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what is 'white privilege'? Nobdy seems to want to explain

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posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: projectvxn
I'm responding to blatant racism. White privilege as a concept is not a dietary choice, but a form of collectivism that dehumanizes an entire group of people.

And overall I agree with the labelling. As I have said a few times now, It would be more productive to call it what it is...a inheritance privilege, and that is a historical reality that effects today.

I'm white, care to tell me the privilege I was born with considering I am just above poverty levels? The only privilege I have is the smarts to obey the law and make priorities in my life such as a roof over my head, paying utility bills and having food to eat.

I CHOOSE not to live the THUG LIFE, which seems to be the behavior those of you who support "labelling" seems to be protecting from scrutiny!

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Also, white privilege means if you're born into a white family it means you already have the upper hand in society.

Except that clearly isn't how it works.

This is no different than Jewish hate conspiracies that accuse Jews of controlling the world for nefarious purposes.

That is how America literally worked for nearly 300 years.

Is that how it literally works now? Because I don't see it.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Admitted
White privilege exists. White (trash) privilege is where it gets confusing.

I believe it refers to whites always having been the majority and all of the "old" money is with them. Everything has been geared in their favor since the founding of the country.

In today's world more and more of us whites are "trash" (poor) and this doesn't apply, so there is much confusion. It's also why Trump is president.

Just flapping your gums coz you like the sound your lips smacking makes, huh.

White Majority. Old Money. Their Favour.


posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
WE have the availability of white toilet paper in the bathrooms. That explains our white privi-ledge

Can a non white person sell stolen white goods on the black market?

Jeez, I think I just burst a vessel.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Taggart

So basically when someone says something extremely racist about white people that defending themselves makes them even more racist right?

This bull# is collectivist nonsense and a particularly ugly version of it.

I kinda wanna ask your opinion on vegetarianism.

I imagine it will go something like this

me: What is the benefits of being a vegetarian?
you: Hitler was a like murdering jewish people? you are a nazi? vegetarians are nazis!!!

aka: a subject is brought up, you only point out the most wild radical jackassery within the subject and shut it down completely instead of a contemplative consideration of the nuances within the subject.
WP? oh..some guy said white ppl suck...therefore it has no merit, no discussion points, and should be fully dismissed without any further investigation.

WTF does eating food have to do with the color of ones skin?


posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: kurthall

originally posted by: CaptainHook
Every time I see someone say white privilege. They won't explain or say 'pay up' or give a simple context saying 'look around you'. Then get frustrated with people who are not understanding. So, I was wondering if you could explain what 'white privilege' is.

Do you think it exist? What is your explanation of the meaning white privilege?

Uh, I live in So Cali, it is truly a melting pot...there is no White privilege. I am 95% of the time, the minority in any given daily situation, as a white guy.

Being from the Chicago area, I was the minority maybe 50% of the time.

I do not feel being White has really helped or hurt me too much.

I do know that in areas of the U.S. being white has plenty of advantages. Places like the South, parts of the Midwest too. No question. Just not as much out here.

Typical white boy, living with the real people while enjoying the benefits of being white, like, breathing air, seeing things, and that racist ability to touch, and not even realising it.

#DownWithWhitey !!

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: projectvxn
I'm responding to blatant racism. White privilege as a concept is not a dietary choice, but a form of collectivism that dehumanizes an entire group of people.

And overall I agree with the labelling. As I have said a few times now, It would be more productive to call it what it is...a inheritance privilege, and that is a historical reality that effects today.

I'm white, care to tell me the privilege I was born with considering I am just above poverty levels? The only privilege I have is the smarts to obey the law and make priorities in my life such as a roof over my head, paying utility bills and having food to eat.

I CHOOSE not to live the THUG LIFE, which seems to be the behavior those of you who support "labelling" seems to be protecting from scrutiny!

No thanks, I'll just repeat what I wrote initially which pertains specifically to you

I imagine lots of people don't want to even consider it so will just find small examples (Joe the black dude down the street makes more than I do, therefore all untrue) that will be able to comfortably dismiss it...but facts care little about feelings in the end.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

You really think the jew meme has any steam behind it?

