posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 03:17 PM
Its my understanding that white privilege is basically majority privilege.
if you turn on the TV, you don't have to flip to a bunch of different channels to see someone resembling you or your family (skintone) whereas perhaps
an asian in the US may have a long search to find someone they identify as
If you stop at any restaurant, you don't feel like the minority with most everyone else a different skintone
Both of those are just a demographics China, there is chinese privilege, etc...however, if you dig a bit, a white person in China will
have a job in a nanosecond as a "white monkey", aka, the guy (or girl) on the cover of the store or schools newsletter/advert/marketing/whatever
because it adds value. Same with most eastern nations.
This is most likely due to a ingrained sociological reality of nations...light skin = well off with a good job indoors, dark skin = poor farmer out in
the ppl always migrated towards seeing light skin as basically a higher class structure.
Anyhow, There is also something to be said about how the typical white family in the west (lets focus on America) never had family members that were
segregated or, going further back, slaves...this overall still has some affect towards todays generation due to not a lot of accumulated wealth by
comparison to white folks who have had a uninterrupted line of ancestors building up wealth, land, etc and then bestowing it on their children who
become wealthier and push that forward, etc.
So...there is a small degree of truth to the notion of privilege in those far as evening the playing field, that is I guess what the
debate is. Its easier for Brad middle upper class to have mom and dad pay for university so he can get a great job than it is for Anthony in the hood
who needs to work at a burger flipping job to help mom pay the rent at the 2 bedroom isn't even on the potential horizon for
him because the day to day grind just to keep the house is his life.
Of course this is a general state...individually plenty of poor white families, and well off black families, but percentage-wise there is still a
significant disparity.
Thats ultimately what it is...I imagine lots of people don't want to even consider it so will just find small examples (Joe the black dude down the
street makes more than I do, therefore all untrue) that will be able to comfortably dismiss it...but facts care little about feelings in the end.
What to do about it?...hell if I know. Just because I can see (some of) the problem, doesn't mean I know how to fix it, nor does it suit me to change
anything..I am focused on myself and my immediate family