posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 07:47 PM
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There are a few missed fish I relive often. Having a 50 lb king salmon at the bank only to have the line break or the fish shake the hook is one of
those "was I applying too much pressure, could I have netted it quicker, should I have played it longer?" type things. Same is true for every hunting
shot I've missed.
For example, when I was 12 I was deer hunting with my Dad using a muzzleloader. I was a new muzzleloader shooter, had used rifles the previous 4
hunting seasons. We split up as we usually did, and a mile or two up the canyon from where we parked the truck I saw 6 bucks, with the front buck
being an atypical 13 point (6x6 with a long oddball drop tine), a 12 point, 2 8s, and a pair of fork horns all heading up a saddle in a line. I belly
crawled a couple hundred yards, then took the shot, about 70 yards and uphill maybe 40 degrees. I put the peep right on the top of the lead buck's
back over his facing shoulder, full broadside... and the ball hit the dirt behind him. I forgot to aim lower for an uphil shot and missed the largest
buck I've ever shot at.
Honestly, I don't have many regrets in this world. The ones I do have are minor inconveniences and learning moments, especially after reading some of
the nightmares folks seem to live with.