Because it doesn't, it's a far fetched idea that was taken by internet trolls to just have a laugh at how ridiculous it is. Although since there's almost 7 billion people on this planet, I am sure millions of people do believe it.

But what do you not understand about white privilege?
I gave you the most basic bare bone example of it, if you're white, you have a better chance of success over people who are not white. If I was born black in 1960s America, and I went for a job interview I can guarantee if a white person went for the same job they would have gotten it. That is white privilege. Stop denying it, you blatantly ignoring the fact of what it is, or was, for what? To prove you have some sort of twisted Plato rhetoric for arguments sake?

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: projectvxn
I'm responding to blatant racism. White privilege as a concept is not a dietary choice, but a form of collectivism that dehumanizes an entire group of people.

And overall I agree with the labelling. As I have said a few times now, It would be more productive to call it what it is...a inheritance privilege, and that is a historical reality that effects today.

I'm white, care to tell me the privilege I was born with considering I am just above poverty levels? The only privilege I have is the smarts to obey the law and make priorities in my life such as a roof over my head, paying utility bills and having food to eat.

I CHOOSE not to live the THUG LIFE, which seems to be the behavior those of you who support "labelling" seems to be protecting from scrutiny!

No thanks, I'll just repeat what I wrote initially which pertains specifically to you

I imagine lots of people don't want to even consider it so will just find small examples (Joe the black dude down the street makes more than I do, therefore all untrue) that will be able to comfortably dismiss it...but facts care little about feelings in the end.

Why should I consider an idea based upon creating division and creating hatred and bigotry toward a people born white?

Thought you Progs were all about diversity and love! lmao Keep on talking though! Love watching you guys expose yourselves as the bigots/racists you are!

edit on 14-7-2018 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: strongfp

You really think the jew meme has any steam behind it?

Considering how much that trope is used, yes.

But what do you not understand about white privilege? I gave you the most basic bare bone example of it, if you're white, you have a better chance of success over people who are not white.

Victim mentality ascribed to others simply by virtue of their birth and then blaming the evil white person for daring to be born white.

It's amazing to me that you can't see why this is such a racist concept and why we should strike it as a legitimate avenue of discourse. It isn't.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Where I live diversity runs deep, white privilege is pretty much dead. There's just blatant racism now.

In my first post in this thread I even mentioned that it's a dying concept. But it still exists! It was a huge thing, for a long time. Just look at South Africa, small minority of white people had all the power, land, wealth, white people literally had no worry in the world, it lost it's grip to the majority.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

What about bobby and berta who never had any chances, but stuck to their guns and made something. They suffer the same fate?

Or the white child who lives in poverty? She getting any of this?

What a load of codswallop. A persons circumstance today, in a civilised country, is not a reflection of that country, more their personal situation.

Now give me money.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Taggart
I get the feeling a lot of the "White privilege does not exist" is coming from White people, I mean who knows more about being a minority than us whites, right?

Tell us about black privilege.

Get back to us.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: strongfp

There's just blatant racism now.

No doubt.

I'm really tired of hearing Russia!

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: SummerRain

originally posted by: Admitted
White privilege exists. White (trash) privilege is where it gets confusing.

I believe it refers to whites always having been the majority and all of the "old" money is with them. Everything has been geared in their favor since the founding of the country.

In today's world more and more of us whites are "trash" (poor) and this doesn't apply, so there is much confusion. It's also why Trump is president.

Just flapping your gums coz you like the sound your lips smacking makes, huh.

White Majority. Old Money. Their Favour.


What? All I got from that is you're British...

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: projectvxn
I'm responding to blatant racism. White privilege as a concept is not a dietary choice, but a form of collectivism that dehumanizes an entire group of people.

And overall I agree with the labelling. As I have said a few times now, It would be more productive to call it what it is...a inheritance privilege, and that is a historical reality that effects today.

I'm white, care to tell me the privilege I was born with considering I am just above poverty levels? The only privilege I have is the smarts to obey the law and make priorities in my life such as a roof over my head, paying utility bills and having food to eat.

