to france it was probably not quite as bad as it was for those in the Shires were William had all the crop's, villages and cattle wiped out to try to kill them off through starvation - because while he had broken the Saxon English the Dane English were still strong spirited).

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: weemadmental
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

What pish, just you remeber what your typing on and using was inveted by a Scot, infact most of your moden world was created or improved upon by Scots, so just jump back under that wee rock o' yours [] link[/url]

Just remind us which language you are using.

Not Gaelic is it ?

edit on 18-7-2018 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Saw thousands of flags up north during football.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: weemadmental

A perfect example of the bitter Scotsman.....

You wrap yourself up in your Saltire, quote Burns and drink Bucky whilst denigrating 'us' for doing the equivalent yet you serve the same corporate and old money masters that we do, and always have.

Two peas in a pod mate!

I'm not bitter, just pointing out the obvious. Your lot have #ed our combined countries, the sooner that we pull UDI the better, give it another year or so. English Nationalism and Scottish Nationalism are chalk and cheese bud, you dont see us fighting in the streets like retrobates, #ed out of our skulls on spice, or #ing up the benefits of the poor do you ?. Im not #ting on god green and pleasant land, you lot have done that all by yourself. Also it's Whisky i drink son, not buckie with the wee ones.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: randyvs

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: randyvs

Well my threads on social media can't do much but as Churchill said, I'd fight them on the beaches of this island.
I'm not proud or ashamed of my nation, but I am proud of our nationhood.

Even a thread on social media sends a
message that has an effect. I think of it
like a gage or a thermometer. When the
reading is right they serve turkey. So to
We share similar sentiments

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