posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 12:54 PM
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Well, let's look at a few of their genius decisions lately.
F-35- they don't plan on buying more than 4 a year until they're ready for IOC, which means they MIGHT have enough to actually declare IOC, but won't
have enough to be even remotely useful until the mid-2020s at the earliest.
UCLASS/Stingray- they took a bleeding edge, penetrating strike UAV, and after basically restarting it four times turned it into a tanker, that MIGHT
have basic sensor capability to monitor surface activity on the way to and from the ship, and no strike capability, or any way to have it added later,
and might not even be able to meet their tanker requirements, meaning another delay and design change.
LCS- this program has been the biggest joke ever seen in ship development in history, and is getting worse. And they're still building them.
F-18/EA-18 ECS problems- the F-18 family has been doing its best to kill crews with major environmental system problems (they went from 5 problems
reported a year, to, in some cases 30-40 a year). The Navy has been studying the problem for years and is no closer to finding the answer than they
were from before it got so much worse.
Railgun- They've been working on this for 20+ years, and have it to the point where it could be deployed on a hull within a few years, and last year
they announced that it may never be deployed, let alone see combat.
And on and on and on.