I CHOOSE not to live the THUG LIFE, which seems to be the behavior those of you who support "labelling" seems to be protecting from scrutiny!

No thanks, I'll just repeat what I wrote initially which pertains specifically to you

I imagine lots of people don't want to even consider it so will just find small examples (Joe the black dude down the street makes more than I do, therefore all untrue) that will be able to comfortably dismiss it...but facts care little about feelings in the end.

Why should I consider an idea based upon creating division and creating hatred and bigotry toward a people born white?

Thought you Progs were all about diversity and love! lmao Keep on talking though! Love watching you guys expose yourselves as the bigots/racists you are!

Expose me if you want as a individual, I find progressive almost as intolerable as neocons...the two are really striving for the worlds biggest idiot groups...neck to neck.

Now then, lets discuss your hate, shall we?
I say: Lets look at fairly recent history...hmm...seems this group isn't doing well due to previous generations not able to legally save up.
You say: Why do you hate white people!!!

good chat mate....seems you are the one who is having the problem with hating white people, soo much so that you need to somehow overcompensate and argue with anyone simply pointing out historical realities that make you consider the notion of white people being on the giving end of should consider where that insecurity lies.

Facts aren't hateful, nor loving...its just a understanding. What you personally choose to do with that is up to you. Some ppl will consider how to build a ladder to get some equal footings, some will hate whitey, some will shrug and move on without much consideration and deal with whats in front of them. I am more towards the last bit there...I see the issue, I see the historical context that does make it far more of a struggle for black folks than me...but I am looking out for myself atm. If down the line I have to pay a hundred bucks extra in taxes for some actual meritous help, then I will survive...I won't bitch if it actually helps verses just puts a band-aid over a scar, but I am not going to spend too much time considering anyone else outside of the immediate family.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I'm not arguing that it's not a racist concept, I am arguing that you are denying it even existed or exists. It's only become a racist concept recently because people started to realize that yea, throughout history black people didn't have it nearly as good as white people, purely because they were black.
And we have groups like BLM using it as fuel.

As SaturnFX pointed out, black people didn't even hold the chance to succeed and hold wealth throughout most of American history, and even if they did, they were still discriminated against, didn't have civil rights, etc, etc. and it was an up hill battle. But if you were a white person, well by all means live the fullest of American dream!

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: SummerRain
a reply to: SaturnFX

What about bobby and berta who never had any chances, but stuck to their guns and made something. They suffer the same fate?

Or the white child who lives in poverty? She getting any of this?

What a load of codswallop. A persons circumstance today, in a civilised country, is not a reflection of that country, more their personal situation.

Now give me money.

I'll just repeat what I said already to address you specifically

I imagine lots of people don't want to even consider it so will just find small examples (Joe the black dude down the street makes more than I do, therefore all untrue) that will be able to comfortably dismiss it...but facts care little about feelings in the end.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: seeker1963

Where I live diversity runs deep, white privilege is pretty much dead. There's just blatant racism now.

In my first post in this thread I even mentioned that it's a dying concept. But it still exists! It was a huge thing, for a long time. Just look at South Africa, small minority of white people had all the power, land, wealth, white people literally had no worry in the world, it lost it's grip to the majority.

Ahhhhhh South Africa! Now your true racism SHINES! Guess you hate whitey so much that you support all those white farmers being brutalized, raped and murdered?

Keep on talking!

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I am arguing that you are denying it even existed or exists.

It doesn't.

It's only become a racist concept recently because people started to realize that yea, throughout history black people didn't have it nearly as good as white people, purely because they were black.

White privilege concept, like all other racial tropes, are BS.

As SaturnFX pointed out, black people didn't even hold the chance to succeed and hold wealth throughout most of American history, and even if they did, they were still discriminated against, didn't have civil rights, etc, etc. and it was an up hill battle.

All of this is true. But how long do we hold onto the victim mentality? Who is responsible today for the historic enslavement of black people? How much longer do we drag on the sins of our fathers? How many generations of kids do we continue to teach the myth of race?
edit on 14 7 18 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

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