posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 06:00 AM
Mine is just kind of a dumb one, but here goes...
I was a senior in HS and was informed by a friend that the absolute hottest girl in our school wanted to date me. This was a real stunner for me, why
she wanted to go out with me I'll never know. We eventually got together and started dating, and oh boy was she HOT! I'm talking like heat just
radiated off of this gal. She was full-on Mormon though, so I played it cool. Spent many a night making out with her, but never really going much
further than this. (boy-o-boy I wanted to though!!!)
She kind of drifted away and we eventually stopped dating. I was just love struck by this girl and thought about her all the time. I was kind of
torn though because I had no intention of converting to be Mormon (though she never tried to make me). Still, I thought of her for many years.
Fast forward to our 10 year Class Reunion and she's just as hot as she ever was. Shortly afterwards I find out the reason she drifted away was
because I
DIDN'T go all the way with her! Really? Like, REALLY????? DAMMIT!!! Just DAMMIT!!
Here I was trying to be Mr. Nice-guy, goody two shoes and that was the exact opposite of what she wanted! By the time I found out she was already
married, had two kids and another on the way.
I still kick myself almost 40 years later over that one. What a bonehead move.
Women, the most beguiling creatures on this planet!
ETA...And, if that wasn't bad enough, when I found this out I also found out that the reason she had broken up with her previous b/f was because he
made the exact same mistake!! Gawd, if I'd only known!
edit on 7/1/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)