It is a well-established fact that R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir (aka ‘Jesus’) ‘was sent’ (i.e. preached) ONLY to ‘the Elect of
the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisro’el’ during his lifetime—and never seemed to have set foot off Yisroelite soil—but isn’t it ironic that
a man who was born & raised in the Galilee (Heb. ‘haGilgal haGoyim’ i.e. ‘the circle of gentiles’) should be portrayed (at least if you
believe what is presented in the 4 canonical Greek, ‘council-approved’ Gospels) as someone who deliberately avoided (and possibly even despised)
the goyim (‘gentiles’, i.e. non-Jews) and instructed his disciples to do the same ?
And yet that is precisely the unmistakeable conclusion any thinking person (especially anyone who has ever bothered to read the Greek texts of the
canonical gospels very closely) must inevitably draw—see e.g. the words placed into the ‘good’ Rebbe’s Greek-speaking mouth in texts like the
hypothetical one sometimes called ‘Quelle’ (or ‘Q’ for short) representing those 150 or so parallel non-Markan sayings which are contained in
the Greek Gospels of ‘According to Matthew’, whoever he was, (see Matt. chapter 10:5ff) & the Gospel ‘According to Luke’ whoever he was, see
e.g. Luke chapter 10:1ff ).
‘And [ho Iesous] gave instructions to the Twelve saying, Enter not through any gates of the Kittim (‘islanders’ i.e. ‘gentiles’) nor go into
any towns of the Samaritim but confine yourselves ONLY (Gk. ‘mono’, lit. ‘soley’) to the Elect of the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisro’el,
seeking out by inquiry if there be any sons of peace (‘dressed in white’ i.e. ‘worthy’) there that you might tabernacle among them, careful in
each town you visit to remain throughout within the selfsame house, for you are not to gander-about wandering from host to host…
‘And as soon as a ‘son of peace’ (Essenoid?) is selected, place your blessing upon that house, proclaiming to its owners that the Kingdom of
Heaven is fast-approaching…making sure always (to any outsiders) that you appear as innocent as doves, but in your heart be as deceitful as
devious-snakes can be…
‘Behold, I am sending you on ahead to create a sensational report regarding the coming-arrival of the Bar Enasha (‘Son of Man’) to every village
within Eretz-Yisro’el (in advance) well before I myself show-up in each place; you will have to cover the whole terrain quickly lest the Bar Enasha
should arrive at some place previously unannounced.’
It gets worse—see ‘Matthew’ chapter 15 in that uncomfortable story about the Syro-Phonecian gentile who had come to him for help with her
daughter who was bleeding to death:
Matt. 15:21 (cf. Mk 7: 24-30)
‘Then ‘Jesus’ having made good his escape from them, hid himself [with his disciples] in the hills of Tyre and Sidon, where a local
Syro-Phoenecian (gentile) women approached them begging and pleading her case to him, ‘O, My lord-the-king, Thou son of David, have mercy on me !
For a bleeder-daemon has possessed my daughter ! Oh, she suffers something fierce…’
But ‘Jesus’ would not accept her petition and held his tongue from her. Still the woman persisted in pursuing her case, so much so that finally
[the Twelve] intervened urging him to send the woman away, saying, ‘Rabbi, throw this [foreigner] out of our presence, otherwise we will never see
the back of her.’
Finally ‘Jesus’ spoke to the woman saying, ‘Woman, the Bar Enasha (‘the Son of Man’) was sent ONLY (Gk. ‘mono’) to the Elect of the Lost
Sheep of the House of Yisro’el, and anyway, since when is it right to take the holy-bread belonging to the sons of the Kingdom and throw it away on
dogs [panting for a snatch] under the table?’
But the woman went forward [with the argument], saying, ‘But you are obliged to help her, for aren’t even ‘dogs’ [like us] allowed a few
scraps from the master’s table?’
Then ‘Jesus’ turned to the woman, answering her saying, ‘Woman, great is your understanding of the nuances [of your case]. Oh, very well, the,
let it be done for your daughter just as you have petitioned us on her behalf.’ And her daughter’s bleeding stopped from that very moment.’
Interestingly, perhaps, is that the underlying Hebrew word for ‘dogs’ (Kelebot) is a racist pejorative term of abuse to refer to ‘unclean
gentiles’ (the dog being a ritually-unclean animal and a technical term previously applied to gentile male temple-prostitutes in Deuteronomy 23:18 ;
possibly Paul might be warning his flock against the practice of (gentile) temple-sodomy in Philemon 3:2)
see also Proverbs 26: 11 (‘just as the dog devours its own vomit’) along with the fact that ‘dogs’ eat the blood off of ritually
unclean-carcasses in the street. cf. Zohar II: 64:b where R. Abba declares ‘the goyim give birth not to human-children but only to sucklings, for
they are all like unclean dogs…’ and Zohar 1:46b ‘as R. Eleazar stated, ‘the goyim are everyone of them unclean, and what is worse, they
pollute (ritually) any person coming into direct contact with one.’
Calling someone a ‘dog’ in 1st century Palestine is a little like calling someone to-day out here in the 21st century West a ‘cockroach’, i.e.
the lowest form of life imaginable.
Why such racist-zionist verses placed into the mouth of a Greek-speaking ‘Iesous’ were not carefully excised from the canon of the Greek Gospels
can only be due the fact that these early pre-Pauline oral narratives had already formed an integral part of the core of the most-primitive Kerugma of
the Jewish-Messianic Nazorean (Jacobite-Ebionim, pre-Pauline) Christian community still in existence in the Levant in the years leading up to the 1st
Failed Jewish War against Rome (66-72 CE) wiped most of them out, whereas Paul’s more-gentile-friendly churches scattered around Asia Minor survived
the Jewish War more or less in tact.
But one must always remember that ‘Saul of Tarsus’ (in present-day Turkey) was not a Jew born in Palestine but in Roman Cilicia, and that (lest we
forget !) he never actually met ‘Jesus’ in the flesh—only in dreams and visions, like my cook—and that he fought tooth-and-nail with all of
those who actually knew ‘Jesus’ personally, whom he called ‘those so-called Pillars of the Church’ e.g Galatians 2:9 etc.
Even so, Paul was not immune to such stubbornly-held racist-zionist underpinnings of the earliest Christian communities (‘to the Jew first, of
course, and only then to the Gentile…’)
Small wonder then that following the 1st Failed Jewish War against Rome (66-72 CE) the various competing Christian churches scattered throughout the
syncgogue-system Asia Minor began slowly splitting-off from their Zionist-racist moorings and began dis-allowing Kashrut diets and finally doing away
with the ‘disgusting and mutilating’ practice of male circumcision as they started the process of making the Christian message more and more
palatable to the goyim to whom they were now forced to ‘sell their message’ - though I doubt that R. Yehoshua bar Yosef (‘Jesus’) or his own
blood brother Yakkov haTzaddiq (’James the Just’ ) as head of the Ebionim (‘the poor-ones’) would have approved of any such explicit pandering
to the general masses of gentiles merely for the sake of making new (tithing) converts to ‘the Faith…’
Now keep a pair of civil hand on your keyboards...I suspect tempers might flare on this thread !
edit on 6.23.2018 by Kandinsky because: Dialled down the all caps shouty title.